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Really, WTH?

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  • Really, WTH?

    I just went to the public bathroom here & only one stall was usable (out of the 3, this is the 2ndary bathroom, after all). Why? Because someone had taken the 2 mondo rolls out of the 1st stall and dropped them in the 1st 2 toilets. One of the rolls was almost new. It was big enough to soak up almost all the water in the bowl.

    Luckily, I'm ick-proof enough (& at least the water was clean) that I was able to pull them out & toss the rolls into the trash. But seriously...
    I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

  • #2
    I HATE THAT CRAP! every clean that sort of mess while its covered in period goop? i nearly called the health department on that one


    • #3
      Our manager had had enough of people clogging the toilets, so he put up a sign:

      "Just remember: The hand that unclogs this toilet is the same hand that makes your drink"

      Amazingly...problem solved!


      • #4
        Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
        "Just remember: The hand that unclogs this toilet is the same hand that makes your drink"
        I love it. Kudos to your boss.

        In the town that I live in they have public restrooms right off the town square. When they first opened they had problems similar to those mentioned by TryNotToBeThatOne. Soon afterward someone put up a sign saying, "Restrooms protected by hidden surveillance cameras" I haven't noticed or heard of any further problems.
        This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


        • #5
          lol i prefer the the hand that unclogs this toilet makes your drink better - little less likely to get a lawsuit for invasion of privacy


          • #6
            I got an email joke a few years ago that went something like this.
            A local middle school was having a hard time keeping the mirrors in the girl's restrooms clean. It seems that when the girls would finish applying their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror, leaving hundreds of lip prints all over the surface. The principal finally gathered all the girls together in the bathroom to show how hard the mirrors were to clean. She instructed the janitor to clean one mirror in front of the girls. The janitor stuck the squeegie in the toilet and scrubbed the mirror. From that point on, there were no lip prints on the mirrors.


            • #7
              And as an added bonus, it left no toilet paper at all in the 1st stall. And the paper wasn't restocked until the wee hours of this morning. Since that's the only non-handicapped access stall with a working lock....You do the math.

              I'm sure that somebody got stuck last night.
              I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


              • #8
                Quoth Rhania506 View Post
                I got an email joke a few years ago that went something like this.
                A local middle school was having a hard time keeping the mirrors in the girl's restrooms clean. It seems that when the girls would finish applying their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror, leaving hundreds of lip prints all over the surface. The principal finally gathered all the girls together in the bathroom to show how hard the mirrors were to clean. She instructed the janitor to clean one mirror in front of the girls. The janitor stuck the squeegie in the toilet and scrubbed the mirror. From that point on, there were no lip prints on the mirrors.
                I wish I could say the story I'm about to tell was an email joke... nope it really happened at the middle school I went to.

                Pine Middle School in Reno NV had a major problem with fires in the boys restrooms. This happened at least once a week for about 3 or 4 weeks. Finally the principle got upset about this continueing to happen despite his best efforts, so he made an announcement on the PA system, "good afternoon students, mainly the male students as this is who the announcement applies to. As many of you know there has been a series of fires that have been set in the boys restrooms. We have tried everything to get these fires to stop and after discussions with the school counselors the only explaination we can come up with is that whoever is setting these fires is compensating for an under developed penis. If these fires continue we will have no choice but to have all the males in the school do a line up to find out which one of you has the under developed penis that is causing you to need to start these fires"

                after that happened, strangely no more fires happened...
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  customers, i need a sign like that in our store, but, corporate, being the asskissing 'customer' friendly beings they are, will never go for it.

                  i can dream, can't i?
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Cyphr View Post
                    lol i prefer the the hand that unclogs this toilet makes your drink better - little less likely to get a lawsuit for invasion of privacy
                    Of course you really don't need to put the cameras in. Just the sign.


                    • #11
                      Additional about that bathroom: the door/whatever for the toilet paper; the one that prevent people from swiping it, has been broken in that stall for weeks.

                      Now the plastic cover for the soap foam dispenser is broken. Not just off, it's broken. Luckily it still works without the cover.
                      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                      • #12
                        No connection whatsoever to the previous thread, but it's the same sentiment.

                        I answer the phone with my usual spiel, glad to answer it because it's a distraction from this Abyss-spawned spreadsheet, and the caller asks for someone, a name that I do not recognize.

                        The operator had transferred him to me so he's not even certain who he's talking to. Okay, that happens, maybe he's looking for someone in the contractor company down the hall (we get calls for them all the time & since I don't know more than a half-dozen of their employees, he could be asking for someone who works there whom I simply don't know).

                        So first I ask what department she's in. He doesn't know.

                        No problem, look her up in the on-line directory; nope. Try again using a wild card, in case I'm just not spelling it right. Still nope.

                        Tell him so. Now he reveals that he does have a department. AND a division of that department.

                        Ahhh, easier. I look up that department & start looking at names, asking which division he said.

                        Then, and only then, does he reveal that he has a direct number.

                        Um, then why did you call the operator? But I'm just happy to get rid of him. That spreadsheet is starting to look good. At least it doesn't ask stupid questions.
                        I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                        • #13
                          Quoth TryNotToBeThatOne View Post
                          Then, and only then, does he reveal that he has a direct number.

                          Um, then why did you call the operator?
                          I'm going to take a stab at this because I have dealt with similar morons. You see he DID call the direct number and got his target's voice mail.

                          He figured that his call was just too gosh darned important to leave voice mail and wait for a call back. Waiting your turn is for kindergarteners, not for our moron.

                          His next step was to get cunning by calling the main number and asking for an extension which was slightly different from his target's. This was in the hope that the person who answered the phone would know his target and interrupt whatever the target happened to be doing to let her know she needed to drop it and talk to our moron RIGHT NOW.

                          His cunning plan failed when he reached someone who didn't have any clue who his target was or how to find her.

                          It's a theory.
                          Last edited by Dips; 04-09-2008, 05:11 PM.
                          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                          The stupid is strong with this one.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Dips View Post
                            I'm going to take a stab at this because I have dealt with similar morons. You see he DID call the direct number and got his target's voice mail.

                            He figured that his call was just too gosh darned important to leave voice mail and wait for a call back. Waiting your turn is for kindergarteners, not for our moron.

                            His next step was to get cunning by calling the main number and asking for an extension which was slightly different from his target's. This was in the hope that the person who answered the phone would know his target and interrupt whatever the target happened to be doing to let her know she needed to drop it and talk to our moron RIGHT NOW.

                            His cunning plan failed when he reached someone who didn't have any clue who his target was or how to find her.

                            It's a theory.
                            yeah... on that note... why is it that people think that just because an extension is similar you'll know the person... my extension is normally 7425(ish depending on which workstation is open) even 5 off and I have never met the person before... or the other way of doing extension, i'm 83200 (doesn't matter which phone I'm at if I'm logged in that will find me and connect to me)... I have no idea who 83201 is... or if that person even exists so don't try that trick either.
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #15
                              Not even that. Our two numbers have one digit (after the prefix) in common, and it's the last one in my phone number & the 5th one in his target's. Ie, we both start with 123, but her number is 4567 & mine is 8905. Heck, two numbers off was at least in her department.

                              He called the operator which is a 3rd number entirely (123-3322) and I have no idea who he asked for (if he really did) to get my office.

                              If he had spoken to the operator & told the person there any of what he'd told me, he would have gotten the same information. Without bothering me.
                              Last edited by TryNotToBeThatOne; 04-09-2008, 08:19 PM. Reason: additional info
                              I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

