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Jerk of the Year

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  • Jerk of the Year

    This guy didn't yell or act violent but he was a right .

    Back story:
    I was at the back of the shop pulling the drinks in the chiller forward. P, who isn't new but doesn't normally work afternoons so isn't particularly good at his job was on till 2, and it was dark outside, which makes it very difficult to see detail on the forecourt if you just glance outside. Our pumps have a small sign saying that if you need assistance, please ask inside or give us a wave and we'll be out as soon as I can. Obviously, asking inside is easier and more reliable so 99% of customers do so. I heard something going on at the till so went to see what the problem was.

    Me: Is there a problem?
    SC: Yes! YOU'RE the problem!!
    Me: *taken aback* Excuse me? Is there something I can help you with?
    SC: Yes! *stalks off outside*
    I follow him out to his car, and he starts again. All of this is said in a snotty, jerk-y (ie not stammering but sounding like a jerk) tone.
    SC: Are you part of <Company>?
    Me: *thinking, * Yes....
    SC: Are you committed to your customer service?
    Me: Yes I am.
    SC: Then what does that sign say? *points to sign on pump, so I read the first part out, and begin to explain that most customers come inside*

    At this point, I had no idea what the problem was, what he needed help with, or anything. I was trying to avoid a scene at the till by heading it off. It didn't work.

    SC: I don't care what most customers do! I stood here for 3 minutes waving, and that man inside *points to P* did nothing!

    I tried to explain that he may not have realised that the man needed help, and was cut off again.

    SC: I don't care! You say you're committed to customer service, do you understand what that sign says?! Do you understand it?!
    Me: Yes I understand it.
    SC: Good! That's the first time you've admitted it! You've been nothing but defensive so far!!

    Um, WTF? What am I supposed to be when I'm being ranted at?

    SC: *more ranting about not being seen*

    Turns out he wanted a gas bottle filled. Not a problem, I filled it. But wouldn't a normal person, if they thought they had not been seen, have come inside and asked politely?
    Is this the first time an SC has ever read something completely? Of course he only did it because it benefited him.

    I asked K afterwards, who was working with us, her version, and she told me that P had glanced out at the forecourt once. One time. And since he was on till 2, he has an imperfect view of the forecourt to begin with. (He should have been on till 1, like I kept telling him earlier, but that's another story.)

    To top it all off, I had asked the man while outside if he needed help with petrol, and he said no he'd done it. When I came back to the till after taking a few minutes to stop shaking, I saw that the man had not paid for his petrol, only the gas bottle, and had left. I filled out the form and left a note at the bottom to the effect that the customer had been a complete a-hole to staff, in case he came back and complained. The Manager asked me about it this morning, and I gave her a rundown. Now, normal procedure with a missed sale is to send the customer a letter telling them the petrol had been missed and could they come back and pay it. But because this customer had been so rude, and for the safety of the staff if he came back, his bill went straight to the debt collectors, adding $40 in collection costs onto his $20 bill. I love my manager .
    Last edited by astyn-dbs; 05-26-2008, 08:23 PM. Reason: Edited to remove P's name - thanks VenomX!

  • #2
    Hahah, serves the jerk right!
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Instant Karma!


      Do you think he'll learn from his behaviour? Well lets just say *I* won't be running a book on it!
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        I doubt he'll learn anything, they never do, it's rare for an sc to change their stripes.

        I love the karma smackdown, though, sucked in dumbarse
        I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.


        • #5
          Hey you left P's name in there... Dont think you meant too.


          • #6
            Your manager rocks!!!
            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


            • #7
              Wait what about him not paying for the petrol? Isn't that a crime everywhere?


              • #8
                Quoth Aethian View Post
                Wait what about him not paying for the petrol? Isn't that a crime everywhere?
                It is theft but I think the civil recovery should be sufficient for the moment!
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #9
                  Quoth astyn-dbs View Post
                  SC: Are you part of <Company>?
                  Me: *thinking, * Yes....
                  SC: Are you committed to your customer service?
                  Me: Yes I am.
                  SC: Then what does that sign say?
                  Maybe you should stop being a complete jackass and just tell me what you want.
                  Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                  • #10
                    Lol VenomX - thanks for the heads up, I'd missed that one.

                    Aethian - it is theft but it gets sent to the debt collectors to deal with, that way the person ends up paying more and if they don't pay the collectors, then it goes to court.

                    Apathy - precisely what I was thinking!!

                    I adore my manager, she's wonderful, and she's the main reason I've stayed in this job for two years. I'm so lucky.


                    • #11
                      I'm clearly missing something. How did you know who he was? Because he paid with a credit card or used a membership card?

                      I don't know when you usually send accounts to collections, but I disagree with sending it right off the bat. I only suggest caution, because the tone of your final paragraph makes it seem like you're willing to stoop to this jerk's level. I also worry that he'd come to your workplace anyway, contesting the charge and raging away all the more. For you and your co-workers safety and peace of mind, I hope that never happens.

                      But yeah, this guy was a raging a-hole and Karma's a bitch. Hope the rest of your month goes much better.
                      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                      • #12
                        Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                        I'm clearly missing something. How did you know who he was? Because he paid with a credit card or used a membership card?
                        I was wondering that, too.
                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #13
                          The manager checked his number plate and got his details from there, that's how we track down drive offs. I didn't make the decision to send it to collections, the Manager did, and she did it for the safety of our staff so that he didn't have to come back to pay for it, and also because he was rude and abused us, and the company has a zero-tolerance policy against that. I personally am glad she did it, because I don't want to come across him again, for my own safety. If he does come back and start abusing us again he will be asked to leave, and if he doesn't we'll call the cops.

