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Is It Because We're [Insert Race]???

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  • #31
    Quoth edible_hat View Post
    SC: "Is it because I'm Asian?"
    Me: "No it's because there's no power to run the pumps or the tills. Nobody can buy anything until the power comes back on."
    Darn, even the ELECTRONS in this town are racist!
    - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


    • #32
      As a security guard I get the race card pulled on me a lot. Right now where I work we have a lot of homeless who come in who are very intoxicated and high off solvents . Unfortunately a good 90%(i'm serious, not an exaggeration) are Aboriginal(Native American for you in the US) a typical conversation happens between Them and I goes like this

      MR.S: You have to leave your very Intoxicated and are bothering people

      DHG: (slurred tone) Fuck you, It's because i'm Native isn't it

      MR.S: I assure you it's not because of that, it's because your incredibly drunk and are harassing people

      DHG: Fuck you, you fat fucking white racist fucking bastard

      usually after that they stumble out and leave(i'm 6'3, 350 they don't like to try me much) with a few more swears and comments that i'm racist. The funniest is when we have a Aboriginal guard tell them to leave usually they say to them "fuck you, your a tradtor to your race, why are you treating your own kind like this!"


      • #33
        I was talking to someone about the presidential elections. This person normally votes democratic, but she wasn't this year, because... "we aint never had a n----r in the white house". Seriously.
        My grandfather was the same way. Always voted Democrat, and always referred to blacks as "n----rs" or some other racist term.

        Racism is not limited to one particular race, class, or political ideology.

        Racism is very much still a reality. Which leads me to the question---WHY the hell do people feel the need to INVENT it, where there isn't any?
        Because it is a loathsome thing to be racist and the vast majority of people aren't racist, or at least don't want to admit they are. So by playing The Race Card, the SC hopes the person on the receiving end tries to prove they aren't racist by giving them what they want.

        In short, they want to change the conversation from "Why I can't do this for you" to "Why I'm not racist."
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #34
          Quoth simplyanother View Post
          I am a white woman. I live in a southern state (not too far south though). Many times I'll get a white customer who wants to talk about "them", and they assume, because I'm a white woman--and this is the south, that--I want to talk about how horrible "they" are (usually, black folks)
          I had a similar problem yesterday. There was a front page article in the paper about how we're setting up a skilled migration agreement with the Phillipines. Having German and Polish ancestry, I'm very white.

          SC: "Look at that, they're bringing in more monkeys. They should send them back to monkeyland... etc etc."

          I stood there maintaining silence, with my hands in my pockets, giving him the finger.

          Quoth Mr. Security View Post
          As a security guard I get the race card pulled on me a lot. Right now where I work we have a lot of homeless who come in who are very intoxicated and high off solvents . Unfortunately a good 90%(i'm serious, not an exaggeration) are Aboriginal(Native American for you in the US) a typical conversation happens between Them and I goes like this
          You just reminded me of another one to do with petrol IOUs:

          Me: We can't let you take any more until you pay for the $20 from last time.
          SC: You don't like Nungas! (Nunga being one of the Australian Aboriginal tribes)
          Me: I don't like people who won't pay for what they take.
          SC: You're racist! HEY EVERYBODY THIS PLACE IS RACIST! Oh shit *runs away because he just noticed the other customer actually is racist, well known in the area for threatening Aboriginal people*

          He eventually payed the $20 and got back the spare tyre he left as collateral.
          Last edited by edible_hat; 07-12-2008, 11:32 PM.


          • #35
            The problem I see with part of this has to do with the child. And I aggree that it is something she is learning. My overall problem is that I lived in a town where race was not an issue that I could ever see and the college town had a lot of differnt groups there. I hate the whole race card issue overall, it's just stupid. Yes I know my history but just to pull it for no reason is just sad. And if they can't get the fact that places close at a set time well that's their fault.
            I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.


            • #36
              I never had the race card pulled on me, but I'd love to have a talk with someone mentioning "History" as a justification about why they're behaving like assholes. Because, technically, my ancestors burnt the villages, killed the cattle and raped the women of the ancestors of those who went to Africa and turned their ancestors into slavery. So, if anything, they should be thankful : my ancestors actually avenged theirs before they were wronged.

              In other words, what happened centuries ago is sometimes totally irrelevant.
              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


              • #37
                Quoth simplyanother View Post
                Racism is very much still a reality. Which leads me to the question---WHY the hell do people feel the need to INVENT it, where there isn't any?
                Because it stirs up emotion. Some people are still resentful for past mistakes, and will try to use it as justification for acting like assholes.

                For example, there was a city councilwoman who got caught doing some illegal things. And yes, she was raked over the coals for it. Rather than simply admit wrongdoing (and getting on with things), she chose to make it into a racial issue. She was quoted by one of the papers as saying something similar to "they're only doing this to me because I'm black." That couldn't have been further from the truth--the only reason she got into trouble...was because she was caught *on tape* stealing funds from the city till!

                Getting back on topic here...back in high school, I had a black girl scream at me because I rejected her. Apparently, it was "because I don't like black women." Never mind that she was just a bitch who looked like a crackhead that got into an argument with a city bus. No, it was because she was black
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

