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No he CANT be paged

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  • No he CANT be paged

    I used to work for a really busy retail store and never could understand why the customers would demand they page "That deaf assoiste that helped me yesterday"[ !?!?!?!!? Worse part is not only did they know already that hes deaf but were relentless in paging him so they wouldnt have to go to his station to find him!

  • #2
    Seriously, iviles? I think I can see that as a momentary stupid from one or two idiots, but you really had multiple customers make this request? I know I shouldn't be surprised, but that's some remarkable stupidity there.

    Still, it made for an interesting imaginary conversation in my head...

    SC: Will you page the deaf associate for me?
    Employee: I could, but it won't do any good.
    SC: Why not?
    Employee: Because he's deaf. He wouldn't hear it.
    SC: Well, then, page him in braille or something!

    (Yes, I know braille is for the blind, but my brother-in-law is deaf and is often relating stories about people asking him if he can read braille.)
    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
    - Bill Watterson

    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
    - IPF


    • #3
      Quoth iviles View Post
      I used to work for a really busy retail store and never could understand why the customers would demand they page "That deaf assoiste that helped me yesterday"[ !?!?!?!!? Worse part is not only did they know already that hes deaf but were relentless in paging him so they wouldnt have to go to his station to find him!
      Maybe they expected you to trigger the shock collar? *Points to the boyfriend* He said it!


      • #4
        They mean use your amazing mind powers and page them mentally! Like magic!

        Ugh, lazy long would it take them to walk over and find the person themselves?
        Would you like a Stummies?


        • #5
          oy. i can jsut see it now...

          Employee: Let me understand this... You know he's deaf but you still want him paged?
          SC: YES!
          Employee: How exactly do you think a deaf man will hear it?
          SC: JUST PAGE HIM.
          Employee: ...


          • #6
            SC: Well, then, page him in braille or something!
            That reminds me of this.
            You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


            • #7
              We have a few deaf customers, so I'm learnign ASL(american sign language) from a group of deaf and hard of hearing ppl in my area.
              Check out my cosplay social group!


              • #8
                Quoth Tria View Post
                Maybe they expected you to trigger the shock collar? *Points to the boyfriend* He said it!
                ...I shouldn't have laughed at that...
                "If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" - Gerard Way


                • #9
                  We have head phones for audio description at the cinema. When we first got them, one Barbie doll-like employee asked, 'Are those for deaf people?'
                  "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                  • #10
                    What, you can't page him in sign language?
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      Quoth JessEm View Post
                      ...I shouldn't have laughed at that...
                      Oy. Don't worry about it. I did.

                      We used to have a couple maintenance guys who were hearing-impaired. Problem is, anytime there was a spill or the bathrooms needed seen to or the bottle machines needed emptied, we would always PAGE for maintenance to take care of things. Not sure how things ever got done, whether someone heard the page and would flag the guys down or what. They also carried around walkie talkies, which served the same purpose as paging. Again, what was the point if they couldn't hear it? Irony at work, I guess. Sometimes work policies are just silly.
                      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                      • #12
                        Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                        They also carried around walkie talkies, which served the same purpose as paging. Again, what was the point if they couldn't hear it? Irony at work, I guess. Sometimes work policies are just silly.
                        Well, for the walkies, if they were on a seperate frequency from the rest, so they only went off when maintenance was needed, and they had them turned up loud (you did say hearing-impaired, not deaf, right?) then they could at least figure out that they were paged, and hunt someone down to figure out what was needed. Barring that, often hearing-impaired/deaf people become sensitive to vibrations and such. Maybe they felt the walkies?
                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #13
                          By hearing impaired, I meant deaf. And the walkies weren't anything special, so they didn't vibrate or anything. I think they just kept them because they stayed with maintenance cart. Just seemed kind of pointless.

                          I really felt for the guys though. They did their jobs and worked hard, but people would have a tantrum every time a bathroom was closed for cleaning. The guys would try to use motions to explain they were deaf and didn't understand what was being said/yelled, but that would start a whole new tantrum. I've heard SCs going off about those "non-English speaking immigrants" because they assumed that non-speaking meant non-English instead of deaf. Some people are clueless. I had more than one person tell me (I'm a cashier) how that maintenance guy was so rude. He wasn't rude, HE COULDN'T HEAR YOU. Blech.
                          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                          • #14
                            maybe they had like pager-style-pages? that'd be cool to use for those who can't hear.
                            a lil vibe at the hip and *glance*
                            "CLNUP ISL3"

                            and ... go-go-gadget-guy-with-mop...?


                            • #15
                              too bad no where sells pagers anymore

