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You almost killed me and I'M WRONG?! (Epic)

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  • #16
    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
    What two people above me said. There's always the possibility that people above the supervisor could pull a stupid and say "He's cost us $xxx dollars already; we don't want him here anymore".
    What is funny is that the owner of the company is the nicest guy ever and told me directly that I was the best driver they had at the time. Really down to Earth. He and a friend started the company when they were 17 and parked cars for parties. Now he is rich, has 3 different vehicles including a $90k Range Rover and has them set to valet 40+ places in Boston, 30+ in Miami, and a bunch in Hollywood and Beverly Hills


    • #17
      Quoth KitterCat View Post
      For a CDL you have to retest/renew every two years. I’m not sure how involved the retest is though. The bus driver should have been fired. Its horrid, he pulls an illegal maneuver, gets caught and all he gets is a warning. Government jobs, gotta love them.
      Aye. About the CDL, a lot of times the test is more of a formality. Like a 'Yeah. You got it once, you can get it again.'

      Sometimes the retest is equally as lazy. My father, who drives trucks, has even corrected the CDL-H test. And that's after his father, in the same line of work, did the same.


      • #18
        Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
        Some of those bus/Ride drivers shouldn't be driving anything more complicated than a go-kart.
        Sounds like several of the bus drivers here. They can't drive for shit! (Not all of them, of course. The vast majority is pretty damn careful.)

        Not long ago, two of those idiots got into an accident on the busway. Yes, we have a separate system of roads for the buses in some areas, mainly to bypass congestion. Keep in mind that there's very little traffic on it for obvious reasons. Didn't stop two idiots from getting into a head-on collision with serious injuries...Turns out one of the drivers was speeding, hit some ice, and plowed into the other bus. The other one apparently wasn't paying attention, and tried to swerve at the last minute.

        Then there are the drivers who just assume that everyone will get out of their way. Not everyone does...usually with serious consequences. They drive however they want, not caring if they hit someone.

        I should mention that I've seen drivers reading magazines (or newspapers) while the bus is moving as well. Does the transit agency do anything about complaints? Of course not.
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #19
          samaliel sayeth:
          But yeah, maybe said supervisor was running on his own home-brewed logic, but not knowing how exactly he said that it's difficult to tell.
          i find that saying 'home brewed logic' most amusing, good sir!

          the guy could have killed you and he still blames you? wow; time for remedial driving lessons-when you're driving a vehicle of ANY size, it's your responsibility to watch the road and act accordingly.

          this guy should have been fired for this; there's a difference between a close call and a close call with serious stupid attached-this was the latter.

          i'm glad you're ok all around.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #20
            Quoth iradney View Post
            Wonder if the owner thought of pressing charges? I mean, not to mention illegal manouvres, couldn't you also try something like Assault with a vehicle or something like that? (IANAL)
            No, you'd have to prove he pulled an illegal turn with the INTENT to hurt someone, just pulling an illegal turn that ends up causing property damage or injury by itself is not enough to bring criminal charges, unless he was driving drunk at the time.
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #21
              As is tradition in my High School the Senior class takes a trip. Usually it was to a local place, really a giant pool field and games. Nice, except for the fact that it as a rather affluent town and by law every house must be on 1 Acre or more. Many people have pools so it is not really as "special" at it would be to a inner-city person. well our class adviser "accidentally" forgot to sign the contract, after figuring out that it would cost only a little more to go to Boston and a Sox game. So we go to go to Boston. We got to Quincy Marketl and were told to meet at a specific spot at X time. Other than that we had free roam of the City.

              Our Bus driver lived in Boston for many years before moving to the Hartford, CT area, my school was about 30 Miles north of Hartford. He knew all the shortcuts, etc, including wrong way on one way streets. Half the time we were thinking, their is no way the bus will make this turn, but he managed, even if persuading a few cars to move. Te only problem was getting into the parking lot, which the charted company determined, just outside of the park, I believe at the intersection of Brookline and Yawkey. The bus got high centered entering the lot. He eventually got it off, the grinding sound the bus made was um, interesting. It took a big chuck of asphalt with it.


              • #22
                Quoth Jackofalltrades View Post
                Side Note: the next week, a similar incident happened to a coworker. He parked a jaguar and a cab took the door clean off. He ended up with a dislocated shoulder.
                *Chokes, gags, diez*

                I'm glad I don't live in Boston, suddenly. TWICE in as many weeks? YIKES.
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #23
                  Quoth One-Fang View Post
                  WTF? Two cops say the bus pulled an illegal move, and yet still you "might have to be let go"? What is WRONG with these people?

                  I'm glad you weren't, and that you're okay.
                  It's not the company's decision in a lot of these cases. If the owner of the car decided to be a jerk about it then they could have insisted that the OP be let go and the company would have to do just that or lose their insurance.

                  From the tone of the post, the supervisor didn't seem to think that the OP was in any way shape or form responsible, but was just letting him know that it could get ugly.

                  Since the car's owner was rather "at least nobody got hurt" about the whole ordeal and the accident report from the police stated that the bud driver was 100% at fault, the OP was fine.

                  I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                  • #24
                    Yeah and that stupid, "I hit you and it's YOUR fault because you're in MY way asshole" mentality is one reason why those Massachusettes plates are costing you over $3,000 a year to insure. Hell if I owned a car insurance company I'd refuse to even insure a car with Mass. plates on them!

