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Half-Assed Bare Minimum Orders

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  • Half-Assed Bare Minimum Orders

    If a customer is not willing to pay the price of the item, they should not call in and try to make some sort of deal for said item.

    The items we sell come with free imprinting on them, a name, a slogan, a logo, things like that. It is the same price with imprinting as without imprinting. Customer's constantly ask how much it would be without imprinting, I explain it's the exact same price with imprinting, as without imprinting. At this point they usually get upset, or hang up, because they feel that charging one price is "unfair" to the consumer, and we're trying to "rip-off" the public.

    SC: You know
    CS: Cool Supervisor

    Me: -Opening Dialog-

    SC: Yes, I would like to order 200 widgets without imprint on them.

    Me: Okay, that's 200 plain widgets, your total is $00.00

    SC: So if I got imprinting on the widgets, how much would it be?

    Me: 200 widgets with printing costs the same price, which is $00.00

    SC: How can you sell plain widgets without print for the same price? You're just trying to rip-off the consumer, I want to talk to your supervisor.

    Me: Okay, I'll get my manager on the phone. ::Transfers call to supervisor, after explaining situation::

    CS: This is CS how can I assist you?

    SC: ::Rants about how horrible I was, trying to rip the customer off, etc.::

    CS: I understand, I'll need to call you back, I have to get the recorded call from the computer and listen to it, to make sure my employee does his job correctly.

    SC: ::Hangs up::

  • #2
    So you should spin the answer along the lines of "Imprinting is a finite amount of the total cost, so instead of charging extra for imprinting, we offer it at the same price as without imprinting. With or without imprinting, you're just paying for the base product"

    Wait, silly me. Since when do sucky customers listen to anything that would make sense?
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Just tell them they get free imprinting!!! Wooo!!!! SC's love free!!!


      • #4
        Seems to me that the market supports your price, and pushing to get the most the market will bear is the American Way. Besides, I suspect imprinting doesn't cost as much as it used to.


        • #5
          I used to get that all the time when I worked in sales. SCs being personally offended at me when I gave them a price they didn't like. There is just no rational response or line of reasoning for such incredible stupidity.
          Last edited by BaristaTrav; 07-02-2008, 02:14 PM.
          I will never go to school!

