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Out of order.

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  • Out of order.

    I'm attempting a very bad pun with this thread title.

    The DIY car wash bays at my work take special tokens (which are labelled as being non-refundable) as well as Australian $1 and $2 coins.

    These SCs guessed it would take about $20 to clean their car and caravan. Being already in possession of five $1 coins, having no other cash, and not wanting to use the ATM, they bought $15 of car wash tokens on a credit card.

    After they washed the vehicle, they wanted a refund on the $5 of tokens. But instead of just asking for a refund, they thought they'd try spending money in the shop and paying with the tokens. Which didn't work.

    Technically we're not supposed to refund the tokens, as people with extra tokens can keep them for next time they need to wash their vehicle. They have "non refundable" or "no cash value" written on them (we have three different styles of token for some reason). People who have extra tokens left over can keep them for next time.

    Me: See on the back there where it says "non refundable"?
    SC: Well you issued them so you should accept them as payment.
    Me: We do, but only in the car wash.
    SC: But we used our coins in the car wash, we don't have any other cash.
    (So basically they used the legal tender first, then the tokens, and finished with five tokens left over. If they'd used the tokens first they'd have finished with $5 left over which they could spend anywhere.)

    I got the manager involved. Since they weren't locals, he ended up taking the coins back but charging them a small processing fee (in the form of $5 of tokens for a $4 purchase).

  • #2
    Not too bright to put the cash in first and not the tokens when you're low on the cash.

    Mighty nice of your manager.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

