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I found a loophole and will tell all of my friends now!

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  • I found a loophole and will tell all of my friends now!

    This is even a nerve that hits my supervisor any more. I really don't know how companies expect to survive whenever they give in to a customer that finds a way around a policy, or a way around procedures set in place for other customers. Here are a few examples of what I am talking about:

    1. This week, we had a customer who was getting DSL service, and made us go through all this trouble do dispatch a technician to her home, all because she (a) did not like the due date we gave her, and (b) because it escalated all the way to the top manager. In return, our manager allowed this woman to have a free dispatch to install her modem, because she did not feel like doing it herself, and does not have to pay the $100 professional install fee that other honest paying customers are usually charged. And, on top of that, this woman has a history with our collections department.

    2. We had another SC that canceled their internet service, due to our billing her each month $5 in late fees. It was a total of $15. The e-mail address she had was no longer one she could get back, except under extreme circumstances, which three people explained to her. After a day, she called in, claiming she did not request this, and got her $15 in late fees waived, plus a free month of internet service, due to us having to work a while to even get her address back. Today, she canceled it again, got another $15 in fees waived, and was given a letter of apology for the inconvenience. I hate people like this. It's always the company's fault because they don't pay their bills on time, then they cause an issue like this to get that money knocked off their bill.

    3. At one time, the phone company in Florida had a $25 credit provided for missed appointments. Not long after this came about, SC's were using it for other outlandish problems, such as their caller ID not showing who called them, or their call blocking not being able to block out that telemarketer that called them. Reps more or less were giving away this credit, because it was the only way to get the customer off the phone.

    4. I had a snowbird, who was a Bellsouth customer, and she was disputing a $300 bill we charged for cutting her phone line. She was remodeling her kitchen, and the contractor she hired had cut the line coming in and the network device outside. It was explained to this woman over and over that her maintenance plan did not cover negligence or willful damage caused by something like this. I sustained the charges, three other reps did the same, yet later on, a supervisor credited this woman the full amount, all due to her threatening to leave us. A day after she was credited, she left us anyway! It should also be noted this was this woman's second home, had the funds to travel from New York to Florida every six months or so, had the funds to get $20,000 in kitchen perks, drives a $50,000 automobile, but balked about having to pay damage to her phone line. A Bellsouth technician was there, did the work (which took an entire day), and yet, it turned into a free job, all because of her threat to leave.

    What really turns many of us off are after these low lifes get their way, or get freebies from their horrible temper tantrums, they run off and tell their friends how they did it! And, it's unfair for these people to get free stuff when the rest of us are paying our way fairly.

  • #2
    Why! Coming here is fun and all, but it's stuff like this that is making me lose all hope for humanity. Not only do these people not pay their fees, they're the reason people who do pay are having to pay more to cover the cost.
    We Pick Up the Pieces


    • #3
      People do this because spineless managers give in so easily. And, often, in circumstances where the customer might be reasonably due a little compensation, those same managers are jerks.

      Frankly, $25 is far too little if I've stayed home a day from work and a company doesn't bother showing up.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth marasbaras View Post
        Frankly, $25 is far too little if I've stayed home a day from work and a company doesn't bother showing up.
        That's agreeable, although the point I was making was SC's want this for other things, like having a bad day, or not being told what they want to hear about a certain product or service they subscribe to. We had some that would pay say $7 per month for a service, and demand the $25 because of one minor problem they had with the service.


        • #5
          I used to work for an Dial up ISP back whe Dial up was cool. If a customer called up and said they where going to cancell there account the retention department would give them up to 6 months free. I used to go into peoples account that some how ended up going to sign up department instead of cancellations then start ranting that they wanted to cancel there account and our service sucks. There where some people that there account would show they never paid for there internet service they had, had it for 2 years and every coule months they would call up threatening to cancell and get more free time. It was crazy.


          • #6
            More ammunition for my argument from my thread.

            No more Benefit of the Doubt!
            Check out my webcomic!


            • #7
              Quoth greensinestro View Post
              That's agreeable, although the point I was making was SC's want this for other things, like having a bad day, or not being told what they want to hear about a certain product or service they subscribe to. We had some that would pay say $7 per month for a service, and demand the $25 because of one minor problem they had with the service.

              No disagreement there.

              I was just adding my two cents about sucky scheduling.
              "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

              Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


              • #8
                Quoth d962831 View Post
                Why! Coming here is fun and all, but it's stuff like this that is making me lose all hope for humanity. Not only do these people not pay their fees, they're the reason people who do pay are having to pay more to cover the cost.
                I thought I should comment on this post here. I'm beginning to wonder if this is the reason gasoline prices are where they are. Never mind that oil is skyrocketing due to what the government claims are shortages. I think it's due to the people I mentioned in this post. They pump their gas, then find a way to get a free fill up, causing the rest of us to pay and compensate the oil companies for their losses.


                • #9
                  Quoth princess4life View Post
                  I used to work for an Dial up ISP back whe Dial up was cool.
                  Dialup's still cool.

                  In my household, anyway.

                  Practically Mennonite, I tell you.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    People like that are the reason by cable bill gets higher and higher every month.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Quoth greensinestro View Post
                      I really don't know how companies expect to survive whenever they give in to a customer that finds a way around a policy, or a way around procedures set in place for other customers.

                      I am pissed paying for these idiots. Really, I am paying for this crapola. Bottom line it costs you, you don't recover the funds and then turn around and raise my firetrucking rates if you know what I mean.
                      SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                      • #12
                        I work for a major wireless provider (can't say who, but all will be revealed when I quit in a few weeks ). Anyway we have a "customer retention" department that you must speak with if you want to cancel service.

                        These reps are given commissions for customers they save and some companies (including mine) go by the rule of "keep customers from cancelling at any cost." Retention reps can be FIRED if they don't save enough customers (ie if too many cancel) that's why customers get these ridiculously good deals.

                        I had a call last week from a gentleman who was given the following:

                        Free unlimited text messaging
                        Free unlimited internet
                        a FREE phone
                        A $50 credit on his acct
                        AND a 15% monthly discount (on some already cheap plan with a ridiculously high amount of minutes)

                        So why was he calling me? He said there's nothing I could do for him but he wanted to speak with retention because they apparently promised him some other option for free that he was not showing on his account. Seriously, how much of a freebie whore can you be?

                        This guy had the world given to him, and ala James Bond, the World was not Enough.

                        I shudder to think of how much money we were LOSING giving this guy all these freebies. Yeah because he gets all this stuff on the house we are more or less paying HIM to stay with us.

                        I just don't get it.
                        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                        • #13
                          It's stupid; if these managers had a grain of sense, they'd realise that the company would be better off if they just told these leaches to piss off and bother the competition. -.-
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                            Free unlimited text messaging
                            Free unlimited internet
                            a FREE phone
                            A $50 credit on his acct
                            AND a 15% monthly discount (on some already cheap plan with a ridiculously high amount of minutes)
                            And what company do you work for? I want to switch to them

                            (Just kidding, but I'd be happy with the free texting and free internet)


                            • #15

                              Free unlimited text messaging
                              Free unlimited internet
                              a FREE phone
                              A $50 credit on his acct
                              AND a 15% monthly discount (on some already cheap plan with a ridiculously high amount of minutes)


                              Sounds like a few people I dealt with at Bellsouth. Sometimes it was for someone that already had phone service, but was installing an additional line. Because they couldn't get their precious secondary line on the date they wanted, we usually did the following:

                              1. Waived the $40 connection fee, which you think would make one very happy.
                              2. Provided six months of free residential service that they were actually using as a business, but damn them if they were going to pay business rates.
                              3. Provided six months of free DSL due to the inconvenience.
                              4. Paid for two months of their cellular phone bill due to having to make extensive phone calls on it to check on when their service would be installed.
                              5. A $50 Target/JCPenney/Hooter's gift card to keep them as a "customer"

                              Of course, this all came about when customers let us know they no longer were stuck with one phone company.

