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Slushies, lawsuits, and ju-ju fingers, oh my!

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  • Slushies, lawsuits, and ju-ju fingers, oh my!

    I can't believe I just used that for a tag line.

    The store I work at has been undergoing renovations for the last two weeks. The cooler has been expanded, new stand up freezers are being installed, and more importantly for the story, we're having a slushie machine and fountain soda machine installed.

    The machines have been installed and are running, but are still not ready for use until either today or tomorrow.

    The Slushie People
    Typical conversations last night went like this:

    Idiot: "Hey, where're the cups for the slushie/fountain machine?!"
    Me: "It's not ready. Should be ready tomorrow if everything goes according to plan."
    Idiot: "But it's up and running, why aren't there any cups?!"
    Me *debating stabbing them with a bright red straw*: "Because. It. Is. NOT. Ready. Besides, the cooler on the fountain soda still isn't working, so it's warm and tastes like crap."
    Idiot *blinking while the gears ground to a halt*: "But, it's up and running! Why is it broken?"

    And they wonder why I'm not more friendly at work.

    Lawsuit Men
    Due to the renovations, our moron manager (flaming asshole, according to the rest of the town) hasn't ordered any stock in two weeks, not even the most basic of essentials.

    Jackass: "Dude, where's the two-liter Pepsis?"
    Me *Here we go again*: "We don't have any. Haven't for nearly two weeks."
    Jackass: "What the hell, man? You can't just say you have something and not have it!"
    Me *The hell?*: "I never said we had anything. They're not on sale right now anyways, and with the renovations, probably won't have any until next week."
    Jackass: "What the fuck, man? If you're gonna be like this, you should give people discounts on the twelve packs."
    Me: "'re kidding, right?"

    I still haven't figured out his argument concerning discounted twelve packs because of a lack of two-liters.

    The second one, perhaps someone can help me with. Pall Mall smokes are roughly $4.79 before taxes. They have a 'special' which has a 'free' lighter. However, the 'special' is $5.69, so really, you're paying for the supposedly free lighter. I don't give a damn either way, I just sell the damn things. The following happened last night:

    Moron: "That's false advertising!"
    Me: "Mm? What now?"
    Moron: "Those Pall Malls with the lighter are more than a regular pack of Pall Malls, yet they're advertising the lighter as free. That's false advertising!"
    Me *shrugging*: "Probably. I don't know, don't really care. They don't pay me enough to care about selling smokes."
    Moron *Getting louder*: "It's false advertising! You'd better take those packs down, before I call the cops on you and this store!"
    Me *losing what little humor I have*: "If you got a problem with it, you can take it up with the manager. I have nothing to do with the price SET BY THE MANUFACTUER. Now, do you want something, or at you all set."
    Moron *full-blown idiocy now*: "Bullshit man, they don't set the price, the store does. They-"

    About this time, another customer behind moron told him to shut the hell up about the price and buy his stuff. Just my luck, this nearly escalated into a fist fight right at the counter.

    Ju-Ju Fingers
    The bags Cumberland Farms use are extremely cheap, I've seen double-bagged bottles split the bags and go rolling. Because of their cheapness, they're also very slick, and difficult to open. If someone's buying a cold drink or ice cream, I've gotten in the habit of running my fingers over them to dampen them enough to pull the bags open. Up until last night, every customer has found this very amusing to watch. Last night though, I ran into a BOH (Bitter Ol' Hag).

    BOH *watching me run my fingers over the ice cream*: "What are you doing?!"
    Me: "Mm? Oh, wetting my fingers so I can pull this bag open."
    BOH: "How I know you ain't puttin' a curse on me?!"
    Me *blinking while trying to switching gears*: "Huh? What? I'm trying to open the bag..."
    BOH: "You better not be putting a curse on me!"
    Me *Slamming the brick of ice cream on the counter hard enough to make things jump and shut her up.* "Your order is done. Have a nice day. Next."

    Honest to gods, they wonder why I'm such a surly, sarcastic bastard at work?

  • #2
    Too bad you CAN'T put "curses"* on these people...

    *In their minds, "curses" would be common sense and whatnot.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
      Jackass: "Dude, where's the two-liter Pepsis?"
      Me *Here we go again*: "We don't have any. Haven't for nearly two weeks."
      Jackass: "What the hell, man? You can't just say you have something and not have it!"
      Holy crumbling snaggletooth, Batman! Some jackass is being deprived of overpriced sugar-water in aisle 8! We've got to stop rescueing these imperiled babies and SAVE HIM!!

      BOH: "How I know you ain't puttin' a curse on me?!"
      Oh....if only, dear hag. If only!!
      Last edited by Max; 07-27-2007, 04:45 PM. Reason: spelling's hard, yo
      But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.


      • #4
        Yeah, my father is missing part of a finger. He's been known to mess with this one particularly annoying (and superstitous) co-worker of his by telling the guy he "cut it off so he could work root better."

        My dad is not a root man. But his co worker IS an idiot.


        • #5
          Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
          Idiot: "Hey, where're the cups for the slushie/fountain machine?!"
          Me: "It's not ready. Should be ready tomorrow if everything goes according to plan."
          Idiot: "But it's up and running, why aren't there any cups?!"
          Me *debating stabbing them with a bright red straw*: "Because. It. Is. NOT. Ready. Besides, the cooler on the fountain soda still isn't working, so it's warm and tastes like crap."
          Idiot *blinking while the gears ground to a halt*: "But, it's up and running! Why is it broken?"
          I too have this problem with my customers. If the florescent light behind the Pepsi sign is lit up then it must be working.
          You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


          • #6
            Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post

            The second one, perhaps someone can help me with. Pall Mall smokes are roughly $4.79 before taxes. They have a 'special' which has a 'free' lighter. However, the 'special' is $5.69, so really, you're paying for the supposedly free lighter. I don't give a damn either way, I just sell the damn things. The following happened last night:
            I may have an answer to that.

            I used to work at a gas station in OH, and the way I understood the cig specials was that the $4.79 was actually a discounted price from the manufacturer (they pay the state taxes for you or something).

            But when you get the combo with the lighter, instead of the manufacturer discounting it for you, you pay full (non-discounted, state mandated) price and they give you a free lighter. Same as the Buy Two, Get One Free set, it's more than 2 packs are normally, but cheaper than 3 because you're paying for 2 full priced packs instead.

            Make any sense?


            • #7
              Quoth Javakat View Post
              Make any sense?
              Kind of. Either way, I'm glad I quit smoking.
              I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

              Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


              • #8
                Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                Kind of. Either way, I'm glad I quit smoking.
                My dad says this too. He said even if the smokes wouldn't kill him physically, they'd do it financially. Before he quit, he was paying $50+ for a carton of cigs. That combined with the cost to fill his truck up was monitarily equal to a week's worth of groceries for the family. So... since he needed his truck for transportation and to haul the boat & sleds in their respective seasons, smoking had to go. He actually likes not having to smoke now. No interruptions to go outside to smoke and try to keep in a conversation and no need to worry about smoke bothering my boys, etc.
                "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


                • #9
                  Quoth Max View Post
                  Holy crumbling snaggletooth, Batman! Some jackass is being deprived of overpriced sugar-water in aisle 8! We've got to stop rescueing these imperiled babies and SAVE HIM!!
                  Sounds like a slightly twisted game of "Unlikely Superheroes" on Whose Line is it Anyway...
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    Quoth FuzzyKitten99 View Post
                    My dad says this too. He said even if the smokes wouldn't kill him physically, they'd do it financially. Before he quit, he was paying $50+ for a carton of cigs. That combined with the cost to fill his truck up was monitarily equal to a week's worth of groceries for the family. So... since he needed his truck for transportation and to haul the boat & sleds in their respective seasons, smoking had to go. He actually likes not having to smoke now. No interruptions to go outside to smoke and try to keep in a conversation and no need to worry about smoke bothering my boys, etc.
                    I know what you mean. Im a light smoker, used to spend about £4.50 (about $9 USD) a week on cigarettes (would take me at least a week to go through a pack of 20). Being the stingy bastard I am I now I roll them myself. Fags are so expensive in the UK that unless someone doesn't have the time, they roll them themselves. Costs about 20p for a pack of 50 papers, 90p for a pack of 120 filters, and £2.50 for a 12.5g bag of tobacco. Much cheaper


                    • #11
                      Fags are so expensive in the UK
                      *waits for American to either or at this*

                      I get my smokes in France.
                      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                      My DeviantArt.


                      • #12
                        Hehe, took me a while to get what you meant there Wonder what an american would do if a british person walked up to them and asked to bum a fag off them?


                        • #13
                          Quoth Lord Ludicrous View Post
                          Hehe, took me a while to get what you meant there Wonder what an american would do if a british person walked up to them and asked to bum a fag off them?
                          I'd open my mouth about to verbally smack someone.... Then I'd notice the sexy accent and tell them I value my lungs.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Lord Ludicrous View Post
                            Hehe, took me a while to get what you meant there Wonder what an american would do if a british person walked up to them and asked to bum a fag off them?
                            There's actually a bit from Clerks the animated series that deals with exactly that:

                            British Man: [asking for cigarettes] Pack of fags.
                            Randal Graves: You're a fag.
                            British Man: It's a cigarette, mate.
                            Randal Graves: I'm not your mate, fag.

                            Dante Hicks: Boy, it wasn't until years later that we found out what "fag" REALLY meant. Right, "mate"?
                            Randal Graves: You're a fag.
                            Dante Hicks: No, a fag's a cigarette, remember?
                            Randal Graves: You're a cigarette.
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #15
                              I've read too much Hellblazer and Harry Potter fanfic to even think twice about someone calling a cigarette a fag. But I think that just makes me a nerd. Besides, the whole rubber/eraser and pants/boxers thing has way more opportunities for hilarious misunderstanding.

