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Absolutely Criminal(long)

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  • Absolutely Criminal(long)

    I've lurked for a while, but I just made an account purely so I could post this account of events that happened only today at work.

    This is a tale of both an extremely sucky customer and an extremely awesome customer that helped out a lot.

    Our story must begin with the way our store is designed. To get to the bathroom in the store, you must head down a small hallway that has our staff room at the end. Across from the bathroom is the coat rack, where we generally keep all our crap while we slave away for our wages.

    Now that the story has been set, I can begin telling the tale. It all started when I was walking by said hallway. I saw a customer in there, which is not unusual, we allow them to use the washroom on occasion, so I just walked to the stock room and began looking for stock to go out. Shortly afterwards, my short coworker (known from now on as SW) comes back and tells one of the meat boys to go check everyone's jacket because there was a customer skulking around there. Of course, I head over there immediately upon hearing that, when our aforementioned awesome customer (known from now on as AC) stops me and tells me the guy in the hallway is in a baby blue station wagon outside, and points it out. Just then, I hear SW saying that her wallet was taken, so AC pointed out the vehicle to her and she ran outside and stopped them and told them to wait while she phoned the police to figure out this mess. Of course, it doesn't work that way EVER, so as soon as she left, they drove off. Luckily, AC was to the rescue again, and took down the car's license plates. The police were promptly phoned, and they're now searching for the one that stole SW's wallet. Last I heard, we were told the plates didn't match with the car, which apparently isn't rare...but I'm hoping we get it back soon.

    I just really can't believe someone actually snuck back there and stole a wallet. Honestly, I'm from a small town and not much happens here in the way of SCs...we rarely even have an argument about low stock or anything. The worst SC regular we've got is an old man with a predeliction for slapping our rears, whether we be female or male. (Thank goodness, I've managed to avoid this thus far.)

    ...And I suppose that's all my story. Sorry about how long it is.

  • #2
    Good luck there, we had someone go into our locker room at work and steal stuff. Apparently they brought bolt cutters! Our break room / lockers / store room is in the back and we are in and out frequently, but no one is ever back there permanently. It probably only took a minute. I'm just glad I didn't have anything there that day.
    wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
    Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


    • #3
      Hope you get your stuff back.

      If I ran a retail store, employees would have lockers in which they could store their personal property. Or, at the very least, a locked coat cloest.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

