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Open Smartass mouth, insert smelly foot (and self sighting)

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  • Open Smartass mouth, insert smelly foot (and self sighting)

    As a cashier in the lumber department, I can't migrate too far away from the register. This is to deter theft. What sucks is that we can't expect customers to be aware of all the rules we have to follow. We also havepallettes of drywall, treated timbers and other products outside.

    So a guy comes in wanting 10 sheets of drywall..

    Me: "okay. Do you have the item number?"
    Me:"Okay, let me call for help to get it"
    Him:"Just ring me up..."
    Me:" Because we take inventory, I need to type in a barcode or item number"
    Him:"Its REAL easy. Just come outside and get it.."
    Me:"Unfortunately I can't leave the register. I have to have someone get it"
    Himwalks out to get it, then comes back with a big POP sign with the number). "See? Wasn't that easy??"
    Me:"Hey, wow! That WAS easy! Thank you! (Smiles)

    I love giving it right back to customers just to watch them frown.

    Then the self-sighting: there's a podium they move outside sometimes for the loaders, and on that podium was a sheet showing what products were located outside (DERP). Then I felt like a douche. But here, treat others the way you want others to treat you. Hopefully the guy learned his lesson. Unfortunately management doesn't allow us to post any or a few helpful notes like item numbers and such.

  • #2
    I hate it when people don't get it that I need a bar code to scan the item. We have lots of things especially for the holidays that just have stickers on them and sometimes they come off. So I usually ask the customer to grab another one for me. In most cases it's easier since they know where it came from and the managers don't really like us walking away from the register mid-transaction. That's when I usually get "It's $1.00" or whatever. Yeah, don't care, still need a bar code.
    I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


    • #3
      I hate it too. I get customers who want to exchange something. Even if its just for size, and its the same item, and same color, the SKU is different. And i can't tell you how many times I've had to tell them, no, you can't just take it, i need to return the one you don't want, and purchase the one you do. Yes, i am aware that it is an even exchange, but in price only, and we still have to account for the inventory, to how about you STFU and let me do this? which, if you do, will take less than a minute. I don't really say all that, but I'd like to sometimes.


      • #4
        I have a weird habit when I'm buying more than one of the same item. I grab one with a good bar code, and then check to see if there are any missing their sticker and grab them. I guess I've worked in retail too long. I want to get the ones that will give headaches out of there rather than leave them for someone else.


        • #5
          People bring me loose pieces of fabric and are so surprised when I can't conjure up a price for them. I don't just make up prices, people. You wouldn't want me to, either.

          And it's uncalled for him to get that sarcastic about it. "It's REAL easy" yeah, and it's REAL easy for people to steal if no one is at the register!
          Replace anger management with stupidity management.


          • #6
            He was so patronizing! And half the time they think we're just being lazy. Clearly they have never worked retail.


            • #7
              Quoth Arcus View Post
              I have a weird habit when I'm buying more than one of the same item. I grab one with a good bar code, and then check to see if there are any missing their sticker and grab them.
              Back before they were bought out and renamed, Dominion supermarkets had a "fresh or free" policy. Basically, if you found an outdated perishable item (that didn't already have a mark-down tag) on the shelf, they'd give you a current-dated one free. I'd routinely show up at the cash desk with a bunch of containers of my favourite coleslaw - one current-dated, and the remainder outdated. About half the time, the cashier would see that I had more outdated than current-dated, and ask if I wanted to get the ones I "missed" (there was no quantity limit to the offer). No, I just wanted the one - and I brought the other outdated ones up so they could "remove them from circulation". I figured that if too many of that variety went out under the "fresh or free" guarantee, the beancounters would decide to stop carrying it, so I wouldn't be able to buy it any more.
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #8
                Quoth wolfie View Post
                Back before they were bought out and renamed, Dominion supermarkets had a "fresh or free" policy. Basically, if you found an outdated perishable item (that didn't already have a mark-down tag) on the shelf, they'd give you a current-dated one free.
                There was a supermarket we used to goto when I was a kid with a similar policy, but instead of the item, they'd give you a dollar. Young-me thought it was awesome, and used to check all the yogurt containers in my reach...


                • #9
                  Quoth Arcus View Post
                  I have a weird habit when I'm buying more than one of the same item. I grab one with a good bar code, and then check to see if there are any missing their sticker and grab them. I guess I've worked in retail too long. I want to get the ones that will give headaches out of there rather than leave them for someone else.
                  Now that is a great idea, we will start doing that from now on!
                  EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.

