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You overcharged me

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  • You overcharged me

    This was the 2nd SC of the day (they seem to come in bunches). One of the staff grabs me because there is a customer who says they were overcharged.
    I go out and he pulls his receipt out, which totals $1550, but says that he's added everything up and it comes to a bit over $1300. He shows me his hand worked math.The first thing I notice about the receipt - it's dated 27 October 2006. Yep, more than a year and a half ago!! I grab a calculator then go through it 1 by 1 with him, adding each individual item, and surprise surprise, our register added it up correctly. He still didn't believe me, and we had to go through every item 3 times before he finally got the hint that the items added up to $1550.

    The last time through though he starts saying that he has been overcharged for various items on the invoice. He got a couple of 1GB thumb drives that he paid $40 for and says that we ripped him off because they are $10. I explained that technology prices are always dropping and although $10 is the price now, they were more expensive just a few months ago. Then he tries to tell me that the computer that was $999 should have been $899 - there was a sign on it saying $899. I replied that with all due respect if he has been overcharged on it, he should have come back within a week, a month at most, but he can't come back a year and a half later and claim he was overcharged. He asked why not.

    AAARRGHH what is it with SC's who have no concept of time? Why would you even think of waiting a year and a half before complaining? I explained that after such a long time we can't verify what signage was displayed, what advertising was in place etc. He then says that because we overcharged him, it doesn't matter how long it takes him to come in, because we were in the wrong. ugh. where do they get these stupid ideas? I took a punt and pulled his product up on the computer and showed him what others had sold for - all except his sold for $1099. After seeing this he dropped that one, but he had one other card he wanted to play.

    He pulled out an inline surge protector that he bought with it and said that he couldn't use it because it had the wrong connector (easy enough mistake - some laptops use a clover leaf plug, some use a figure-8 plug - he had the wrong type). Before he had the chance to ask for a refund, I cut him off and said no worries I'll swap it over, and swapped it for the other type, which just happened to be right next to where we were talking. He stammered a bit, before thanking me and leaving. Easy enough in the end. I still can't get over the fact it took him 19 months to do anything about it.

    Just of late we seem to have had a lot of customers bringing in things that are very old and looking to get discounts, refunds etc - much more so than normal. Some are very persistent. I suspect that with the tougher economic times they are trying to get a few extra dollars by bullying refunds out of stores.

  • #2
    I think people do these sort of things because of what competitors advertise. The ones that say "If you find the price lower elsewhere, we'll beat it up blah per cent or refund the difference." SC's like this guy probably look at it that it does not matter how long ago they got their loot; they're entitled to a refund or some money back.


    • #3
      Stories like this make me glad my store has a 30 day return policy.
      This message brought to you by a hopeless pop-culture-obsessed social reject.


      • #4
        This reminds me of the guy who came into my store, when I was still working the returns desk. He wanted to return a wireless router, but didn't know if he bought it at our store or when he bought it (he seemed old and senile, so I let his "lack of memory slide"). I did a quick check of our system, and found that he had not bought anything in our store since 2006, not even a wireless router. I told him, if he could find a receipt, we might be able to do a return.

        He returns about 15 minutes later with a receipt from 2005, demanding a return. (the guy conned me into thinking he was senile, ala "I don't remember dates", and then came back with a perfect memory of when he bought it) I told him we couldn't do it, and starts a sob story about how he had to drive home 20 miles each way to get his receipt. Bull shit. We had employees smoking in the parking say they saw him sitting in his car for fifteen minutes. He starts calling me a liar, etc. Asks for manager. Manager comes. He begins old senile man routine, and gets his refund.

        Olive juice you too.


        • #5
          Quoth BrassCowboy View Post
          I told him we couldn't do it, and starts a sob story about how he had to drive home 20 miles each way to get his receipt. Bull shit. We had employees smoking in the parking say they saw him sitting in his car for fifteen minutes. He starts calling me a liar, etc. Asks for manager. Manager comes. He begins old senile man routine, and gets his refund.

          See, it's makes others angry whenever there's evidence like this, and still the SC gets their way in the end. It's no wonder everything is expensive now.


          • #6
            Quoth BrassCowboy View Post

            He returns about 15 minutes later . . .

            . . . and starts a sob story about how he had to drive home 20 miles each way to get his receipt.

            . . . So he was saying that he drove 40 miles in 15 minutes? Wow, good thing that the police didn't see him.

            He really thought that you wouldn't remember that he was in the store just 15 minutes earlier . . . especially with that whole "senile old man" routine he put on.

            It simultaneously sucks and blows that he still got his return.
            “Excuse me. Is this bracelet real jade?”
            “Ma’am, this is a thrift shop. The tag on the bracelet says $1.50. It comes with a matching mood ring. What do you think?”
            “I don’t know.”
            “Yes, it’s real.”


            • #7
              That manager makes me SICK. The proper response to the old man is "get out of this store and don't come back".
              "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

              Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

