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    I am sorry I can not/will not pull money out of my ass!!!!!!

    Yes I know this sort of topic has been done to death, but it is getting worse all of the time.

    I am a delivery driver. I am only allowed to carry a small amount of money on me at any one time except when coming back from say a triple or a quad. this is standard practice in the food delivery "industry"

    WHY WHY WHY do you feel the need to treat me like a bank and hand me a $50 or $100 bill for your measly $15 order. where do you think I am going to get your change?????? pull it out of my ass????? no way I physically can or will for that matter. I am sorry that is all you have but no I do NOT have change for that. NO I will not go to the gas station a mile away to see if they can change this bill (not happening I used to work at a gas station and would not change a $100 because that runs my drawer waaaaaayyyyyyyyy short of $1 $5 and $10)

    And NONO will I go back to the store and get change and bring it back to you. that costs me money as in

    1. I KNOW you are not going to tip me for the original order AND my "extra effort" (will never say that to someones face but would like to)
    2. whilst I was getting/bringing you your change I could have taken at least 2 more runs since you live far enough away that the round trip is not worth my time/gas wastage/etc.
    3. I am not required to go and get you change from anywhere as our security policy dictates that we can not carry large amounts of cash on us. this policy is for the safety of the drivers ie not getting robbed/shot/fake accident because someone KNOWS FOR A FACT we have a large amount of casH on us
    4. other customers who DO know the proper way to pay for orders will get their orders late because you think I am the regional Federal Reserve and have shit load of cash stashed in my trunk and I/we have to put them off because YOU are a dumbass with no sense of preplanning and huge sense of entitlement

    what pisses me off is this used to happen only occasionally maybe once or twice a month. now it seems to be happening at least twice every shift I work and I work full time 5 or 6 shifts a week.

    Just because you want that medium chz pizza at 11pm and all you have is $100 sorry not happening go hungry. and yes I invite you to call either our franchize or the corp 800 number and complain. I will not get into trouble and you will be laughed at esp if I am polite during the "transaction" as I ALWAYS am.

    we have security policies for a reason (although some would argue some of these policies are just corp CYA as the drive takes the brunt of the injury/death/rape/car accident) they are valid to a point.
    Last edited by Racket_Man; 03-09-2008, 05:37 PM. Reason: bad typing
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    I found Thursday nights were the worst - cos that's when people got paid - so out would come the $50's and $100's - cos they'd 'just been to the bank, and don't have anything smaller'.

    Fortunately - my manager was a bit of a hard-arse (well - not to me, but then - I'm a hardarse too ) and his attitude is 'well - stuff 'em then' hehehe
    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


    • #3
      People just don't think. I always give the exact amount owed to the pizza delivery guy (plus the tip, of course). But I guess if people have never worked in the food service/delivery industry they just kind of naively or ignorantly think the person they are dealing with has an unlimited amount of change magically on their person/ in their drawer. I admit that before I cashiered, I thought that too - that there were unlimited 1s and 5s and 10s in the drawer. Wasn't until I actually became a cashier that I learned we only started out with a limited amount of each denomination. Still, I never would have paid with a large bill or even have carried bills that large around.

      Hopefully all these people that you have to deal with will have learned their lesson and not pull out the 50s and 100s to pay for their small orders anymore. Unfortunately it sounds like a lot of people need to learn that lesson


      • #4
        Quoth Slytovhand View Post
        I found Thursday nights were the worst - cos that's when people got paid - so out would come the $50's and $100's - cos they'd 'just been to the bank, and don't have anything smaller'.
        I get paid on Fridays, and it's direct deposit. So when I get cash out of the ATM it's always 20's.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          I don't know if the OP's work does this, but hmmm.....many chains offer an "order online" feature where you can - gasp! - pay by credit card. If all you have in cash is big bills, perhaps using this feature would be a good idea.

          But then they wouldn't be SCs, and well all know that "if it makes sense....."


          • #6
            Quoth Sableonblonde View Post
            People just don't think. I always give the exact amount owed to the pizza delivery guy (plus the tip, of course). But I guess if people have never worked in the food service/delivery industry they just kind of naively or ignorantly think the person they are dealing with has an unlimited amount of change magically on their person/ in their drawer. I admit that before I cashiered, I thought that too - that there were unlimited 1s and 5s and 10s in the drawer. Wasn't until I actually became a cashier that I learned we only started out with a limited amount of each denomination. Still, I never would have paid with a large bill or even have carried bills that large around.

            Hopefully all these people that you have to deal with will have learned their lesson and not pull out the 50s and 100s to pay for their small orders anymore. Unfortunately it sounds like a lot of people need to learn that lesson
            it does not seem to matter they do not learn. they just "expect it/entitled to it". it just seems like people expect drivers to have wads and wads and wads of cash on them, have psychic abilities (knowing when a customer has a large bill to cash), etc. Yeah like I am making that kind of money these days. these people always seem to have a wallet FULL of 50's and 100's and NOTHINGelse. I have been paid with loose change (raiding the kiddies piggie bank, loose change bottle/fund, searching ALL around the house for $1 bills, searching the couch for coins) more in the last couple of months than any other time since I have been driving.

            and the check thing is a WHOLE nuther rant in itself

            AND I WILL NOT BE ACCUSED of trying to steal from a customer if I can not get their "change" back to them in a timely fashion. IF we are dead slow I will consider bringing back change any other time forget it!!!!

            Quoth Reyneth View Post
            I don't know if the OP's work does this, but hmmm.....many chains offer an "order online" feature where you can - gasp! - pay by credit card. If all you have in cash is big bills, perhaps using this feature would be a good idea.

            But then they wouldn't be SCs, and well all know that "if it makes sense....."
            good concept Reyneth but bad in practise. I work for one of the big 3 and have online ordering BUT there is no requirement to use a CC for online orders except the site does not say for us when a customer trys to pay with a personal check and we do not accept those anymore. the site is run by corp and not adjusted to pay restriction at the local level.
            Last edited by Racket_Man; 03-09-2008, 06:22 PM.
            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


            • #7
              I don't understand anyone carrying anything larger than $20s unless they're trying to impress someone. Or they just can't figure out that it's a bitch to try to spend them so they should stick with $20s instead.

              It's times like these that I remember why I like my direct deposit and Visa ATM card so much.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth Slytovhand View Post
                I found Thursday nights were the worst - cos that's when people got paid - so out would come the $50's and $100's - cos they'd 'just been to the bank, and don't have anything smaller'.
                Here's a thought for them...ask the BANK to give you smaller bills! My bank automatically gives 20s when I cash a check or something. I don't understand why they bother to give out 50s and 100s unless people specifically request them.

                The only time I ever got big bills on a regular basis was when I used to cash my checks from the register at work, and then it's basically whatever the drawer has in it is what you get. If they don't have enough 20s you get something bigger. When I used to cash other people's checks for them, I'd ask them if the big bills were OK, or else tell them I'd call them when I had enough 20s for them.
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  Big-note people are never apologetic, always arrogant. Like €500 ($700ish) note person for a €37 transaction. I don't have €463 change, I just opened this till! Cue person getting REALLY impatient, manager having to change the note for money out of the safe, queue getting much longer. UGGHHHH!! And I get €50's for things that are €3 all the time, cleaning out all my change.


                  • #10
                    Do you think your manager(s) could put a policy in place that you no longer accept anything higher than a $20 bill for deliveries and mention it in the delivery recording?


                    • #11
                      At my old pizzeria we had a policy that the drivers could not give more than $20 in change unless the customer mentioned something on the phone. Our regulars knew to say "bring change for a $100" or they wouldn't get pizza. Looking back, I'm surprised management allowed this policy, but I guess it was in a low-crime area.
                      "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                      "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                      • #12
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        I don't understand anyone carrying anything larger than $20s unless they're trying to impress someone. Or they just can't figure out that it's a bitch to try to spend them so they should stick with $20s instead.

                        It's times like these that I remember why I like my direct deposit and Visa ATM card so much.

                        They are trying to impress people.

                        I was in the bank making my business deposit a few years back and I overheard two FEMALE customers in a row cashing payroll checks for well under $200 and both just had to have a $100 bill. I asked the bank teller and she said just about everybody working for that particular company cashed their checks at that branch and "everybody" had to have a $100 bill.

                        And I bet their next stop was the grocery store to get $9 worth of stuff and flash the $100 bill.

                        Now for MALE customers wanting a $100 bill, I can understand that need. It is to impress the ladies. It don't work, but the stupid still have to try.
                        SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                        • #13
                          This happened around 8pm saturday night.

                          Older guy comes in grabs a can of snuff and asks for a pack of smokes.

                          I give him the total and he hands me a $100 bill. I tell him I am sorry but I dont have change for that. He throws the can of snuff and smokes at me and gabs his $100 and as he is walking away he says THANKS!

                          Now if he had not thrown the stuff at me I would have meantioned my co-worker pumping gas MAY have been able to break it. But I just said, Hey dont get mad at me that you couldnt ask your bank for $20's instead of that $100.

                          He didnt even stop, just went out the door.
                          Last edited by VenomX; 03-10-2008, 12:58 PM.


                          • #14
                            I get things like this all too frequently. My till is $40, and 9 times out of 10 it's two twenties. Don't come in here and hand me $100 for your child's $23 payment. Won't work no matter how you slice it. Yeah, I do get money from other parents but most of them write a check, or use a card. Learn from their example.


                            • #15
                              Quoth StevieJD View Post
                              Now for MALE customers wanting a $100 bill, I can understand that need. It is to impress the ladies. It don't work, but the stupid still have to try.
                              Damn... there goes that idea :P
                              When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

