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Where is the Guard Shack?

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  • Where is the Guard Shack?

    Wednesday morning, we had a bunch of new temps start. This guy walks through the turnstile and over to the guard shack, sees me in uniform and says, "I'm supposed to report to the guard shack where is that at?" 20 minutes later he left and didn't return.

  • #2
    Quoth boringscreenname View Post
    Wednesday morning, we had a bunch of new temps start. This guy walks through the turnstile and over to the guard shack, sees me in uniform and says, "I'm supposed to report to the guard shack where is that at?" 20 minutes later he left and didn't return.
    Ok.....Sadly, I've been met with something similar. The store I was at remodled and moved the liquor section across the aisle from where it was. The former liquor section became the service desk. Other than people coming in, walking past the glass partition covered in neon beer signs and up to me asking "where's the beer?" or "Where'd y'all move the beer?", I had to chase someone out of the service desk who thought the liquor section was still there and was hell bent on getting some beer from there. Mind you there was three cash registers, a lottery machine, and NO ALCOHOL in the area that person was sure there was some alcohol to be found. I pointed that person in the right direction and it was like they found the Holy Grail or something.

    Now, if this person had had some handicap like dementia, alzheimers, or something similar, I wouldn't have thought anything about it. No, it was just an idiot.
    Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


    • #3
      Quoth boringscreenname View Post
      Wednesday morning, we had a bunch of new temps start. This guy walks through the turnstile and over to the guard shack, sees me in uniform and says, "I'm supposed to report to the guard shack where is that at?" 20 minutes later he left and didn't return.
      I don't understand. Did you not answer him and he just stared at you for 20 minutes? Did you answer him and then offer him a tissue to wipe the drool off of his chin?

      I just didn't get enough information to see what was so funny.


      • #4
        Quoth daleduke17 View Post
        No, it was just an idiot.
        Probably...but then again, he might have had *too much* alcohol already
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #5
          Geez, that brings back memories of when I wore the uniform. It's amazing how many thought it would be an easy gig and then never showed up again.
          Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

          If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

          Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


          • #6
            Quoth ebonyknight View Post
            I don't understand. Did you not answer him and he just stared at you for 20 minutes? Did you answer him and then offer him a tissue to wipe the drool off of his chin?

            I just didn't get enough information to see what was so funny.
            I told him he was at the guard shack, which should have been obvious to him. Then I explained how to get into the warehouse and where he should go and he left. I just think it's funny that on his first day of work, he didn't even last for a full hour before quitting.


            • #7
              Quoth boringscreenname View Post
              I told him he was at the guard shack, which should have been obvious to him. Then I explained how to get into the warehouse and where he should go and he left. I just think it's funny that on his first day of work, he didn't even last for a full hour before quitting.
              in all fairness... he could have meant is this the right guard shack... not likely mind you, but it is possible.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                There are only two buildings, the warehouse and guard shack.

