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paranoid SC

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  • paranoid SC

    I would like to point out something to start... the call center I'm at is one of 12, combined we can easily process over 20,000 reservations a day. The english speaking centers are Manilla (1000 agents), Bagio (sp? also with about 1000), Salt Lake (600 agents), Charleston (about 500 agents), and London and Sydney each have between 200 and 300... so y'all get the idea, huge numbers. Between the odds of an agent screwing up or a computer error reservations that for whatever reason don't go through don't happen often but aren't uncommon. Anyway, on with the story

    me- priority club reservations, this is smileyeagle speaking, how may I help you
    sc- I never got my confirmation email
    me- and do you have your confirmation number available?
    sc- no, I never got one, I assumed I'd get an email.
    me- ok, do you have your priority club number available?
    sc- yes it is 123456789 (one of these days I'm going to see if that is a valid number)
    me- ok, I've pulled up your profile, and I don't see any reservations under that number.
    me- perhaps it wasn't reserved under your member number, what was your name, date of arrival and hotel you were staying at.
    sc- (gives information)
    me- I'm sorry I don't see that in the system... it's possible that for some reason the reservation just didn't save.
    sc- that's not possible, obviously the agent did something less than legit.
    me- I doubt that, if it is an agent problem it's an agent that didn't finish the reservation properly, nothing more.
    sc- well I gave her my credit card number, what else could they do with that without making a reservation
    me- (thinking, yeah, they could just as easily steal your card and make the reservation) I'm sorry, but I have no idea what the other agent did, all I can do is offer to resend the reservation and make sure that it goes through this time.
    sc- no, I think I need to be connected to the priority club account services so they can tell me how to cancel my priority club credit card to make sure that agent doesn't do anything with it.
    me- I don't know if that is necessary, but please hold while I connect you.

    after thinking about it I don't know if she is just uber paranoid... or as I think about it more wonder if she isn't some sort of scammer trying to get an excuse to cancel a credit card...
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    Prolly a bit of paranoia, but here's a second thought:

    She might be one of those SC's that think that when they tell you they're going to cancel their WHATEVER, you are going to fall to the floor and yell:

    "God no...please no!!! ANYTHING but that!!!"

    I do love your parting line to her. That was classic.
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #3
      Quoth Peppergirl View Post

      She might be one of those SC's that think that when they tell you they're going to cancel their WHATEVER, you are going to fall to the floor and yell:

      "God no...please no!!! ANYTHING but that!!!"
      I can't stand it when people try the haggling crap they read in the newspapers on me. Looking me square in the eye and telling me they won't stand for it. They expect me to cave or whimper and calla manager.

      I just tell them "I didn't make up MSRP. Take it or leave it."


      • #4
        Quoth Peppergirl View Post
        Prolly a bit of paranoia, but here's a second thought:

        She might be one of those SC's that think that when they tell you they're going to cancel their WHATEVER, you are going to fall to the floor and yell:

        "God no...please no!!! ANYTHING but that!!!"

        I do love your parting line to her. That was classic.
        oh no, you don't know the half of it... she asked for the wrong department... the right department was closed for the holiday... the wrong department however is better equipped at subtly telling her she's a moron for thinking that she needs to call Priority Club to deal with her credit card (almost every idiot knows that those rewards cards still go through a bank, which as I'm sure thehippie will gladly tell you we aren't)

        yes, and she can't complain about it either... because the person at priority club can tell her that she was connected with exactly who she asked to be connected to
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          For the sake of the argument, let's assume that the agent did steal the SC's CC number. Depending on the card, the most she could be liable for is $50, if I remember correctly.

          This reminds me of the people who are too paranoid to buy on-line because some hacker or whatever will steal their CC number, but will gladly tell someone they have never met all this personal information, who will use basically use the same computer system to process it.


          • #6
            Baguio ... it's a reltively high-elevation city north of Manila. Lots of the foreigners like it because it's colder there.

            They grow great bell peppers, cauliflower, and large white onions there. Although, by the time the produce arrives here, it's expensive.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              See, I'm confused as to how the agent could steal her card without making a reservation, but was incapable of stealing her card if he did make a reservation.
              The High Priest is an Illusion!


              • #8
                Quoth marasbaras View Post
                Baguio ... it's a reltively high-elevation city north of Manila. Lots of the foreigners like it because it's colder there.

                They grow great bell peppers, cauliflower, and large white onions there. Although, by the time the produce arrives here, it's expensive.
                and now have the newest call center within my company and the second largest... and to be honest, other than it would mean having to move half way around the planet, and go back to gen res rather than my current department, I would so love a transfer.
                They have brand new computers, new phones, headsets that actually work, nice chairs (oh that would be worth it right there), free meals, and a full rec center on sight.
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

