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"How dare you behave like that outside of work!!"

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  • "How dare you behave like that outside of work!!"

    Came into work, and the manager asked to see me in the office. He told me that I was not in trouble, but asked me to read a complaint that had been sent in. This isnt word for word, but it went something along the lines of this...

    "I was enjoying a nice drink at <rival bar> when I spotted a member of your staff drinking large amounts of alcohol and making excessive amounts of noise. The member of staff was seen drinking shots of aftershock, which in my opinin, is very irresponsible. Member of staff was also heard swearing during conversation and was laughing too loud. I believe this is extremelly unprofessional behaviour, and I want action to be taken. Behaviour like this should not be condoned."

    Manger laughed. "You were there the other night weren't you?"

    Of course, the complaint got put in the bin, but really, what is wrong with some people? I can do what I want outside of work, it wasnt in my place of work, and I wasnt even with other employees, what business is it of theirs?

  • #2
    Some people just like to bitch. It makes them feel big.
    The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

    Believe dat.


    • #3
      Some people believe we're like superheroes. That we eat, drink, and sleep thinking nothing of our jobs and serving our customers. They tend to forget that when we are off the clock, we are our true selves.

      When I worked at Kroger, I would get funny looks from people when I went to Wal Mart, even before they put in the grocery part of the store. When I ran the Video Dept, I went into Blockbuster one time and one of my regulars said, "What brings you here?" As if she busted me or something. Come on people, we were a video department in a tiny corner of the store. It's not like we had a tremendous selection. Especially if you're an avid fan of anime, cheesy Japanese sci-fi flicks, or movies with giant bugs and terrible acting (I am fascinated by bad movies, it's like a sickness).
      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


      • #4
        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
        Especially if you're an avid fan of anime, cheesy Japanese sci-fi flicks, or movies with giant bugs and terrible acting (I am fascinated by bad movies, it's like a sickness).
        My hubby has the same sickness- I don't think their is a vaccine. Luckily (since he works for Blockbuster) he knows the difference between a good and bad film and doesn't recommend them to anyone.

        Last night he was watching some horrible movie you probably would have loved. It was about giant mosquitos attacking a farm house. I kept thinking, "I'm missing the end of the Dirty Jobs 100th for this?"
        I :heart: Mike Rowe- he's such a sarcasticly funny guy.

        Sorry, this post is
        "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

        ~TechSmith 314
        HellGate: London


        • #5
          Mosquito! Yeah, I saw that on my TV Guide last night on the Sci Fi channel. I've seen that one before. If he hasn't already seen it, I formally recommend Bug Buster. You haven't experienced fine cinema until you've witnessed Randy Quaid fist fight a 6 foot tall cockroach.

          Okay, back on topic now, I promise (fingers crossed behind back)
          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


          • #6
            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
            (I am fascinated by bad movies, it's like a sickness).
            A couple of the guys I work with went all the way to Philadelphia yesterday just to see some B movie. The one guy who instigated the trip has a website that he runs with a friend called Reel Friction...apparently they have quite different taste in movies lol

            btw Philly is about an hour and a half drive from where I live.

            NA- I heart Mike Rowe too but I didn't know there was a special 100th
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              OK--you were at a bar which is unprofessional? Um...wasn't she also at the bar?? So, technically, shouldn't she also be writing a letter of complaint on herself to her boss? If it's 'unprofessional' for you...the same goes for her. (I assume it's a just sounds like a complaint a bitch would make) People make no sense at all. Why is it ok for them to go out and have a life outside of work...but it's not ok for us? They make my brain hurt.

              I swear I would find out who she is and write the same letter to her boss. What a freaking idiot. I hate people sometimes.
              Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


              • #8
                It's okay for them because they have "real" jobs where they suffer "real" angst and "real" headaches and "real" stress. They seem t think people who work retail aren't prone to those types of feelings or diagnoses.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Quoth SCSlave View Post
                  OK--you were at a bar which is unprofessional? Um...wasn't she also at the bar?? So, technically, shouldn't she also be writing a letter of complaint on herself to her boss? If it's 'unprofessional' for you...the same goes for her. (I assume it's a just sounds like a complaint a bitch would make) People make no sense at all. Why is it ok for them to go out and have a life outside of work...but it's not ok for us? They make my brain hurt.
                  I swear I would find out who she is and write the same letter to her boss. What a freaking idiot. I hate people sometimes.
                  That actually happened to me once.
                  I had gone out to a gay bar with my friend, whom we'll call "Jack," as in Jack and Karen from Will and Grace.
                  Now, I wasn't drinking, because I drew the short straw and was the designated driver (of course, I went home alone, because "Jack" made a <coughcough> "new friend" <coughcough> that night, and it was imperative that they have an urgent <coughcough> discussion <coughcough> about something imperative that had <coughcough> come up <coughcough>, but that's incidental to the story)

                  Anyway, before Jack met his <coughcough> new friend <coughcough>, we were dancing and laughing and having a great time. But Jack and I noticed that some woman was glaring at me.

                  ME: Do you see that woman glaring at me?
                  J: Fuhgeddaboudit! It's just her lesbian "come hither" look. The butches tend to do that. Let's dance!

                  So, like a schmuck, I think nothing of it. Until Monday morning, when I report for work at the liquor store I am managing (you want sucky customer stories? The paperback about my time at Loser Liquors is coming out in June).
                  And my boss is waiting for me outside the store in his car. He gets out and says we need to chat.....
                  Turns out that the woman who glared at me was Susie Scag (not her real name), and Miss Susie was one of our clients who ordered in bulk for the restaurant she worked for.
                  And then the hilarity ensued --

                  AB -- *$$hole boss
                  ME -- the faaaabulous and opinionated Bonnie Bitch
                  The G-Spot -- faked-up name of local gay dance club

                  AB: Uhm, Bonnie, Susie Scag saw you out carousing on Friday, and she said you were obviously drunk. Now, that doesn't look good for the company, especially if word of this got out.
                  ME: Uh--huh <nodding head, waiting to produce my claws>
                  AB: Now, Susie said she saw you going into The G-Spot. Is this accurate?
                  ME: Yup <and I promptly shut my mouth>
                  AB: Well, I don't care if you're that way, I have friends who are...
                  ME: Save it. Not interested. By the way, that was the same crap people used to say in the 60's before anyone could accuse them of being a race bigot. It's none of your business what I do or who I do it with when I'm not working or representing Loser Liquors. By the way, did you bother to ask Susie Scag what she was doing out at a gay bar by herself on a Friday night, besides nursing several vodka collins at the bar, all the while cruising me?"
                  <sound of crickets chirping>
                  ME: Yeah, I thought so. And not that it's any of your business whatsoever, but I was stone-cold sober that night. I also left alone. Oh, oops, I bet Miss Scag left out those details.
                  AB: <very contritely> I'm sorry I brought it up. But what would she have to gain by lying?
                  ME <rolling my eyes> Because she's in the closet and is paranoid about people finding out.

                  So, that was that... or so I thought.... until Thursday, when AB and Susie Scag show up at my store because the special order vodka was mistakenly delivered to my outlet rather than the main office/warehouse. They come in, Susie glares at me, I take them to the store room, and AB puts the two cases of vodka on a dolly to haul them out. He gets out the door, and I jump in ahead of Susie Scag and stand in the doorway, blocking her escape.
                  ME: Listen up. If you ever even look at me the wrong way again, I will tell everyone that you're a big ole <insert off-color slang for lesbian here>. What you lied to my boss about was inexcusable, and I will not stand for it. Leave my store. Oh, and Suse -- we never had this chat.

                  Anyway, the moral of the story is that people (myself included) usually enjoy a spot of gossip so much that they don't question the source or ask for details.

                  As for Miss Susie Scag -- the people in charge of karma did eventually catch up to her and make sure she got what she deserved.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Bonnie Bitch View Post
                    As for Miss Susie Scag -- the people in charge of karma did eventually catch up to her and make sure she got what she deserved.
                    Don't leave us hanging like that.....what did lovely ol' Karma deliver to Miss Susie??


                    • #11
                      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                      NA- I heart Mike Rowe too but I didn't know there was a special 100th
                      Yeah, he went to the army core of engineers for that one as well as attacked the mailbag. I downloaded the episode.
                      I AM the evil bastard!
                      A+ Certified IT Technician


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pinkie View Post
                        Don't leave us hanging like that.....what did lovely ol' Karma deliver to Miss Susie??
                        Well, thanks for asking!

                        Miss Susie Scag never spoke to or, more importantly, of me again.
                        However, Miss Scag apparently did not learn her lesson.
                        There was a waiter at her restaurant, and she pulled the same crap on him to try to get him fired, presumably as a pre-emptive strike to prevent Sam (not his real name) from outing her, as he had seen her at The G-Spot before.
                        When Susie went to tattle on Sam to his boss (who happened to be one of the most popular local drag queens under the name of Melisssa Manchaser), he laughed in her face and reminded her that she was quite the habitué of The G-Spot herself.
                        Well, Miss Susie was not satisfied with that response, so she took matters into her own hands.
                        She confronted Sam the Waiter herself. Big mistake, since Sam really doesn't care whether people know or not. He filed a sexual harassment complaint against her. He also made a GINORMOUS stink about it, making sure that everyone he complained to was made aware that Susie knew he was gay because she was too, and that they both frequented The G-Spot.
                        After th big bruhaha and investigation, it was recommended to Miss Susie that she pursue employment opportunities outside of that company.
                        Rumor has it that that company keeps video records of all their hiring and firing meetings, just in case. I would sell my left <censored> for a copy of that tape!

                        And big kudos to the people in charge of karma!


                        • #13
                          Bonnie, Thanks for filling us in!!!! Always nice to see a great example of Karma in action!!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Pinkie View Post
                            Bonnie, Thanks for filling us in!!!! Always nice to see a great example of Karma in action!!
                            My pleasure!

                            <also, it's extra karma points for spreading the word about karma, and the inherent dangers of pissing away your karma points>


                            • #15
                              To Bonnie: I believe this says it all: PWNED, baby. PWNED!!

                              Karma 1, Susie Scag 0. Mwaahahahahhaa!
                              ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

