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this is just remembered...

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  • this is just remembered...

    when I was getting ready to start college I worked pizza delivery for different companies in town just after high school...

    This town is HORRIBLE about tipping...but a few memories pop up...though I thought I had repressed them deeply enough...

    Story 1:
    We get a call for like 15 pizzas to be delivered out into the middle of BFE...oops sorry I had passed BFE about 5 miles the middle of one of the hottest days on record...I've got 15 pizza's and 6 2 liters on my back seat.

    now NORMALLY we don't deliver out to where they were but since it was such a big order and they promised a $20 tip to the driver, they got it to be delivered to their house. normally we'd meet them at a gas station at about the halfway point, and exchange there...but no...well guess who got stuck driving out there.

    I finally find the place and the guy who comes out to help me, is nice enough...offers to help me unload the pizzas, and drinks and helps carry everything in...its going nicely...we get inside and unload everything and he hands me a check for the exact amount and a $10 bill!!! Now I can't normally say anything...its nice enough that he even tipped...but ancients almighty...don't promise one thing and then turn around and jip the driver...$10 covered my gas out there and back and the rest of the day...but I was promised $20 to drive 15 miles from the store so the little anklebiters could have sugary goodness and mommy and daddy wouldn't have to.

    I lived on my tips...paychecks just helped pay rent and bills at the time (this was WAY back when gas around here was $0.98/gallon).

    I got back to the store and promptly told the manager, he couldn't do anything either, but there was a note on the account that next time they wanted to order, to not deliver out that far.

    Story 2:
    As a standard rule when we gave back change since it was rare that we change physical change on us (coins wise), we'd round up and give them back the amount in dollars...(exrder is $15.26 guy gives $20 change is $4.) Most people are cool with this and don't normally care (sometimes thats all the tip we ever got). Here is a SC moment....
    ME: annoyed driver pulling 3rd double shift this week...and its only tuesday.
    SC: guy who makes more then I do but not by much...
    SF: sucky friend of SC whom was in the store with SC

    Me: ~gets out of car and grabs order and walks in all smiles~ Hi, I'm looking for SC?
    SC: Thats much do I owe?
    Me: $15.22 please
    SC: ~hands me a $20 I give him $4 back~ wait a minute I gave you a $20...I should be getting $5 back!
    Me: ~since $20 is still in my hand and not in my belt pouch with the rest of my money~ Yes sir...the total was $15.22 I gave you back $4 which is the correct change since you didn't have the 22 cents.
    SC: No, BECAUSE I didn't give you 22 cents my change is $5!
    SW: Learn to do math little girl or leave it to the REAL men!
    ME: ~resists urge to grab knife in my own pocket and teach them what makes me not so little...~ sir...I round up on prices when giv..
    SC: No, you listen to me little girl (urge to mangle growing...blame it on lung cancer...) I gave you $20, you owe ME $5 in change!
    ME: sir I cannot give you an order for 22 cents less the...
    Me: ~Mumbles~ fine...

    End note...not only did he order 2 days later, I delivered to the man who was in that same store at his home...never delivered there again...flat refused.
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  • #2
    :headbang: Rude people...
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      side note to that...

      Yes I carried a small folding pocket knife while i was working...I sometimes would have over $200 in my pocket at any given time during a really busy night. It was perfectly legal and approved (granted under the table), since I was a female driver (one of the only ones), and working the night shift, I had to often go out into nasty area's of town, or middle of no where and I felt more comfortable with that knife beside my money in my belt pouch (custom made pouch made of real leather, and real deer sinew for the stitching, local native american woman I met at the flea market one weekend and got it made to my custom specifications.)
      It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


      • #4
        Err, not sure I agree with having $200 on your person. During my delivery days I wasn't very good at emptying my pockets all the time. But I never carried that much cash on me - too great a temptation for thieves. But I feel your pain. Why is it some store owners and hotel employees were some of the worst tippers? Or the best tippers? There never seemed to be any middle ground. Either they empathized with the driver and tipped very well (hotel employees received a 50%discount and would sometimes pay regular price with the diff as the tip) or they wouldn't tip a single red cent.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          You need me to escort you

          With the 11 or so (all legal albeit display mostly) swords that I have, including a 4 and a half foot long sword, I make quite a sight.
          I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


          • #6
            I would also be happy to brandish my kama's from the back seat....


            • #7
              naw I'm long out of the delivery business...I never had any fear...ancients I once stared down 2 bull mastiffs, and told them in a VERY firm voice to stop barking at me. Course this was with a chain link fence behind us...I'm brave not stupid...big dogs weighing as much as me, i keep some distance between us. owner came out (customer I was delivering to), and asked how I got them to stop barking at me. I just told her, that I told them firmly to stop barking at me while looking them in the eye....I got a $5 tip from her...she had NEVER EVER seen someone make those dogs be quiet unless it was her or her husband.

              I'm certified to carry a gun on my person at any given time...doesn't mean I do. I worked security, and fora $2 an hour raise I got certified to carry a concealed weapon (AFTER I worked pizza delivery). I hate guns with a vengence since I had a 16 gauge sawed off shot gun pointed at me, then turned on my friend (just pointed she didn't get shot), because according to him I wasn't getting the money out of the register fast enough.
              It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


              • #8
                i gave up on keeping change on me pretty quick, hasnt hurt me yet, but if it is then i will tell them i cant due to the weight and heat, also i would add allittle pyschilagical stuff if the SC on me. Basically i can make people hate themselves


                • #9
                  I remember once being told that in Arizona you can walk around like armed to the teeth like a Scottish Highlander and no one can arrest you. How true that was I don't know. But I can imagine myself making my deliveries with a wakazashi on one hip and a two handed long sword slung onto my back. I don't think most people would mess with me.....
                  "There is a sadist inside me. She likes cake." - Krys Wolf, my friend

                  In a coffee shop in Whitehouse, Texas: "Unsupervised children will be given two shots of espresso and a free puppy."


                  • #10
                    they lied, sheriff joe is big on no weapons
                    my mom had a gun and my dad got arrested because of it


                    • #11
                      Open carry of firearms is 100% legal in Arizona. Concealed carry may require a permit though.

