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What in the world are you talking about?

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  • What in the world are you talking about?

    As I've mentioned, my new job we are "silent" partners with a few finacial institutions. My job is to deal with the institutions, their customers and equipment dealers. One of the instituions also offers traditional banking accounts, which we don't deal with at all. Loans and leases is our game.

    Any and all numbers have been changed to proctect the stupid.

    Here,s the call I got today:

    Me: Customer support how can I help you?
    SC: Yes this is Joe 1565485435
    Me: Ok is that an account number, customer number, contract number or loan number? It's not pulling up for me under those numbers.
    SC: It's my account.
    Me: Do you have any other number?
    SC: Here try this. I forgot the 0707 in front of that. So it's 07071565485435
    Me: *tries again* Sorry that numbers not pulling up either. It's too long. Which number are you reading me? (Side note we do have some customers who have 18 digit numbers and ours are in the middle, this was not the case with that one.)
    SC: Well I'm reading it from my checking book. *She says this after she read it to me 4-5 times and it wasn't coming up in my system.*
    Me: *slaps forehead* Ok. We don't have a way to pull it up via checking account number. Can you verify the last 4 digits of the Tax ID on this account?
    SC: 1234
    Me: Ok thanks. That pulled it up. What can I do for you?
    *In order to save time, chat about the account is ommited as it was fairly standard. Before I even finish replying the customer spurts off*
    SC: 1565485435
    Me: *writes down number and see's it was the one I just tried*
    Me: I just tried that number and it's not our number.
    SC: ...
    Me: ...
    SC: So on this account...
    Me:I'm sorry that's not one of our numbers. We tried that already.
    SC: Oh yea, I forgot the 0707 in front of it. Try that one.
    Me: Sorry, but that number is too long. I am UNABLE to pull this account through your checking account number.
    SC: Ok try this. 01545668
    Me: That's the bank routing number that just tells me where you bank.
    SC: Try this. 1565485435 I just read it off my check book.
    Me: Yes, that's the banking account number which we cannot use in our programs, do you have a contract number?
    SC: Yeah it's 07071565485435
    Me: That's the number you just gave me.
    SC: Yes, but I forgot the first 4 digits on my checking account number.
    *Lather rinse repeat*
    Me: Hold please while I transfer you to the department who can pull this up for you.

    Thankfully that partner also has their own customer support line and was able to find what they were looking for. I only work with loans and leases, not with checking or traditional savings accounts.

    Seriously is it that hard to understand That Number Doesn't Work.
    Last edited by Gothicsmurf; 06-25-2008, 10:49 PM. Reason: grammar
    You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.

  • #2
    I just love the "Lather, Rinse, Repeat" stories. But I think that's because I can just envision the growing frustration of the poor employee enduring the woes of the dreaded Customer Who Can't Get A Clue... Does that make me a bad person ?
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

