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Pet hate

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  • #16
    I hate it when people bring thier pets into the store...this is a FOOD store NOT a pet store...but tell that to them (the ones who do not bring in a service animal but they bring in thier little ankle biting dogs) and its like you insulted their mother.

    People who say "i'll be back....just take me 5 minutes to get my wallet." When in fact it takes them 3-5 hours to look for one dammed wallet. Next time JUST MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE MONEY ON YOU.

    People who get on you for having the wrong price on the product. And they get pissed when you tell them you are NOT responsible for pricing.
    NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


    • #17
      I've forgotten my wallet, before. Twice, actually.

      I had to hop in the car, race home, then race back, and it was literally a 5-minute round trip. But I didn't leave my stuff in the line while I did it. That would just be rude. Nobody else should suffer because I was too stupid to make sure I had my bank card on me before I left the house.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #18
        I remember once, years ago, my mom and sister and i went grocery shopping. We get to the register, unload everything, and lo and behold, my mother had forgotten her check book. So home she went to get it while my sister and i stayed behind with the groceries. But at least we didn't hold anyone else up. We just stepped to the side and waited. It's not that hard to do folks.
        Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

