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Where i narrowly avoid the SC

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  • Where i narrowly avoid the SC

    Poor J - my fellow coworker.

    The guy is a saint and deserves a medal.

    We have a customer, who comes in 4-7 times a week to copy old photos to CD and make copies of prints. That would be wonderful except, she always pretends it is her first time and demands we help her for hours on end on the self serve kiosks and hold her hand. She also likes to come right at closing or 10 after and try to demand we stay late so she can work on her endless projects. She has called managers on me for having closed on time when she had called ahead and was told when the kiosks close and that no we were not extending their hours. The management generally tells me good job on closing up in a timely fashion and tells her hour hours are posted for a reason.

    Right now we are understaffed and over worked so we don't have the time to hand hold and baby her and put up with her endless insults. And one of my more dedicated coworkers took and order to put negatives and slides to cd. Also not a problem other than the customer's "just a few slide, 110 and 35mm negatives" turned out to be over 5,000 images all in poor shape that need to be HAND scanned into the computer before they can be burned to cd. So every spare moment we have we work on the project. I had just pulled out the boxes and started to scan in stuff when ms. EW comes to the counter.

    J sees my pile of work and the sour look on my face and throws himself on the bomb before I say something I regret.

    a few minutes later I hear screaming
    SC: Don't touch don't touch DON'T Touch!!!
    and I look over and see her dancing around the kiosk screaming and scaring the customers on the next machine half to death.

    her order had one too many images to put to cd and he was trying to see what he could do to delete one image or compress something so she would not have to purchase 2 cds since she has thrown fits because she has done this to herself before and demanded a free cd, which we declined since she said yes it was ok to the kiosk before it printed the "extra" cd. he was not changing her order just looking at it and she was barely restraining herself from striking him and sobbing and panting. Last time she was in she did this to me and I told her if she could not compose herself I could not help her. She couldn't and I didn't.

    In the mean time I have been scanning away and notice the other couple is having issues with the <large name brand service kiosk>
    I walk over and ask them what the trouble is. They tell me they are a bit worried about the price of their order and wonder if there is a cheeper service. I direct them to <less well known brand that uses good paper but not quite as good as the first>
    they switch machines and are happy.

    SC now is screaming at me

    I walk behind the counter and start up my image transfers again.

    J later told me she said she was sorry to him that she takes meds to stay calm but her life was overwhelming her right then. He suggested she ask her doc to check them. She left with the parting note. "At least you are still on my good side" he wondered aloud if that was a good thing.

    as to the never telling her the other service was cheeper. I gave her a flyer when the prices changed. I told her verbally many times. IT IS WRITTEN IN FOOT TALL LETTERING AS YOU WALK IN THE DOOR. oh and on the flyer. our hours of operation.

    oh well
    now J is stuck with her till we get someone new or he quits or the end of time, which ever comes first.

  • #2
    We have a regular guy who refuses to use the ATM by himself. He comes over and tells us each time that he has never used an ATM before. We've all helped him atleast twenty times. I got so fed up I made the supervisor go help him because he was getting rude with me when I told to go to ATM-- by himself. I told him to just read the prompts but I guess that's too hard.

    He can see just fine and can read (I think) so I don't see why he needs us to hold his hand for his own money.


    • #3
      Sounds like they have some serious learning disabilities.
      *There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
      *Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*

