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Aunty Em! Aunty Em! It's a Twister! It's a Twister!

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  • #31
    Quoth Princess-Snake View Post
    If I Only Had The Nerve
    Another customer had a complaint about the registers going down. He demanded the manager and threatened to give him a piece of his mind. Then he actually saw the manager. He's around 6'5" or 6'6", about 270 pounds, with biceps that make girls just swoon.
    I think I'm in love with your manager.


    • #32
      Is your store located near a mental hospital, by any chance?
      It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
      -Helen Keller

      I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


      • #33
        Seriously, what IS it with people panicking when a storm is predicted?

        During our last one back in March, I made the mistake of heading to the grocery to pick up my prescription BEFORE I had listed to the forecast that morning.

        I walked in and it was like the apocylpse was predicted, I swear. I walked in and there were like, LITERALLY, about 20 people in each of 5 or 6 lines. This was at 8 in the morning on a Friday, so I knew something was wrong. With my jaw hanging open, I walked back to the pharmacy and asked for my prescription that I had called in. I asked the tech what the deal was and she told me about the snow that was predicted. Poor thing had apparently been called ALL manner of names from customers who decided they were too good to stand in the lines and wanted her to ring their groceries out.

        I got my prescription and went home, shaking my head and thinking *sheep* as I walked out of the store.

        Turns out, the 20 inches that were predicted came to pass, but even so, I was only snowed in for 1 and 1/2 days. What, exactly, do people think they need so desperately to run to the store? Even during our worst blizzards, we were snowed in 2-3 days max. Unless you have literally NOTHING in your fridge, you're NOT going to starve!

        'Course, like others have mentioned, I blame the media for getting people all riled up and crazed. I feel REALLY sorry for anyone who works grocery or retail during these times.
        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


        • #34
          Quoth Eric the Grey View Post
          LOL That's funny.

          Oh no... Wait..... Damn, Damn, Damn...



          Eric the Grey
          Me either. I just got started on Girl Genius today.
          "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


          • #35
            I can't believe (or rather I can but don't want to) that someone thought they could get a storm discount! Can you get a SC discount?? I don't know if I could have kept a straight face with that one.

            She chose to go there, its her own damned fault. What next is she going to demand gas money too?? Or sue if she gets into an accident? Some people....


            • #36
              try delivering pizza/subs/other food during inclement weather.

              I think Tony Doughnuts posted a story a couple of years ago about some dork wanting a pizza delivered as REAL tornado was passing thru the town.

              here in NE Wisconsin if 2 (count'm TWO) snowflakes or raindrops fall it is a safe bet that the phone wil ring off the hook at my pizza place. then people have the "deer in the headlights look" when we tell them it will be 90 minutes for delivery cause there are ABOUT 40 orders ahead of you during raging thunder storm/snowstorm
              I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
              -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

              "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


              • #37
                We had a tornado strike here two years ago and people go apesh*t every time a storm cloud rolls through. We have people rushing us to check them out so they can beat the storm, then will casually stroll out of line to walk up to the windows and look outside...then will act surprised that you are waiting for them to pay...then they write a check. UGH!

                Its weather people, just because the weatherman makes it sound like you are going to die, doesn't mean its really going to happen.
                Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                • #38
                  I know that in Sunny Florida, hurricane season is cause for much panic and hilarity. You keep an eye on all the Tropical Storms, watch the weather stations for any path deviations in the swirling masses, and apparently wait till the last minute to do all of your emergency supply shopping.
                  I was working at a grocery store several years ago,at this time on the coast approx. mid-state, when we started getting heavier than usual down-pours( the precurser to hurricane land-fall), and the rain was nearly horizontal. The power had been flickering wildly for some time, and the manager had turned off everything non-essential, including nearly half of the overhead lights.
                  I, as the idiotic bubble-head I can occasionally be, vollunteered to go retrieve carts from the parking lot to save others from having to get soaked. The raincoat did nothing to help. There were some areas of the lot that had water up over my ankles and I was in cheap canvas tennis shoes.
                  As I am slogging through the waterfall rain, pushing 5 or 6 carts, a very fancy corvette( I think) comes barrelling aroung the end of the isle and nearly hits me, spraying up a wall of water that actually knocks me off my feet. I stumbled and went to one knee but was fine. I get the carts into the store and attempt to dry them off a bit.
                  Around that time corvette boy comes dashing into the entryway and proceeds to shake his umbrella all over me and the carts. I'm too wet to care but there went all my drying work. Jerk-wad SC then has the nerve to complain(loudly) about the crappy-ness of our parking-lot, the wet carts, the darkness in the store, the surly employees(I admit I'd glared a bit for the umbrella thing), and on and on ad nauseam.
                  I went back out into the storm. It had to be better to get picked up in a hurricane than listen to that guy any longer.
                  What's going on? Where are we going? And why are we in this hand-basket!?!


                  • #39
                    I've lived in Buffalo for only two years. I am calmer in a snowstorm than most people who have lived here their whole lives. Like, wow, guys. We're only KNOWN for having a ton of snow, why wouldn't we flip out everytime the sky spits out some flakes?
                    My hometown in VA was often host to a number of very nasty thunderstorms. Constant flooding, power lines going down, everyone panicking on the roads, human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, MASS HYSTERIA! Every single time a storm would come up, everyone would run to the Walmart to stock up. At the time it was built, it was the second largest WM on the East coast. BIG STORE. Every storm, things like toilet paper and bread would be completely gone. You'd think after a couple thousand generations of this stuff happening, maybe someone would've figured out to get ready beforehand and to stop freaking out.
                    "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
                    "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
                    X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


                    • #40
                      Quoth Bradester View Post
                      Someone crank up Dark Side of the Moon!
                      This is spring. In the Midwest. Thunderstorms, hail, flash flood warnings, and tornadoes are par for the course. Follow the safety tips you've likely heard ad nauseum since kindergarten and you should be fine.
                      Safety tips --- I ain't following no stinkin safety tips :0. If I ran and hid everytime thunder busted this spring, I would never see the outside of my basement.

                      Besides, I am doing a paper route with my daughter, and Heaven forbid we wait until the storm is over before the papers go out. I drove through driving wind.....thunder so loud my car shook....and walked through the torrential rains. (I only hydroplaned(sp) my car once)


                      • #41
                        Quoth tamezin View Post
                        Safety tips --- I ain't following no stinkin safety tips :0. If I ran and hid everytime thunder busted this spring, I would never see the outside of my basement.
                        No kidding, we've had more tornado warnings this spring than I've seen in my entire life. I quickly grew tired of sitting in the basement last night and went upstairs to fix myself some miso soup while the sirens blared for 15 minutes at a time.

                        Besides, I am doing a paper route with my daughter, and Heaven forbid we wait until the storm is over before the papers go out. I drove through driving wind.....thunder so loud my car shook....and walked through the torrential rains. (I only hydroplaned(sp) my car once)
                        And by god, if there is so much as one drop of water on my paper, I'll cancel my subscription!
                        Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?


                        • #42
                          Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
                          Its weather people, just because the weatherman makes it sound like you are going to die, doesn't mean its really going to happen.
                          Local news is most affiliates' bread and butter. And surprise surprise, guess what portion of the news determines which local station people watch? Spot On! I don't remember the exact percentage but it was something crazy like 60 or 80. Which is why you "see" coverage of the city council by way of a twenty second cell phone report from the most junior intern, but the weather segment is the second lead (after whatever is bloodiest, of course) teaser AND comes just before the final wraps (or at least half way through the broadcast to decrease switching) AND features OMFGBBQZX!!11!! Level 9000 Doppler Radar PlusPlus with Enzymes. Sheeple love drama, even in weather

