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Nickel and Dimed (long)

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  • Nickel and Dimed (long)

    Good Morning,

    Right now I am a programmer, which means that the only customers I deal with are internal. I have tales of the resident twelve o'clock flasher, but that will be in unsupportable.

    Way back when, in my youth, I worked as a bottle sorter at a bottle depot. In Canada, or at least Alberta, we charge between $0.05 - $0.20 per can, bottle, tetra-pack, carton, or other drink container as a deposit. This deposit is refunded at the bottle depots. How does the depots profit? We sell the bottle back to the province with a mark up. For example, a bag that contains 1800 pop cans will cost us $90 but we will sell it for $120.

    This job is dirty, smelling, and each worker looks like crap. We are treat like crap by a good number of people who bring in bottles.

    The Bottle Drives

    This sums up a good part of the angst of your average bottle sorter. A group, Boy Scouts, hockey, or some such, would canvas the neighborhoods for bottle and cans and bring them to a certain location, on site or off, and a group of the parents and children would sort them. I would be supervising them while taking care of the beer products.

    The suckyness would come in two parts, first is quality control, second would be the Know-It-Alls.

    Soccer Mom: I know what I am doing this is my third bottle drive.
    Me: That is fine and good, but Molson Excel doesn't count as beer, it is less then 0.5% alcohol, it is a near beer. It is considered pop.

    Me: Who put the flat of Rainer (beer) in the pop bag? Okay. Put the flats besides the bag, I will put them in. *grumble*

    Me: *looks at counter on bag, 45 flats, bag is full* *shakes head* I need to recount this.
    KIA: No you don't it will cost us money. This is a donation.
    Me: *raised eyebrow* Uh no. You will get more money, A third of a bag, infact.

    It was horrible and thankless. You would have a group of people looking over your shoulder and questioning everything you did. I was good at it. Probably one of the best. In a average bottle drive, you would pay out around $600-$1200 dollars.

    I am Udderly sure we can't take that.

    Bottle Depots don't recycle for any green reason. We aren't doing it to save the world, we are doing it to turn a profit. We take anything you paid a deposit on. You don't pay deposit on milk containers. None what so ever.

    The problem is they have the same shape/size as some soy milk and juice containers. Every now and again you would get someone who thought they were clever and remove the labels trying to get an extra nickel.

    Me: I am sorry I can't take those. They are Milk products. There is a dump across the street if you don't want them, or if you want to recycle them, there is a bin at the grocery store.
    SC: They aren't milk, they are soy milk. You can take them.
    Me: *Pointing to the top of the container where 2% best before... no it is milk. Se that, it is only printed on milk containers. Soy doesn't contain that.
    SC: But they are exactly like the soy.
    me: Sorry. Can't do it. WE won't get any money for it.
    After that they usually stuff them in the garbage container and leave.

    Getting various different containers, food products, laundry detergent, was a common occurrence. People would get very indignant about it as well.


    These are the type of people that just stare at you. They are trying to keep track of what you are doing to make sure that you don't gyp them out of a nickel. We had nine categories of stuff on the bill, but everything was sorted into 20+ boxes. We would always be questioned when we were cleaning up the last of a order to make sure that we did it all. We would often keep stuff behind the counter so that we would send back a large number of boxes at one time to save room on the sheet. This would confuse a lot of people.

    Home Brew

    Everything goes into a garbage bag, and isn't emptied, and left in the Garage. What appears on the table is a gross and you expect me to put my hands in that? Really? There is mold floating on the top. Thanks a lot.

    Entitlement Whores

    This by far was the most common type of people. They would stock up for six months and then decide to come in. They would toss all their garbage bags on the top of the counter, filling it, and just stand back looking disgusted that they are even in that place. Once you start going through all their crap they just stand back looking like someone shat on the table. Then when you give the slip, they would argue that they had more cans then that. I looked at what I put on the rollers, and the amount was right.

    The people who were most likely to do this were the ones that drove Mercedes and Jaguars.

    Is it racist because that is how actually is?

    Hands down and by far the worst orders always came from the Natives. You were most likely to find bottle filled with chew (read spittoon), bottle with dead critters in them, bottles that were shred/broken/disgusting. I honestly think they were the ones that kept he highways from the reserves to the city clean of bottles. It was horrible. I gaged the most from the smell of those orders. I swear, if there was a liquor store in the strip mall they would have walked right over.

    Though the nicest and most well organized was often from the Asian community. They would wash them out and sort them. It was lovely. Made my life easy, and made the order go quickly.

    My Eyes!

    This is a quickie. I know it is a bottle depot, it is dirty and all, I don't expect you to wear your little black dress, or a business suit. But for love of all that is good, don't wear your daisy dukes, and tube top. Hoochie ware is not for the bottle depot.

    Domestic Issues

    Finding domestic waste in an order wasn't unusual. Sometimes it would be straws, or empty tins, or something minor like that. Some times it would be from a function whose garbage bags, and refundable bag were really close together, so you would get a large number of glasses, shrimp tails, and stuff like that. If we were lucky, it was still fresh. Sometimes we were.

    There was one incident where I felt something squishy in the bottle of a bag. I opened it up, and it was a rotted/marinaded in putridfied beer/coke/etc, chicken carcass. The smell was horrible, though not the worst smell I had ever smelt there. Needless to say the customers quip :"How much do I get for that?" wasn't appreciated.

    The worst smell ever!

    Last one. I promise. As I have alluded to, there were some fantastic stenches there. We got to refuse soy containers that weren't washed out because they were a health risk. They were bad, worse then sour milk. Getting rancid juice/pop/beer wasn't really all that bad. Some of the domestic waste was awful. The dead mice in the 2L (1/2 gallon) pop bottles was interesting, as the occasional human waste.

    The one that took the cake was this. Someone had half filled a bag with leaves, then used it for a recycling bag. They didn't empty out their pop/juice. It had sat over winter in a warm garage. The smell of it made me dry heave. That was the only time I game close to loosing my lunch. That would be the worse smell ever. Consider what I labeled as not all that bad, you can imagine, if you dare, what this smelt like. Eww!

    More to come later.
    Craven Morhead
    ... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.

  • #2
    Interesting, the Native Americans down here (they count me in their numbers, but I'm less than half....) are cleaner about that sort of thing than most other people. But down here its all about loving our Mother Earth, and I hear the attitude is different up there.....

    I've always been curious about this difference in attitude.

    And I'm with ya on the Asians, the Asians and the clean hippies have the nicest recycleables..... do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

    Chickens are Asexual!


    • #3
      I am also in Alberta, but our bottle depot is strictly a do it yourself place.
      Uncap all of the bottles, sort and stack. Then the staff just come by when you're done, add it all up and pay you. While I would love to take my bottles in and have someone else do it for me, I would just feel horrible for the people that have to do it alllllllllll day.


      • #4
        Quoth MaverickGypsy View Post
        I am also in Alberta, but our bottle depot is strictly a do it yourself place.
        Uncap all of the bottles, sort and stack. Then the staff just come by when you're done, add it all up and pay you. While I would love to take my bottles in and have someone else do it for me, I would just feel horrible for the people that have to do it alllllllllll day.
        To be honest, it really wasn't all that bad. The upside is that most people didn't play the games under the cap. During the four years I worked there I never once paid for a coke/pepsi or their non-cola lines. It was awesome. There was one time, a friend and I, cleaned out a Pepsi cooler just for shits and giggles. They didn't like us, I think we only paid about four or five bucks for 80+ 600ml bottles. I also maxed out my pepsi points at the end of the last campaign. There were cool customers, and the employees were awesome for the most part. I have also gained 40lbs since I worked there as well.

        What annoyed me was the fact that the customers always looked down on you.
        Craven Morhead
        ... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.


        • #5
          Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
          Interesting, the Native Americans down here (they count me in their numbers, but I'm less than half....) are cleaner about that sort of thing than most other people. But down here its all about loving our Mother Earth, and I hear the attitude is different up there.....
          It is sad to be honest. The reserves are holes, and there are a lot of problems with the way the government is dealing with the natives. The Natives are given a large amount of money because we kicked them off their land. There isn't a lot of motivation, considering all the social programs that do exist, for them to get off the reserves. though there are rumours of corruption with respect to the native leaders and the governmental funding. They turn to drugs and alcohol, and live their lives like that. Not all natives are like that, but it seems like a good part around the province are.
          Craven Morhead
          ... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.


          • #6
            I used to collect beer bottles as a kid in Seattle. I lived near Green Lake and there were a lot of bars. So, I'd ride around on my Spider bike with a special trailer my dad had made. I'd dumpster dive, snag bottles and six-pack cardboard. My parents would drive me to the depot and turn them in.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              When I was a wee little lad there was a "candy" store right next to our rural elementry school. Technically it was a country grocery store but the primary product sold was soda'a and candy to kids.

              Back then the deposit was 5 cents on glass soda bottles.

              We (kids) would clean up the football and baseball bleachers and return the bottles to the Candy Store as a fund raiser to buy more candy.

              The sonofabesswax paid us 3 cents per bottle.
              SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


              • #8
                Quoth cravenmorhead View Post
                Entitlement Whores

                This by far was the most common type of people. They would stock up for six months and then decide to come in.

                Ummm, that is what my family does. But around here, we do it ourselfs.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  Quoth cravenmorhead View Post
                  It is sad to be honest. The reserves are holes, and there are a lot of problems with the way the government is dealing with the natives. The Natives are given a large amount of money because we kicked them off their land. There isn't a lot of motivation, considering all the social programs that do exist, for them to get off the reserves. though there are rumours of corruption with respect to the native leaders and the governmental funding. They turn to drugs and alcohol, and live their lives like that. Not all natives are like that, but it seems like a good part around the province are.
                  Yeah, this is the case on the reserve in New Brunswick where some of my family live. The last I heard (a year ago), the official reported drug use rate for coke/crack and the like was 44% of the reserve population (about 1200 people, give or take). And the average age for a girl on the reserve to have her first born child is 13. Let me repeat: that is the average age. The average age of the fathers is 32.

                  It makes me sad, angry, depressed, etc. But there's really nothing I can do to change it, especially since I'm down in the States.


                  • #10
                    Heh, our recycling center doesn't give you money anymore. And it's standard Op procedure that recycling is picked up with the trash


                    • #11
                      Quoth powerboy View Post
                      Ummm, that is what my family does. But around here, we do it ourselfs.
                      It isn't so much the stocking up, but fact that they would come in with ten garbage bags full of bottles in no order whatsoever, and put it all on the counter leaving me no room to work. They would offer no help whatsoever, ie taking of lids, corks, putting all the domestic waste into the garbage etc. They made life difficult there.
                      Craven Morhead
                      ... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                        Yeah, this is the case on the reserve in New Brunswick where some of my family live. The last I heard (a year ago), the official reported drug use rate for coke/crack and the like was 44% of the reserve population (about 1200 people, give or take). And the average age for a girl on the reserve to have her first born child is 13. Let me repeat: that is the average age. The average age of the fathers is 32.

                        It makes me sad, angry, depressed, etc. But there's really nothing I can do to change it, especially since I'm down in the States.
                        It is sad, and it makes me angry because I know they are better then that, and there is better potential.

                        The easiest thing to do is stop all the government funding. If they want money, then they had better earn it. No more free rides. Of course this isn't a popular opinion considering all the "White Man Guilt" surrounding this issue. It seems to be the only viable solution at this point, since we have seen that just throwing money at the problem doesn't seem to work.
                        Craven Morhead
                        ... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.


                        • #13
                          This one's spiralled into Fratching territory. Back to SCs and not how the government should run the place, please.


