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can i have my hand back? about creepers and more!

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  • can i have my hand back? about creepers and more!

    my fav spot! DRIVE THRU!

    Mine not yours.

    hand grabbers. those people that cup your hand with both of their hands and slooooowly pull their hand away. usually have some freak superman grip. also have the tendency to get lost in cashiers eyes.
    its like some weird hand sexy and all you can do is dump handfuls of hand sanitizer on yourself and cry into a fry bag.

    there are 2 types of hand grabbers, the cold clammy hands, or the sweaty/sticky ones. eww.

    warp speed

    guy goes whipping into drive thru, SLAMS on break when he gets to the window and starts to look around with a confused look on his face,

    customer: hey! you guys need a menu board or something here!"

    well my good man, that blue blur you saw whipping past you during warp speed was really a menu board! with a speaker! hot damn! beam me up scotty.

    you demanded fresh!

    please sir, demand i put down some fresh food, then, when i dont run to the window as soon as you drive up, yell and cry out "poor customer service!" as you drive away. because, you know, that really turns my crank.

    drive thru only

    idiot: whys your front closed?!
    smart-person: uh, because the front closes at 8.
    idiot: well thats f!@# dumb i need to pee!

    well theres a pretty nice looking bush out back if your scared to use the washroom at the gas station 2 doors down. do you want me to hold your hand? its okay, my nieces ask me all the time when its a "big job" im here for you. its all part of the kfc customer service!

    oh, my rides here! ill tell you all about my up-front event another time
    it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.

  • #2
    I agree about the hand thing! There really is no reason for customers to touch the csr's. Its just creepy! I mean if your hand touches when handing over cash or change is one thing but to grab it. ICK! Thank goodness for hand sanitizer. But I also hate those who throw down their money like we're not even human.


    • #3
      I had gloves covered in chicken blood on once, and some old lady grabbed my wrist (glove covered my wrist too).
      I was pushing our big cart full of raw chicken from the meat department and the deli, and instead of trying to get my attention, this old hag comes up and grabs my hand off the cart, "Come here!"

      I'm one of those if you don't know me, don't touch me type people. Before I could stop myself, I yanked my arm back and responded, "Don't touch me! And you need to wash your hands now, that's chicken blood you just touched!"
      Pit bull-

      There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


      • #4
        Quoth Kyree View Post
        ...this old hag comes up and grabs my hand off the cart, "Come here!"

        I'm one of those if you don't know me, don't touch me type people. Before I could stop myself, I yanked my arm back and responded, "Don't touch me! And you need to wash your hands now, that's chicken blood you just touched!"
        You have so much more patience and self control than I.
        "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa

