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So Cold, so, very...... very..... . c-c-c-cold!

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  • So Cold, so, very...... very..... . c-c-c-cold!

    We had the proverbial white Xmas here a month back, and a foot of snow on the ground as recently as 2 weeks ago. But in the last 5 days, it's suddenly turned unseasonably warm, and rainy, like Mother Nature decided that January, February and March just weren't pulling in the ratings anymore, and cancelled them, so our weeknight lineup will now feature re-runs of April 10th, over and over again.... weather-wise. Back in late November, it was even MORE unseasonable, with one day in particular that reached into the 70's. I think this winter so far has given us one, MAYBE one day below the 10 degree mark on the thermometer. This is all important to understand the stupidity that permeates this next misadventure.

    It starts at 2am, as I'm loading up the car the police have demanded removed from the public roadways because it's driver took the "Ethanol Compatible" badge on his car a bit to seriously and decided to "fuel up" himself. WHy oh why do these DUI's, with near surgical precision, pick the wettest, saltiest, dirtiest and most poorly-paved parking lots in the whole town to pull over in when the cops light them up? And they pull right up onto the curbs too so nothing loads nice and level?!

    While I'm trying to load, the cellphone goes off, guys' back at the shop and wants his car. Ah, yes, I talked to him earlier, told him we had it, (parked in a private lot, which he didn't seem to understand why that was a problem) and he'd told me that he'd be by for it in the morning, since it wouldn't get an extra day of storage until sometime the following afternoon.

    Well, change of plans, he wants it now..... he wants it noooooooooooowwwww

    I tell him that at current, I'm lying on the ground under a car, but should be upright and back to the garage in about 20 minutes and I'll be happy to come up front and let him in.

    "you can't do it now?" he asks

    Nope, I try to explain to him that due to the laws of physics, I can't be in two places at once, and the whole reason the shop is locked up right now and they can't get in is because the sole employee there overnight tonight is me, and I'm currently under a car. They can wait, or they can come back in the morning if 20 minutes is too long. They 'agree' to wait it out, but let me know they aren't happy, because "it's cold" (50 degrees is cold? My gosh man, how do you not lose a limb reaching into the beer cooler at that rate?!). I tell them I sympathize, but that I have no control over when someone decides to commit DUI and when the PD tells me to "jump", I say "how high?" and all other customers/calls are subordinate. I actually beat my ETA back to base and get there in about 12 minutes.

    The owner of the car wasn't bad, just clueless, wanted to know why he got towed from the Hotel he was staying at. And it took more time than it should have to explain to him that he hadn't parked on their property, he had instead parked on the OTHER SIDE of the street where there's nothing but apartments, with signs that clearly state "permit only" and had in fact been called in by the owner of that space who drops three bills a month for the spot. Once that piece of information finally forced it's way past the kink in the mental garden hose in his mind, he resigned himself to his fate and decided to pay, and wasn't an issue.

    The real problem soon became his drunken buddy, who had been quiet up until now, but suddenly decided to pipe up.

    DB -"You should have a heated waiting room or something, it's cold out there and my nose is running!"

    Me - "Well, in a perfect world I suppose we would, but unfortunately, if I'm out on a call when you get here, you just have to wait a bit. I'm sorry about that, but it was a 911 call, they get priority"

    DB -*snerk!* he snorts, *SNNNNEEEEEEEERK!* See? My nose is running, I probably have hypothermia!

    I choose not to humor him with a response, and instead focused on walking his sober buddy though the paperwork. License, credit card, sign here, have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? Well, Not that staying busy stopped him....

    DB - "So first we get towed for nothing, and then I have to wait, and now I get hypothermia? *SNERK!* See? MY NOSE IS RUNNY!"

    It was hardly "nothing", you illegally parked. I think

    DB - "If I have hypothermia, I'll sue!"

    Oh, do tell..........

    DB - *SNERK!* I'm going to sue! You gave me hypothermia!

    Whatever, owners card clears. So, I lead the parade out back to the impound lot and let the two in to retrieve their car.

    They get in, start it up, and it sits and idles..... and idles.......... and idles.......

    Peachy! Passive-aggresive, I just love it when they do that, start their car but refuse to actually LEAVE. The headlights go on, then off, then on, then off, they fiddle with the gearshift, the reverse lights go on, then off, then the brakes go no n' off a few times..... Then, they play the Chinese Fire Drill, they get out stand for a second, consider swapping seats, then get back in.... I'm a patient man, but, enough is enough, it's been 5 minutes, whatever they're doing, there's no reason they can't do it out in the street where I don't have to keep and eye on them.

    The drunk passenger gets out, walks to the back, pops the trunk and pulls out a jacket.... he sees me watching them and starts up again

    DB - "See? I need a jacket now cuz' I got hypo....."

    That's it, we're at the Popeye point, I've had all I can stands, can't stands no more! I've got a DUI car to unload, write up and then more stuff out there to find and tow, this is literally costing me money.... do not mess with Uncle Argy's moneyclip! YOU DID NOT GET HYPOTHERMIA FROM STANDING OUTSIDE MY FRONT DOOR FOR 15 MINUTES IN 50 DEGREE WEATHER YOU PONCE!

    SIR! You need to leave, I have other things I need to do, if you don't leave now, I'll call the police for trespassing.

    DB - "Whatever, guess you'll hear from my lawyer, because you gave me hypothermia!"

    He finally gets back in the car, and it slowly, agonizingly, glacially, at a lateral ground speed that would make the advance of Dutch Elm Disease seem like the winner of a Funny Car race, putts it's way out of the yard and into the night.

    I never did hear back from that guy, or his lawyer, maybe he succumbed...... to hypothermia after all? Or perhaps hypointellegence.... seems to be really going around as of late.
    - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.

  • #2
    Send this jackass up to my old stomping grounds in Minneapolis Minnesota.

    As of the time of this reply it's 9 degrees above zero actual and zero degrees with the windchill.

    I used to have to wait for a bus in much colder weather growing up there. This ponce has no idea what the fuck cold feels like.
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #3
      We've been reaching into the negatives at night here.

      This guy might well be unpleasantly cold, but he's not freezing to death.
      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
      ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


      • #4
        I would happily take 50° over the low to mid 20's I've been getting.


        • #5
          Too bad you didn't know kn advance how much of a pain he was going to be - you could have let the actual owner into the office and told him he had to wait outside for his friend, as he had no actual business with your company.

          Madness takes it's toll....
          Please have exact change ready.


          • #6
            Shit, son, if you think temperatures in the 50s are cold, and being stuck outside in those temperatures is the worst thing ever, then I'd love to live your life.

            Or maybe you should just find your nuts (I have a magnifying glass you can borrow) and suck it up and just deal with it.
            PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

            There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


            • #7
              I like how people will threaten to sue when they had a choice in the matter.

              "Oh it's cold, but I'm choosing to stay here with my friend. OMG YOU MADE ME WAIT IN THE COLD, SUUUEEEE."

              "Oh I've been informed that the floor is wet, but I really, really want that ice cream sandwich. *slips only slightly* OMG I COULD'VE DIED, I'MMA SUE YOOOUUU."

              My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
              It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


              • #8
                Awww the old January thaw. How come so many people forget that some states get a mid-winter thaw? Saturday it was a lovely 55. Sunday was 21 with freezing rain.

                Anyhoo hypothermia guy needed a Gibbs slap.


                • #9
                  Ouch. At least your weather's been consistant. Here it's a gamble every morning with sudden swings of 40 degrees (F) in any given direction from 75 to -10 in a week. -_-'

                  still, if they take that long leaving, isn't there anything you can do?
                  Tell a man there are 300 Billion stars in the universe and he’ll believe you.
                  Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he’ll have to touch to be sure.
                  -Unknown Author


                  • #10
                    He's complaining about 50?? There are people here walking around in shorts and flip-flops, I kid you not, in 30 degrees! (They're crazy, but that's beside the point).

                    What an ass. Send him out to Dickinson, ND, where my sis used to live. It was 15 below on a good day in the winter.
                    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                    • #11
                      Hmph. When I lived in North Dakota, any time the temp poked above 40F it meant it was . . . .

                      BARBEQUE TIME!

                      Oh, and time to wash your car.

                      What a wimp.
                      They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sapphire Silk View Post
                        Hmph. When I lived in North Dakota, any time the temp poked above 40F it meant it was . . . . .
                        The one hot day in August?
                        I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                        Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                        Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                        • #13
                          Quoth dalesys View Post
                          The one hot day in August?
                          January, actually.

                          You may be surprised to hear this, but it gets into the 90's and above in the summer.

                          I graduated from my BSN program at Minot State on May 25th, 2000. Two days earlier, Mom calls to ask what the weather is like so she can pack for the trip up for my graduation and pinning. I'm wearing shorts, I assured her. Oh, that's the same weather down here in DC, says Mom.

                          May 24th, pick up the folks at the airport. Still in the 90's. I give them the nickel tour of town, we have dinner, then go to pinning. I drop them off at their hotel, and head home for the night. The plan is for me to pick them up at 8am to head over to commencement.

                          I get up shower, get into my commencement clothes, hang my cap and gown over my arm, open the door to head out and . . . . .

                          Screaming Blizzard!

                          The heat had come on in the night, and I'm so used to it I hadn't even noticed.

                          I change into more appropriate clothing, head over to the hotel. Mom lets me in. I see Dad by the window, looking out. He turns to me with this horrified look on his face and says, "I've never seen horizontal snow before."

                          Now that, folks, is cold. Argabarga's SC can pound sand . . . he doesn't know what the frozen hell he's talking about.
                          They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Thana View Post
                            I would happily take 50° over the low to mid 20's I've been getting.
                            Me too. And get rid of this freezing rain crap. I hate winter.
                            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                            • #15
                              Quoth Argabarga View Post
                              That made me snerk... and not because of a runny nose.

