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a couple stories of suck (long)

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  • a couple stories of suck (long)

    The first one makes me so mad thinking back on it. It involves this brat lady. So it was saturday night, there were two wait staff, me and another, and we always split the tables in half.. so that's like 13 tables a piece. also, our manager who takes care of the register and pick ups on saturdays couldn't come because his wife was having a baby so i had to take care of that too.
    anyway while i'm serving my tables i notice this lady on my partners side glaring at me with all the hatred she could muster, so while i'm carrying 6 drinks over to one of my table i tell her "hi, allison will be right with you" and she gives this shocked look like i just slapped her in the face.
    so i make sure to tell allison to take care of the lady quick cuz she's gonna explode soon. she tells me she's really busy and just do it for her. and honestly i'm not sure how long the lady was waiting but it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes.

    brat lady: bl
    me: me

    me: okay, allison is kinda busy right now, i'm really sorry about the wait, so i'll take care of you now.

    bl: oh are you sure that's okay with you?? (with the most bitter, sarcastic tone ever)

    me: um.. yeah i'm really sorry. well i can get you guys something to drink.

    bl: *starts rattling off everything she wants to order really really fast on purpose*

    and she keeps telling me how frustrated and angry she is with me right now. i mean JESUS lady, i already said sorry a few times, and now i'm serving you and i'm gonna try to make you happy. wtf else do you want me to do?!? get on my hands and knees and kiss your feet? this isn't even my section so it's not my fault anyway.

    anyway she ordered a side salad with no onions on it and i wrote it on the paper and specifically told the cook right before he made it so i didn't think to look to make sure he did it. (DOH) and her little boy brings it back to me and i notice the onions (SHIT - this lady's gonna pull a gun on me) so i right away tell the cooks and they take it back and give me a salad with no onions on it.

    me: *takes salad to lady* i'm sooo sorry about that. i JUST told the cook no onions, i should've checked.

    bl: *stares at me like she's gonna kill me* did they just pick the onions off? because then there will be the smell and juices in there. (these are raw onions btw, it wouldn't matter at all)

    me: oh umm yeah they might've.

    bl: GIVE ME A NEW SALAD THEN, i came here before and this never happened to me.

    me: i'm sorry...

    so they make a new salad for her... and when she left i found out she never even touched the salad!!!! i even asked if she wanted me to wrap it up to go and she said no.

    anyway i go on to give her excellent service (imo) but after the salad incident she wouldn't even look at me and just said "no, thanks" whenever i asked anything.

    so at this point i'm feeling bad for her even though she's being ridiculous and a complete brat, so i take off 4 dollars from her total (i really really wish i hadn't now) and when i tell her all she says is "ok... thanks" without even looking at me. like she deserved the whole meal free.

    she didn't leave me a tip.


    The second one involves two old ladies.

    old lady 1: 1
    old lady 2: 2
    me: me

    me: hi guys, how are you, what would you like to drink?
    1: i need water right now, i'm diabetic
    me: oh, of course, did you want anything 2?
    2: oh, just take care of her
    me: ok.... *gets water*
    1: i want 2 slices of pizza
    me: okay, and 2, what would you like?
    2: just take care of 1 first
    me: well... i did. she just ordered.
    2: did you order 1?
    1: yeah i ordered.
    2: okay, now last time i came in here i got a great big salad but i can't remember what it was. what was it?
    me: oh.. well what was on it?
    2: i can't remember.

    so i spend 10 minutes trying to guide her through the menu even though i was pretty busy. eventually she settles on the large dinner salad.

    me: *brings out large dinner salad*
    2: oh, this isn't what i wanted
    me: *stares back dumbfounded* but this is exactly what you ordered
    2: *sighhhh* ok i GUESS it's okay

    and as i'm walking away i hear her make comments like i got it wrong and it's too big etc etc. anyway after their done i ask if they want any dessert and they point over to this other table right across from them, like 2 feet away and says verbatum:

    1: i want whatever that young man has right there

    me: ok, so you want the cajun wings? i guess you want 10 of them? (our wings come in 10, 20, 30)

    1: ummm can i just have five?

    me: umm, okay that's fine. sure. (we aren't normally supposed to do that but i thought i'd be nice to them)

    2: yeah, can i have five of those too?

    me: oh, so you just want an order of ten then.

    1: NO, *sighhhh* she wants five, and i want five!! (she suddenly gets this attitude with me out of no where)

    me: okay? i don't understand. i thought this was on one bill.

    1: she... wants... five... and... i... want... five...

    me: okay (i decided to just let it slide, no use in arguing with those without brains)

    so i bring them their order of 10 cajun wings even with an extra side of bleu free of charge.

    1 + 2: what is this? this is too much.

    me: ...

    so i now go take care of my other tables and after 5 minutes they wave me over and tell me the wings are too hot. and they're like crying cuz it's so hot. (cajun wings aren't even supposed to be hot. it just has spices on it) and i offer to bring them so bread and they say no.

    then after another 3 minutes they wave me over again. they already ate 7 of the wings and they tell me this is just not going to work and they want another order of wings for free because these are too hot.

    me: but this is what you ordered, the cajun wings.

    1: NO, i ordered wings.

    me: you pointed to that guy and said "i want whatever he has right there" and i told you that he has the cajun wings.

    1: i can't see all the way over there.

    me: then why did you tell me you wanted what he had??

    1: I CAN'T SEE ALL THE WAY OVER THERE! HOW CAN I? i just ordered wings.

    me: *stands in disbelief*

    eventually i offer to give them 3 more wings for free, but we just washed off the 3 they didn't eat and put them back in the fryer.

    eventually the ladies leave, give me a 5% tip, and they stole our parmasan cheese shaker thing that we leave on the tables.

    they will be banned from ever eating here again, hopefully i can remember the old scumbags faces.

  • #2
    i wouldnt have offer them anything, in fact when 1 yelled at me i would say I do not read minds, You said wanted what that customer had, i told you exactly what he had, you comfirmed that was what you wanted. You did not say you want plain wings, Comfirming you want Cajun wings means you will have cajun wings. If you Say you want an item, I will comfirm you want said item and only bring out said item, nothing else you if you order something wrong, because you dont know better i cant help that.


    • #3
      Seems like SCs demand extra service a LOT.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth Shadowwalker View Post
        we just washed off the 3 they didn't eat and put them back in the fryer.
        That is so gross. Who knows what crud they got on the food, no matter how well you washed them off?
        "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

        "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


        • #5
          Quoth Sylvia727 View Post
          That is so gross. Who knows what crud they got on the food, no matter how well you washed them off?
          he didn't put them in there to serve to other customers, essentially he was just giving them the chicken wings they didn't eat to take away with them after washing off the spices.


          • #6
            I swear, those two old bats sound exactly like my grandmother! I can barely handle one of her, you had two! And just how big a margarita would you like? I know a place that can and will make any flavor you want.
            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


            • #7
              Quoth Shadowwalker View Post
              bl: *stares at me like she's gonna kill me* did they just pick the onions off? because then there will be the smell and juices in there. (these are raw onions btw, it wouldn't matter at all)

              me: oh umm yeah they might've.

              Not that her behavior was justifiable, but I would probably be upset too especially if it was something like tomatoes. I hate 'maters and even after taking them off of food, I can still taste it. Best thing would have been to lie and tell her it was a brand new fresh salad!
              Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.


              • #8
                Quoth Arucard View Post
                he didn't put them in there to serve to other customers, essentially he was just giving them the chicken wings they didn't eat to take away with them after washing off the spices.
                Oh, I missed that. Okay, that's pretty funny.
                "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                • #9

                  Regarding the thing with the onions, though. I know this woman was behaving badly and it was very frustrating, but you don't know her from Eve and don't know why she didn't want onions. The cooks should have made a new salad. There have been posts on this forum where the mere smell of a certain food could cause an allergic reaction. Even if it was just a preference thing, it would have upset me if a server/cook simply picked off the offending garnishment instead of making a new salad. Can't say I really blame her for not eating her salad. That didn't make her a jerk. But the rest of her attitude did.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

