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Doing my job

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  • #16
    Instead of complaining about the employee, who's just doing his job, the customer should've complained about management making the employee follow everybody. It really is not fair to criticize an employee for doing what they are told to do.

    $3,000 a month in shoplifting is astronomical, especially for a drugstore that won't have a lot of big-ticket items for sale. That to me would be an argument for installing a camera system and instead of being Captain Obvious following shoppers around while pretending to shop, the OP can watch the cameras and follow only if he sees somebody pocket something.

    Ceiling mirrors would also be good.

    Having LP follow every customer around implies that management does not trust shoppers to be honest, and I too would not shop at such a store. It is possible to keep theft to a minimum without turning the store into a fortress.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #17
      Actually, I would prefer to have somebody follow me around, than there to be nobody to be found when I need help. I rarely go shopping unless I have something specific in mind. I have a really tough time reaching stuff on the upper shelves, AND on the lower shelves. By all means, follow me around and help me reach stuff!
      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


      • #18
        I can see both sides of the issue, but I think I need to remind people of something a lot of the "I'd leave" crowd's forgotten.

        He said he only follows the person when they're the only customer in the store.
        I gotta wonder during most of the time, how often is that? As for installing cameras, a good set up would probably run about 10k just to install, and then the LP to monitor it, whereas now they just need to have LP. It would probably take a year for the camera system to pay for itself, and that's if the shrink dropped to almost zero. Do you really think corp (assuming there is a corp, otherwise insert owner here) is going to okay something that will take that long to pay off?
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #19
          I dont mean anything against the OP by saying this because I realize he is doing what he is doing because his management told him to. With that being said, chalk me up as being one of those people who dont want to be followed while Im walking around the store. If someone is obviously following me around, I just turn around and leave. I dont complain about..dont say a word...but I just turn around and leave.

          This isnt because I am wanting to shoplift or anything like that. I realize I am being watched by video cameras most of the time anyways. At least if Im being videotaped I have some type of feeling that I have some sort of privacy. If Im obviously being followed around, I wont buy anything because I dont feel that its anyone else's business what I am buying.
          "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


          • #20
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            Instead of complaining about the employee, who's just doing his job, the customer should've complained about management making the employee follow everybody. It really is not fair to criticize an employee for doing what they are told to do.
            Exactly. This is what I always try to remind my family/friends of, when they bitch to/at an employee. Generally, the employee has no choice in the matter, and is simply following a policy they have no control over. Complaining to them will only make them dislike you and potentially ruin their day, whereas complaining to management/corporate about how the policy is stupid/bad/wrong might actually do some good. This is the one thing I use PFB for, sometimes, is to bring something up to the attention of corporate, since the employees on site cannot change policy.

            While I don't think this is the best policy, and I might get a bit creeped out/annoyed, it's one of those things I accept when I shop late at night. I was at Meijer last night, doing my grocery shopping after work, between midnight and 1am, and I'm never bothered by the fact that there are aisles blocked off for cleaning/restocking, and that there are employees all over the place. I just try to be polite, since I'm in the store in the middle of the night.
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #21
              He said he only follows the person when they're the only customer in the store.
              I gotta wonder during most of the time, how often is that?
              Probably only during the slow late-night and early morning hours, but there are people who work second and third shift and that's the only time they have to do their shopping. Such as myself during the holidays--if I needed to pick something up after work I'd stop at Walgreens on the way home and usually be the only shopper in the store. Should they immediately be considered suspects because they're shopping at an odd hour?

              As for installing cameras, a good set up would probably run about 10k just to install, and then the LP to monitor it, whereas now they just need to have LP. It would probably take a year for the camera system to pay for itself, and that's if the shrink dropped to almost zero. Do you really think corp (assuming there is a corp, otherwise insert owner here) is going to okay something that will take that long to pay off?
              Probably not, but that speaks to corporate numbskullery in general. If corporate really is serious about curbing shoplifting, they should take a longer-term view and not assume that installing cameras is a stupid idea not worthy of consideration because it will take a few years to pay off.

              Not only that, but if I were a shoplifter, I'd do my shoplifting during the busier times of the day when there's more people in the store and it's harder for LP to home in on me. I don't know how big the OP's store is, but there may well be blind spots a shoplifter can go to to conceal merchandise or remove packaging even when the store is busy. So in that sense following the one and only customer in the store around can become counter-productive when there usually is more than one customer in the store and most of the theft is going on during busier times.

              Regardless, the store has made its choice, and customers can choose to accept it or go elsewhere. I can speak only for myself, but if I were being followed around ostentatiously while trying to shop, I'd stop shopping there. I have no problem with video cameras, but I do have a problem with being trailed everywhere I go.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #22
                on the topic of being following, I'll be honest, I don't mind because I know that a vast majority of people in the areas that I end up having to shop at late at night are the type of people who would steal (typically only the stores in low income areas are open 24/7 at least that are convenient to get to, and not implying that all people who are low income are thieves, but they are the ones most likely to be desperate enough to steal out of necessity rather than thrill). And to be honest, I have nothing to hide and having someone follow me for a few minutes is less of a hassle than having the prices go up to cover people stealing.

                oh and on the topic of complaining to the wrong person, that is irritating beyond belief, I hate it when people call in to cancel because they had heard people say bad things about the hotel they were reserved at and when I ask if they would like to be transferred to guest relations to file an official complaint they'll say "no, but I think someone at the company should know"... yeah, because I handle between 50 and 150 calls a day (dependign on how busy and long my shift is) theoretically for any of our 3700 hotels worldwide, I have niether the desire nor ability to fill out a complaint sheet for you, that's why I offered to transfer you to the person who did, and you know this so you don't actually want to have anything fixed you just want to bitch.
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #23
                  For those who wonder, yes they have camera's, no they don't have mirrors. They won't let me have access to the camera feeds. Nor does the law permit me to chase down people outside the store and/or physically stop them. To be fair I keep a fair distance most of the time, 4-15 feet and if a staff is in the same isle I don't bother them. Theft also happens less during busy hours as we have floor walkers and other customers who may warn staff, this doesn't stop theft. We had our Loss Prevention guys arrest 3 people in 2 days awhile back, one of whom chose to fight it out instead of just dropping his theft and running.
                  Here's also a little factoid about theft, teens aren't the big threat. It's the professional thiefs that steal bigtime. 2 or 3 guys walk in with dufflebags, open it up and with one arm wipe out a whole section of products. Teens and people stealing for themselves doesn't do much harm. But even one person can swipe $200 of cold medicine with only a few seconds (happened to me)
                  As for profiling, the only ones that are reliable are clothing and sometimes large bags. If I had $20 for every time someone said "You're only following me because I'm ********" Then I'd have more money then Bill Gates.
                  OH! Another good one. "You don't need to follow me, I'm not going to steal anything." 75% of the time THOSE are the ones who DO steal something. Happened to me twice today alone.
                  Telling a cop, "My taxes pay your salary!" is dumb.
                  Telling a cop you demand your shit without paying taxes is even more dumb.
                  -Automan Empire


                  • #24
                    I am from the same city as the original poster, and suspect the area of town he most likely works in. I like to refer it is as Crack City. I also happen to live in the area. Most of the drug stores in the area have to lock up everything from the razor blades to batteries. Cold medicine and mouthwash would probably be high theft items. Of course there are the professional thieves as he mentioned too.

                    All I'm saying is that the pathetic examples of humanity he must see on a daily basis, would jade the best of us.
                    "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

                    a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm


                    • #25
                      Just East of the core? On a little road called main at ******* (Use the number of *'s to figure out where) unless you get lucky and guess the name I'm not giving away anything... thankfully there is another drugstore about 1 or 2 Kilometers down on the same street with a different security company guarding it. coincidence? I think not, if they get barred from one store they'll just steal from the other I bet.
                      Telling a cop, "My taxes pay your salary!" is dumb.
                      Telling a cop you demand your shit without paying taxes is even more dumb.
                      -Automan Empire


                      • #26
                        Here's one for those of you who think I take my job too seriously when following people.

                        ME: *following suspicious SC/suspected shoplifter by staff request*
                        SC: *walks up to me from halfway down the isle* Why are you following me?
                        ME: I follow random people, it's part of my job.
                        SC: You don't need to follow me, I'm not going to steal anything.
                        ME: *smiles briefly and stupidly replying with* You know it's amazing how many shoplifters say that to me.
                        SC: *evil eye* You know I can stay here all night. Then you'll miss those people you're suposed to be watching for. (he had a big attitude problem even before my last comment)
                        ME: I'm here all night, I can follow you until they show up. Besides it's not like I'm right behind you watching over your shoulder.
                        SC: This is harassment.
                        ME: *getting angry but not showing it* No sir, it's my job.
                        SC: No it's harassment *this goes back and forth for a min or so, he also steps very close to me trying to be threatening, I smile and get ready to slug him in the stomach if he tried to take a swing at me (wouldn't be the first time someone has tried to attack a security guard)*
                        SC: What if I want to buy something private?
                        ME: *gets called by other staff, runs over answers a question the goes to oposite end of same isle as SC*
                        SC: Following me again *sounding more annoyed then angry*
                        ME: I wouldn't want you to get lonely sir. *Still with a polite tone, not a drop of irony, which amused the staff*
                        SC: *tries to lose me by walking to oposite end of isle and hiding at the end*
                        ME: *Try finding him only to give up and go back to the isle that I've been convinced he's trying to steal from*
                        SC: *sees me and talks with the pharmacist. He comes down the isle and says* The guy wants to see you. (I thought to myself if that was some lame attempt to ditch me I was going to lose my temper)
                        *The pharmacist tells me to stop following him* (he also wanted to tell me to wait by the exit for him but the SC followed me to overhear what was being said)
                        *I go to the supervisor and ask her to do me a favor and follow him, she's too swamped at the time to do so, so I head back to my usual spot and watch as he leaves at a near run with nothing purchased. I go to where he was and see over $50 of items stolen*

                        If only it ended there. I get told by a customer that he sells stolen stuff in a bar. Next time I don't care if he plans to buy an enema, bananna and a 30 pack of condoms. I'll be on him like white on rice.
                        Telling a cop, "My taxes pay your salary!" is dumb.
                        Telling a cop you demand your shit without paying taxes is even more dumb.
                        -Automan Empire


                        • #27
                          I'll throw my card into the hat for not being followed. When I am someplace and I am being followed, I will leave and I hardly ever return. I don't care if you are doing your job, it makes me think; that I cannot be trusted.
                          Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                          San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                          • #28
                            I'll follow anyone in my store whether they like it or not. Since we have the cameras in place for any area I can't see from behind the counter I'll either follow people with the cameras or stand in either of the other two spots where I can see them. My store, my money going out the door if I don't watch them and the different types of shoplifters I've had prove that it can literally be anyone.

                            I asked one guy what went in his pocket one day. He was the type that I've had problems with before and he was in the area where most of the shoplifting happens. He showed me it was his cell phone and didn't have an issue. In fact, he still comes in the store days he goes skiing. More customers should understand the right a business has to be on the lookout. If they aren't stealing they don't have to worry.

                            "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                            • #29
                              You're only losing $3000 a month in a pharmacy?

                              Christ my first job lost £1000 A DAY, and they still wouldn't employ additional security.
                              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                              • #30
                                Quoth crazylegs View Post
                                You're only losing $3000 a month in a pharmacy?

                                Christ my first job lost £1000 A DAY, and they still wouldn't employ additional security.
                                Wow. I gotta wonder about percentages then. If his store does only say $30,000 in sales a month, then that's 10% walking out the door, but yours would have to be doing $20,000 a day then, which is quite possible. Still seems wrong to be losing that much and not do anything.
                                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


