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Apparently I'm a Smart Ass

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  • #16
    Quoth Mark Healey View Post
    If it is "routine scheduled maintainace" you could have notified people ahead of time. A simple email would have done it.
    You talk like SCs read their email.


    • #17
      Quoth Mark Healey View Post
      If it is "routine scheduled maintainace" you could have notified people ahead of time. A simple email would have done it.
      However, then they'd have to deal with all the people calling in to figure out what the email meant.


      • #18
        Quoth Mark Healey View Post
        If it is "routine scheduled maintainace" you could have notified people ahead of time. A simple email would have done it.
        Probably is on their bills for that month too. See other replies for why that didn't work.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #19
          Quoth MadMike View Post
          Now how did I know you were going to say that?
          Actually he knew I would have said that so he decided to beat me to it.
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #20
            Quoth jerkface11 View Post
            Working the drivethru window at my fastfood restraunt one morning. I was asked "How do your cinamon rolls come?"
            Ummm...loudly and often.

            And that is how my mind works.


            • #21
              Quoth Mark Healey View Post
              If it is "routine scheduled maintainace" you could have notified people ahead of time. A simple email would have done it.
              Some areas have a lot of scheduled maintenance and corporate thinks it will lower more confidence in our company if we alert customers when we do maintenance than just pissing off the night owls, since 99% of customers don't even notice.

              RE: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass," I wish I had thought of that!


              • #22
                Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                "How do your cinamon rolls come?"
                "Actually, the cinnamon rolls faked it this morning, but the long john doughnuts came all over the rolls."
                "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                • #23
                  Quoth Sylvia727 View Post
                  "Actually, the cinnamon rolls faked it this morning, but the long john doughnuts came all over the rolls."

                  I knew there was a reason I love "Long Johns" . . .now I'm craving one.

                  *crawls back into gutter*

                  And I love that zinger . . . I'd love to have that on my sig line.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #24
                    Well, if you ever wondered where the icing came from, now you know
                    "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

