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Customers Who Did Not Get the Animals They Came For (LONG)

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  • #31
    You guys should link up with the SPCA somehow to alert them of possible abuse.


    • #32
      just to make people feel like im a horrible awful person, i had a friend who had a snake that would only eat live prey, i loved that snake and so she could offset the cost she raised her won prey, and old off the excess. Atone point she had 500 mice in the process of selling 300 off them, and seperating about 170 male and females so only the remain 30 could breed, and boy they where healthy. She would sell 99% to a local pet store. 1% would go to direct to homes.
      I never watched the feedings thought she only feed at certain times during the day, normally when it was a but warmer and i would show at nights


      • #33
        Quoth Saydrah View Post

        SD: "Yeah, he was too big for the tank anymore. So I put him down the garbage disposal."
        Excuse the french... but... WHAT THE FUCK???


        • #34
          People just piss me off.

          My last kitty was abused before I got him. He came from my cousin's (who is a real piece of crap, BTW) after his cat had a litter of kittens. He thought that my grandmother should have one. At the time, her yard was being overrun with moles and other critters.

          When kitty first came to the farm, he did *not* like people. Most of his time was spent hiding under the porch. He would take off if someone was on the porch--he simply thought he was going to get hurt again. Didn't help matters when Grandma went on vacation, and had to board him at my cousin's place. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed when I picked him up later. He'd been kept in his cage the entire time and was covered in filth. Have *you* tried to bathe a cat? After that, we had the neighbor check on him.

          My new kitty (Snow) is different. She seems to have been treated better--and whenever someone comes to visit, she wants petting! Snowie came from one of the local pet stores...who would adopt pets from one of the local Humane Societies. Nobody wanted her, even though she's very sweet, playful, and (usually) cuddly. No, it was because she's deaf. In fact, as I was in line, checking out, some idiot made a comment as to why "anyone would want a deaf cat." Other than not being able to hear, there's nothing wrong with her!
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #35
            Why do egg eating snakes need quail eggs? Some nutritional difference? Or just a size issue? If it's a size thing then you could always get a bantam chicken they have quite small eggs and are about the same size as a quail.
            I believe it's a primarily a size issue, though nutrients might be a factor as well. Quail eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs*, although you're right... aside from the protein/nutrient bit, there's not much difference between a small chicken and a quail. I sometimes refer to my quail as my "mini-chickens".
            (*And yes, there's no qualifier on that statement. A quail egg is about 1/6 the volume of a large chicken egg, but the much smaller quail egg is slightly more nutritious. I guess chicken eggs have a higher water content...?)

            Last edited by Broomjockey; 02-19-2008, 05:50 PM. Reason: merged


            • #36
              You have beautiful birds, Snake Lady! I have learned some new things about snakes today! I went to veterinary assistant school 3 yrs ago and there was a cornsnake as the classroom pet. He was a beautiful 1.5 foot orange snake, and his name was "Pumpkin." I was very attached to him and he would crawl into my shirt to stay warm. Plus, we had two bearded dragons and the female liked to sit on my shoulder.

              After getting my certificate, I went on to work at a dog/cat/bird pet clinic. Most of the pet owners were wonderful. I have seen some cases of cruelty, like the poor collie who was covered in maggots! The poor dog! To the woman who had a puppy that had parvo. That dog was dead on arrival and I didn't believe her story that he just became sick that morning. Puppies and kittens need their shots for a reason. Doggy parvo is very contagious and it is everywhere. If I was handling a parvo dog, I couldn't handle another dog all day.

              Owning a pet is a huge responsibility. I have four cats and two of them I have bottle fed and raised them from when they were 5 days old. The kittens needed to eat every 2 hours day and night. Just like a human infant. My two big boys taught them the good (and bad) cat behaviors like grooming and litter box training.My kitties get better medical care than I do. All four go to the vet for their yearly check up and shots.

              Reading these stories made my blood boil, especially reading about those poor angelfish. I am so glad that your pet store trusts you enough to not sell a live animal to people who you feel will not take care of it.


              • #37
                Was 'angel fisn' man reported in any way at all. Who the hell destroys an animal by feedng it down a giant shredder? What kind of psychotic individual also believes their children should watch!?!
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #38
                  Unfortunately, fish- including domesticated varieties- are exempted from animal cruelty laws, along with "nuisance animals" such as pigeons and my own personal favorite pets, rats.

                  Believe me, I am not shy about reporting cruelty when I'm able! A man once came in for grooming of his dogs and threw them (two cocker spaniels) in the trunk of his car rather than let the (freshly bathed and clipped) dogs ride on the seat. It was a small sedan. The police had his license plate number before he'd left the parking lot.
                  My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                  Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                  • #39
                    Quoth Saydrah View Post
                    Unfortunately, fish- including domesticated varieties- are exempted from animal cruelty laws, along with "nuisance animals" such as pigeons and my own personal favorite pets, rats.

                    Believe me, I am not shy about reporting cruelty when I'm able! A man once came in for grooming of his dogs and threw them (two cocker spaniels) in the trunk of his car rather than let the (freshly bathed and clipped) dogs ride on the seat. It was a small sedan. The police had his license plate number before he'd left the parking lot.

                    I hope the police found that guy and gave him what he deserved. I can't even count how many times someone at my store had to call the police on some degenerate who left their pets and/or children in their cars on hot days.


                    • #40
                      Quoth protege View Post
                      In fact, as I was in line, checking out, some idiot made a comment as to why "anyone would want a deaf cat." Other than not being able to hear, there's nothing wrong with her!
                      It's not like cats listen to us anyway...!
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #41
                        Aw, this reminds me of a GOOD story. There were a deaf couple who came into my store often when I worked for Red Dog Blue Cat. They were very nice, if a little difficult to understand/be understood by-- I usually resorted to pen and paper, since their lip reading wasn't great and my sign language was even worse (I can finger spell, but that takes FOREVER). Anyway, they came in at least every other week for something or other, always together, and were one of the most affectionate older couples I've ever seen- always holding hands and helping each other with little things. They were among everyone's favorite regulars because they were such a cute couple.

                        Then one day we got a deaf white cat in for adoption. We were all sure nobody would want her for a long time because she sat and yowled to herself all day. She couldn't hear herself, obviously, and had no idea how loud she was being! It drove the cashiers nuts, and anyone who wanted to hold her because she was so pretty and soft and white was quickly chased away when she opened her mouth.

                        You can guess what happens next- in walk the deaf couple and the wife immediately exclaims, "What a pretty cat!" I zipped over there from the register (where I was getting VERY sick of listening to MIAOW YOW MAO! over and over) and pointed out on her sign where it said "Mia was born deaf." They looked at each other, signed a bit, and of course Mia went home with them.
                        My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                        Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                        • #42
                          OK Angelfish guy needs to get pay back.

                          I had to put one of my barbs down once, poor thing was all bloated and sick and could barely swim, he just floated around upside down. I really didn't want to do it but I thought it was better than letting him suffer for another day or 2. Both the vet (I was taking the cat and asked about the fish while I was there) and the aquarium shop owner said it would be best if I did the deed. I was almost crying as I put him in his little plastic bag full of water in the freezer. I would never for a moment even think about the garbage disposal!!!

