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the strange, the stranger and the irritating.

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  • the strange, the stranger and the irritating.

    bible hunter
    not sucky, just odd. I work in a little jewelry store at a HUGE outlet mall in Texas. today a little old man from Mexico (not being racist, right now 60-75% of our customers are from Mexico, they come up here, spend tons of money and go back down and probably sell the stuff they bought for more). he said "I'm new to this area, where can I buy a bible?" I wanted to say "where CAN'T you buy one?" but he was being polite so i pointed him to a Christian store we have at the mall. but it makes me wonder if he had even tried, i mean any bookstore, wal-mart, anywhere usually has one.

    not that he would steal from me....
    ok, another strange religion themed story, older guy needs help finding a ring. i find one he likes and he asks me if i have to hold on to it for him while he shops or of he trusts me to carry it. so i tell him i can hold on to it if he likes, but its not necessary, whatever is more convenient for him. then he goes off about how he could steal it but he wouldn't steal it because although he can trick me he can never trick "Him" not that he would steal from me, but hes getting old now therefore he doesn't want to make "Him" angry etc etc etc im like ooookkkkaaaaayyyy just give me the ring or walk off, ether way, i have customers to help.

    lady on speed
    well, i donno if she was on anything but it sure seemed that way. she couldn't stand still for more than a minute. i saw her looking at rings so i went to help her she started going off a mile a minute about how she wanted a present for her daughter but she doesn't know if she will like it and how she needs my honest opinion etc etc etc im like okay... then before i can say anything she wants to see something out of a display case I show it to her and she decides she doesn't want it and she wants to look at crosses, i point her to the crosses case about 20 ft away and in the time it takes me to put away the previous item she has gone to the crosses case, gotten impatient and taken off to the rings again. so i stand behind the crosses case for a minute or two hoping that she will come back, no luck so i cal her over, she finds one she likes and decides to buy it then and now. another customer asks me to see a cross out of the case so i ask the assistant manager to check out speed-lady. in the time it has taken me to hand the asst. mng. the cross and her to get to the register (which is 5ft away from the crosses case) shes already gotten tired or waiting and wanders off again. we finally got her checked out, but she really needs to lay off the caffeine or ridilin or whatever shes taking.

    Thanks for nothing
    lady comes in, wants a present for her daughter, after much discussion we find a charm bracelet that has some graduation charms on it. she says its too long cuz her daughter has a small wrist. so i move all the charms over to a shorter one, after making sure to say "if you really want it i can......" then the modeling ensues, i have a skinny tall co-worker who got to model the bracelet about 50 times while the lady decided if she wanted it or not and made me reposition the charms a few times. but i was nice cuz it was gonna be a decent sale and we were behind on our monthly goal.
    finally she decides yes, finds a pair of earrings she likes also and we go to the counter. i write up the ticket (old fashioned style, no scanners. so that's an 8 digit code per charm and for the bracelet and earrings) i told her the price, 50someodd, she goes "um..." and asks me the model the bracelet again, i do, she says she really likes it, and says ok, so i say that will be 50someodd, she goes um.... again looks at it for a while, then has me model the earrings. she agrees she likes them too. and says ok. i say 50some odd please. she says "um, you know what, this is the first store ive been to today, can you hold on to this please? don't get rid of the ticket , please? I will be back to get this later." guess who doesn't come back? AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH.