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3rd day in a row!?

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  • 3rd day in a row!?

    Ok, some god, or series of gods, really has it out for me this week! It's like retribution for all the stuff that DIDN'T go wrong last week. Don't have a long list from tonight, just 1 long idiot occurrence that drove me crazy.

    Ok, so, I get into work tonight at my usual time (10pm), and everything looks quiet, so I assume the day went ok, right? I think not. I hear the story about SC, who was up in one of our rooms, and is all sorts of shady. First, they thought he had checked was empty, was due to leave, etc., so we cleaned his room and opened the safe in there. This is no big deal, we do it all the time, since if you've left your belongings in the safe, we assume you'd like them back some day, so we log and store them. Well, they open the safe and find SC's belongings in the form of a crack pipe and a Gatorade lid with a crack rock inside it. O....kay...?

    So, all sorts of cluster fuckery start coming out about this guy, and it's just one thing after another at this point. He checked in a few days ago, and said he was with a large corporation...and they charged his room and tax to a master bill (basically a big credit fund that charges back to a company account). He then proceeds to charge over $1000 of food and beverage stuff to his room, but they didn't get an incidentals credit card, so there's nothing that's paying for this! Steeeeeeeeeeeeeerike two!

    Then...get this...the guy comes back, and gets angry that we've now opened his safe and been in his room! Well, it's ok, we found crack in the room, so let's all play the guessing game. Do we:

    A) Stall him while the police come out to make the arrest
    B) Apologize and tell him never to set foot on our property again
    C) Give him everything back, including the drugs

    If you've been reading my posts lately, I think you all know that the correct answer to this quiz is "DEAR GOD WHY THE SHIT WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?!?" You got it right...our overboss actually...gave them...crack...back. This is what I hear coming into work tonight. Of course, now he's locked out and we want him to come back so we can arrest him for the $1000 he owes us, but...well...

    All those, all at once. I'm a bit dumbfounded, but I did something I knew I shouldn't have, I actually uttered the words "We'll probably never see him again." I could just hear irony rearing its ugly head at me the moment I opened my goddamned mouth, because not 15 minutes later, he comes back...and now, he has a friend: a tiny, twig-like crack-whore of a woman who looks like she's seen the inside of about 2 dozen rehab centers. *shudder* So we call the cops, and I go with the option we should've gone with originally...we stall the fuck out of him, and the police catch up to us right as we finally get back to their room. Now, I've had a gun pointed at me 3 times in my life, all 3 times, I wasn't the one being aimed at...but that doesn't change the fact that I still get a little jittery, so when I had to jump away to get out from between Druggie and the Police, I wasn't in the best of moods any more. Thankfully, I also have some it only took about a minute to regain my composure. I could've used a smoke though, and I don't smoke!

    Anyway...things don't get too fun from there...the crack whore won't sit, so they make her sit (none too nicely, but she earned it ), and she then reverts to screaming the dreaded C-Word over and over until she buys herself a trip to prison. The guy was smart enough to get rid of the drugs, so there's no getting him there, but we get him on the room charge...until someone shows up and pays it. So he got to go free.

    Jackass tried to claim he was part of the Hells Angels though and said that his friends would pay us a visit soon. Thing is, after you meet a real Hells Angel, you know that the type of person in that group doesn't need to say who they are. A real Hells Angel wears his mark like a badge, and anyone who doesn't have one isn't one...since pretending and getting that type of mark would probably get you killed.

    How do these people find me? I swear, this is a nice hotel, we shouldn't even have to deal with half the crap that happens here on a weekly basis, yet it just seems to come out of the framework every single time I work. These things almost never happen when I'm on vacation, or I won't be in later that night.

    I think the universe hates me.
    "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
    "What IS fun to fight through?"
    "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."

  • #2
    Does your boss know that giving him the crack back is distribution of a controlled substance?

    Does he know that he could be in deep kimchee if the asshat tells a cop "I got it from Hotel Manager"?

    Is he really this goddamn dumb?

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #3
      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
      Is he really this goddamn dumb?
      I'm strongly leaning towards 'yes' here. Give... illegal drugs... back to the druggie...
      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


      • #4
        Gave. Them. Back.

        I mean..........they GAVE THE DRUGS BACK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

        What. The. Fuck.

        I know plenty of recovering drug addicts who have been in situations similar to this and have done hard time because their drugs were found and they were not given back.

        I think there is a HUGE liability on the hotel for giving them back.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          Holy biscuit.

          I can't believe the drugs were returned.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Ok that guy was definitely... unique...

            On the "giving drugs back thing" though, I can see both sides...

            Sure in this situation, it was a bad idea, but I've seen COPS give drugs back. Granted it was only a small amount of weed (personal use only), but they did do it. (It was in exchange for information, and basically a "get the hell out of here" sorta thing).

            So... bad move? Yes. Always a bad move? no...
            <Insert clever signature here>


            • #7
              That is entirely insane. Its one thing when manager's are spineless around corporate policy and what not, but when its to do with the law they shouldn't decide whats kept or given back. If the police decide to give it back then fair enough, but I don't think managers should interfere in such things.


              • #8

                Khira, once my stupid hotel is up and running, you're quitting your job and coming to work for me. Hell, I plan on paying the moving expenses if I can get competent workers!
                Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                • #9
                  Quoth KhirasHY View Post

                  If you've been reading my posts lately, I think you all know that the correct answer to this quiz is "DEAR GOD WHY THE SHIT WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?!?" You got it right...our overboss actually...gave them...crack...back. This is what I hear coming into work tonight. Of course, now he's locked out and we want him to come back so we can arrest him for the $1000 he owes us, but...well...
                  I'd call your boss retarded, but mentally handicapped people have better judgment than that.

                  That's fucked up.

                  He'll be doing time with real drug users and pushers if it ever gets out that he gave the crack back to that guy.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Wow. There is so much wrong with your manager. In his place, upon finding the drugs in the safe, I would have immediately left the room (with the drugs where they were found), changed the lock so homeboy couldn't get back in and immediately called the cops. He's lucky the cops seem to like you guys. Maybe it's just you they like.

                    I tell you, reading yours and vacation_rentals_suck's posts, I am getting wary of taking a vacation!
                    Interesting Fodder:


                    • #11
                      I'm clearly stating the obvious here, but Khiras, you work in a nice hotel in downtown Denver. This city attracts crazies and any establishment that is open all hours of the day and night attract those crazies.



                      • #12
                        Isn't there some way you could tip off the police or corporate about that?

                        Finding an illegal substance in a room after the person had checked out...and then giving it back to the person?!

                        I'm no expert in the law, but that sounds like a major issue. What if it had been, say, kiddie porn found in the safe? Would the manager have also given it back? Both of that and crack are illegal to possess, so simply having it is an offense.


                        Anyone with a modicum of common sense would have closed up the safe, left the room, locked the door, and called the police.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Hyndis View Post
                          Isn't there some way you could tip off the police or corporate about that?

                          Finding an illegal substance in a room after the person had checked out...and then giving it back to the person?!

                          I'm no expert in the law, but that sounds like a major issue. What if it had been, say, kiddie porn found in the safe? Would the manager have also given it back? Both of that and crack are illegal to possess, so simply having it is an offense.


                          Anyone with a modicum of common sense would have closed up the safe, left the room, locked the door, and called the police.
                          He actually kinda explained himself this morning...and hearing that, I can actually (kinda) understand what he was thinking...less from a dumbass perspective, and more from the perspective of someone who doesn't understand the way the laws work.

                          Basically, his line of thinking was less on the illegal substance laws, and more on the innkeeper laws; we entered the room and opened the locked safe without him being checked out, which could be construed as a violation of innkeeper laws. However, one of our DPD friends educated him that, even though that was true, locating an illegal substance never means it has to be returned to someone, even under those circumstances. He was completely apologetic as well, so he knows better (and honestly, it's the only dumb thing he's ever done here), but it's one of the sad times where experience came only after it was needed.

                          So really, it wasn't as stupid of a move as I first thought, and there was actually logic behind it to a certain degree. Either way, thankfully, it's all over, and now everyone knows better, which makes my job a hell of a lot easier.
                          "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
                          "What IS fun to fight through?"
                          "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."

