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Serial Psycho

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  • Serial Psycho

    Rewind a few months ago - this woman had her 9 year old computer in that needed windows reinstalling. After the job is finished and she gets the $60 bill, she claims she shouldn't have to pay it. The only reason she brought it in for us to do is because the windows disk it came with was scratched when she got it (it was VERY scratched, like it had been used as a skateboard). No it wasn't like that when you got it 9 years ago, and even if it was, your warranty ran out 6 years ago. Accuses me of calling her a liar! Then she says - "I called and spoke to a manager who said that you would do the job for free" - but couldn't give the name of the manager. Turned into a big argument, she eventually paid up and collected it, but only after I was about to pick up the phone to call security to have her removed because of all the obscenities she was shouting.

    Yesterday I'm relieving on the register. We have had the flu go through, so we are down to only 2 trained cashiers - one regular cashier, plus myself. The regular cashier went on her lunch break, leaving just me. For no apparent reason it suddenly becomes a peak time, the line is getting longer, and I don't have any staff left able to cashier. Who comes through but the abovementioned lady. She picks now to continue the argument.
    SC: "Remember Me"
    Me: "Yes"
    SC: "I checked my notes at home, it was [M] who said it would be free"
    Me: "Well you told me it was the store manager - [M] isn't a manager, he is the technician who did the job and set the charge"
    SC: "I know, and it was him who was standing there and told you he didn't say it would free, so he lied to me about it"
    Me: "As far as I'm concerned, if [M] says he didn't tell you that, then he didn't say that. The only possible reason he would say a job like that would be free would be if he was given wrong information in the first place. "
    SC: "Are you calling me a liar?"
    Me: "No, you have accused a staff member of lieing. He has a proven track record and gives me no reason whatsoever to doubt his integrity, now excuse me but I am very busy, and need to continue serving customers, so please move on"
    SC: "Well I've reported it to your head office, so we'll see what they say."
    Me: "Next please"
    SC: "I'm not finished yet, I have these to pay" and plonks down a payment book for a finance plan, that we act as an agent for. These things are a pain to process, the line is getting longer, but there's nothing else to do but process them. Now it is one of the rules of this finance company that when payments are made at 3rd party collection points, that the payment must be rounded UP to the next 5c. I don't know why the rule exists, it just does, and has done since the day dot. Our register system knows this rule, and enforces it.
    Me: "Ok, that will be $xx.50 thanks"
    SC: "no, it's $xx.48"
    Me: "FC[finance company] have a rule that 3rd party payments must be rounded up to the next 5 cents"
    SC: "No they don't, I have always paid odd cent amounts"
    Me: "They accept odd cents when you pay direct, but if it is paid at an agent it must be in round figures."
    SC: "Well what happens to all the extra money that I pay" FFS - it is 2 cents, multiplied by 8 payments is a whopping 16 cents extra over the course of 2 years.
    Me: "As far as I know FC deducts it from the final payment, but I'm not 100% sure how it works, because they are a separate company, you would have to confirm with them"
    SC: "Well give it to me in writing that it will be deducted from the last payment"
    Me: "No I'm not going to do that, you will have to take it up with FC."
    SC: "Are we going to argue about this now too - give it to me in writing that they deduct the cents from the last payment"
    Me: "No, I am just following the rules that we have to follow - and that is that 3rd party payments must be rounded up to the next 5c. That is what our computer system requires. As to what happens with those couple of cents, you will need to talk to FC. Our system forces the amount to comply with their rules, and I can't change it"
    SC: "Last time I paid the odd cents here", and proceeds to show me the payment slip - the payment has been done at xx.50 but the EFTPOS slip has gone through for xx.48. This is not easy to do - because normally the eftpos machine takes it's cues from the register - you have to disconnect the eftpos machine, tell the register that you have done a manual eftpos transaction for the full amount, and manually put the transaction through the eftpos machine for the wrong amount. Not something the cashier who processed the previous payment would know how to do. "I went through this argument last time I was here, and a manager overruled it when I complained to head office. So do I have to call head office again or are you going to put it through"

    By now the line is getting very long, the customers are getting agitated, so I tell her that ok I will do it, but it requires a manual override which is time consuming so could she please wait until I have put through the customers that are waiting.
    SC: "No, it is my turn, you will put me through now."
    She is obviously going nowhere, so I start the routine, the line is getting longer, I'm hearing complaints down the line, so am processing as fast as possible. While I am doing this, SC is complaining about how long it is taking, complaining that I am trying to rip her off. Finally get it done, hand her her receipt, and call the next customer.
    SC: "I'm not done yet"
    FFS What now?
    SC: "Last time I paid, [FC] contacted me and told me that the payment was late, but I paid it on the due date."
    Me: "That would be because we had to do a manual override. Normally we pay them automatically by electronic payment, but because we had to do a manual override on the eftpos, our system won't automatically submit payment. It needs to be manually verified before payment can be submitted."
    SC: "Well that's not good enough, because I'll get late fees if I have any more late payments, so you have submit the payment to them now, or reimburse me for my costs"
    Me: "If you were prepared to pay the correct amount, then payment would be automatic. This sort of thing is out of my control, you need to talk to [FC] and discuss your contract with them. I can't do anything more for you. Next Please"

    SC started saying something but I totally ignored her and commenced the next customer. Her parting words were "I'm calling head office and putting another complaint against you, I'll get you fired yet you *bleep*."

    Once the line died down I called the store manager and told him the details. Turns out he was the one who dealt with her the previous time (pretty much same circumstances - holding everything up in a busy time), and has had several other run-ins with her where she'll start yelling and screaming in the store. He is going to write her a letter banning her from the store, and said he'll take out a court order if necessary because of the trouble she causes every time she walks through the doors. One of our staff members said when he was working for a competitor, that they took a restraining order against her because of the trouble she caused them.

  • #2
    All of this over two cents?!

    What a miserable human being she must be.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      I've heard of being petty but she takes the cake.


      • #4
        I hope she does get banned. Sounds like she's just a troublemaker.

        All that over two cents...I wouldn't mind giving her MY two-cents' worth!
        Know why it's called the American "Dream"? 'Cause you have to be asleep to believe it! --George Carlin


        • #5
          Quoth Boozy View Post
          All of this over two cents?!

          What a miserable human being she must be.
          Ah, but over 2 years with 8 payments, it's a whopping 16 cents, and that's srys bzns.

          I would have handed her a quarter, and told her to keep the change. :P
          I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
          In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


          • #6

            Also shocking? That one of the quickly-becoming-irate people in line didn't either yell at her or smack a quarter onto the counter with a glare of death to "reimburse" her for the lousy two cents. Hell, I would have done it myself if I ever carried cash with me. For that matter, against my conscience, I would have taken two cents from the till just to shut her the hell up. But wait, logically she would expect that in the future, wouldn't she? Damn.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              Quoth Tee View Post
              Ah, but over 2 years with 8 payments, it's a whopping 16 cents, and that's srys bzns.
              That would be "seriose biznz." So says seriose kitn.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                I can't believe steps haven't been taken to ban her already. If anything I'd sue her personally for harassment just to make her hair stand on end and get her more mad.
                Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                • #9
                  People like this.. are the reason they lock the stairs to water towers. They have no power in their lives, so they torment everyone they have a sliver of contact with.


                  • #10
                    Complete and utter wench. I hope she does get banned, honestly people shouldn't have to take that sort of crap, especially over two friggin' cents.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Rivulatus View Post
                      "I'm calling head office and putting another complaint against you, I'll get you fired yet you *bleep*."
                      "And my little dog too?"
                      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                      The stupid is strong with this one.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Dips View Post
                        "And my little dog too?"
                        Damnit dips, rule number one, broken.

                        Where do I send my bill for keyboard cleaning?
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #13
                          Quoth Peppergirl View Post

                          Where do I send my bill for keyboard cleaning?
                          Send it to Raps, there's a contingency fund for this sort of thing from the membership fees.
                          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                          • #14
                            I wouldnt have even done it manually. I would have handed her stuff back to her and said " that case I have to say that I am sorry...but I cant help you unless I round it to the nearest 5 cents. Please have a nice day." then I would have ignored her.
                            "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


                            • #15
                              And people like her probably wonder why service is lousy everywhere they go
                              - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.

