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The Parable of Lettuce

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  • The Parable of Lettuce

    OK So I haven't posted much on here, so for those of you who don't know, I own a small Pet Supplies store that also has aquarium fish.

    [Backstory] Now, I live in a strange area, Jervis Bay, which is NSW Coast, boasts some famous beaches and marine parks. and that kind of description normally attracts high class kind of residents, but you see in my little corner of Jervis Bay, Sanctuary Point, there is a lot of community housing and the like. I won't go into too many details to avoid sounding like a snob, but suffice it to say that Sanctuary Point would be something akin to shrinking Nunavut and placing it in the middle of Miami. Only it's a small town, the kind where the post office is also the video store.[/backstory]

    Summary: In my store, I get some yuppies and I get some hosebeasts. Mostly just unemployed shoeless gronks.

    Catch 22

    A lady comes in, and begins asking the kind of generic questions (ie "what do you have here), the kind of questions that leads me to begin to astral project and hover around the ceiling somewhere until the offender goes away.

    SC: So what kind of dog food do you have here? (go go gadget outer-body experience...)
    Me: Well, we have dry dog kibble, tinned food and dog meat
    SC: Oh, I mean what kind of dog meat do you have.
    Me: Oh, well we have Beef, Roo or Chicken mince, Chicken necks, and Chicken wing tips.
    SC: Wing tips? What are they?

    ... See now, that's clever. I see what you did there. This is the checkmate of retail customer service. Now, I can't actually correctly answer that question without using the words "wing tips", which would guarantee me just sounding like a smart ass. I also can't just ignore you, because you will simply repeat your checkmate question. I could choose option c, which is to remain in my non corporeal state where I am hovering around the ceiling, actually venture OUT the window and into the sky and beyond, abandoning my body and thereby avoiding you and all of your kin altogether for the rest of time. However, this option leaves open the possibility that there are actually MORE of you "out there", and my spirit will come across one. I'm pretty sure you can't astral project from an astral projection, so where would that leave me?
    I concede defeat.

    The definition of Irony.

    SC: Hi, I need some Pimafix. (a fish medication for various diseases.)
    Me: Sure, right this way.
    SC: You know, this is really good stuff. On the forums that I go to, they keep calling it Primafix though! Wonder why they always call it Primafix!? I mean, people are so stupid sometimes.
    Me: Heh, must just be one of those words that people always get wrong.
    SC: Haha yeah, It's just chinese whiskers, isn't it?

    Yes, I guarantee you she said WHISKERS. Although, to be fair, I was still reeling from the fact that she actually knew what a forum WAS, much less knew how to communicate on one. Unless she was talking about an actual forum, like they used to have in ancient Rome, with all the politics and the murdering. One can only hope.

    Knee high to an SC

    We sell dog coats, which are pretty much exactly what they sound like, coats for dogs. As you can imagine, they go on the dogs back, and therefore the measurements for the coats are dependent on the length of the dog. This is obvious as soon as you see the coats, and probably obvious anyway.

    SC comes in and starts rummaging through the dog coats. Holding them up and checking them out.

    Me: Hi, can I help you there?
    SC: Oh, I'm just looking for a coat for my dog. What have you got?
    Me: Well, what size is your dog roughly?
    SC: Well.. about this tall. *hand up to her knees*
    Me: OK... well, it actually goes on how LONG they are... what sort of dog is it?
    SC: Oh, its a medium.

    Just... OK, let's do some math here. It's calculator time for SC. There are roughly 400 dog breeds in the world, which would give "medium" an umbrella of about 130 breeds. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but I doubt that each and every dog of a particular breed are exactly the same length from neck to tail, let alone 130 different breeds of "medium" size. Also, I betcha by golly wow that if I DID sell you one of these "medium" coats you would be just the type to bring it back in half an hour and complain bitterly that it didn't fit.


    So, normally when someone comes in to my shop, some kind of verbal communication ensues almost immediately. It might be as simple as "just looking", or it could be a 2-hour epic convo about my guild's raiding schedule. You just never know. What I NEVER expected though, is this.

    SC: *walks in and stares at me*
    SC: uh....
    SC: What was I thinking about?
    Me: ... uh.. I dunno, hehe.
    SC: ...........
    Me: ....
    SC: U got em?
    Me: Got what?
    SC: *walks around counter and starts looking at the dog treats*
    Me: What were you after sorry?
    SC: LETTUCE!!~
    Me:... (pretty certain he didn't mean lettuce)... you mean, dog treat?
    SC: You got the thingmebob?
    Me: I'm not sure what you mean sorry.... do you mean pigs ears? (which i was out of)
    SC: YES!!!!!!!!!
    Me: Oh, heh, sorry I'm actually out of those, I'll have them at about 3 this afternoon.
    SC: BWUAHAAHAHAHH! *Starts leaving*
    Me: Ok, I might see you later then.

    I don't think this one requires a clever summary of my thoughts. They pretty much went like this:

    There's more, I'll pace them out :P

  • #2
    Raw 'Roo mince?


    Damnit, we in the US can't get that nommy Omega Fatty Acid filled roo meat so easily for our pooches!

    *Augustin drools and begs for some Roo Mince*
    My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

    Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


    • #3
      Quoth Kali View Post
      SC: Wing tips? What are they?

      ... See now, that's clever. I see what you did there. This is the checkmate of retail customer service. Now, I can't actually correctly answer that question without using the words "wing tips", which would guarantee me just sounding like a smart ass.
      I once got called a smart arse for correctly answering the question "what do you mean by 'yellow wall'?"

      But not for this exchange:
      "Where are the newspapers?"
      "Next to the ATM."
      "And where's the ATM?"
      "Over there where it says ATM, next to the newspapers."


      • #4
        Quoth Kali View Post
        Chicken wing tips.
        SC: Wing tips? What are they?
        They're shoes, but that's not important right now.


        • #5
          Quoth Kali View Post
          SC: *walks in and stares at me*
          SC: uh....
          SC: What was I thinking about?
          Me: ... uh.. I dunno, hehe.
          SC: ...........
          SC: THINGMEBOB!!
          So, right before I started reading this part of the post, I dialed a number out to talk to one of our members about their service arrival time. (I read posts between calls) I read this just as the member was answering and got to "THINGMEBOB" and just about choked as I tried to hold back a laugh and get out the speil I do when I call people....

          I wonder if I can get workman's comp for how painful that was.
          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


          • #6
            Quoth hecubus View Post
            They're shoes, but that's not important right now.
            And don't call me Shirley....


            • #7
              The concept of clothing for dogs, and cats even, stuns people's basic reasoning skills, assuming they have them. Almost every single person I have dealt with have tried to give me a weight and expect me to divine what size shirt it would wear. Never mind the fact their 10 pound dachshund weighs the same as someone elses 10 pound toy poodle, but I'll be damned if they are the same length.

              That, however, I've gotten used to. The other day I did get something that broke me. Someone asked me to determine what size grooming jacket they would wear if they were 200 pounds. I died a little inside that day.


              • #8
                Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                So, right before I started reading this part of the post, I dialed a number out to talk to one of our members about their service arrival time. (I read posts between calls) I read this just as the member was answering and got to "THINGMEBOB" and just about choked as I tried to hold back a laugh and get out the speil I do when I call people....

                I wonder if I can get workman's comp for how painful that was.
                Haha yeah, I have that problem. I gotta stop reading the forums here, in particular GK's posts, while there are people wandering around in the shop. I'm not sure they are entirely enthused by a random giggle, or occasional guffaw, from the office every minute or so.


                • #9
                  Quoth Kali View Post
                  SC: Oh, its a medium.
                  You know... I am certain that she meant medium not as in size but spiritual medium... as in "I see dead people!"

                  She was probably just hoping that you would astrally project to ask the dog. You know, what it wanted and what size it needed.



                  • #10
                    ROFL Skarred!

                    To be honest, I wish I could talk to some of these people's animals. The owners are so clueless sometimes on what their pet needs, its sad!


                    • #11
                      Quoth hecubus View Post
                      They're shoes, but that's not important right now.
                      Quoth DarkProwler View Post
                      And don't call me Shirley....
                      I... don't get it. The part about shoes, I mean. I got the Airplane! reference, but can't remember anythin to do with shoes...

                      Also, I don't know what wing tips are but, from the name, I can take a guess. I've seen a movie about geese where they explained they clip the tips of wings off poultry, so they can't fly away. They'll still have wings with enough meat for you to eat, but won't be able to grow the feathers that allow them to fly. I guess wing tips come from there ?
                      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Samaliel View Post
                        I... don't get it. The part about shoes, I mean. I got the Airplane! reference, but can't remember anythin to do with shoes...
                        It's more of an extrapolation than an exact quote. Numerous times during the movie, someone would say something, the other person would ask, "What's that?", first person "It's X, but that's not important right now."


                        • #13
                          EQ2 or WoW?


                          • #14



                            • #15
                              Quoth Kali View Post

                              Gnar ><

                              Also.....the I'm going to have to try that on a certain caller. See if I can derail him. He's becoming use to my devious ways and its getting harder. -.-

