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Did you enjoy eating your own words?

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  • Did you enjoy eating your own words?

    This happend a few days ago but this is my first chance to post it. At my gas station we have a propane exchange program. All it is is you bring in an empty tank, give me money, and I give you a full tank. Or, if you have no exchange you can buy a tank (a lot more money). Simple, but we've had a few staff screw this up and a few people have walked out with more more money in thier pocket then they should have had.

    Anyway, a man came in with gas, wanted smokes, etc. He then asked me if I would ring him in for an exchange.

    Me: "Alright, your tank is in your van then?"

    Him: "No, it's at home"

    Huh? I'm not going to charge you for something you can't participate in. And if it's a scam of some sort, i'm not having any part of it.

    Me: "I'm sorry sir, we need the tank here now to do the exchange"

    Him: "No you don't, just charge me and I will come back with my tank and I will take my new one"

    Now, I know it seems like he has a point, we could just chage him, but what if I wasn't here when he comes back? Or he forget's his recipt? Or, because he was paying with credit card, he never comes back, and contestes the charge on his card? The last time we lost money was when a staff member refunded an exchange to a man who claimed to buy a tank earlier, and he now wanted to give us his old tank and get the money back. He had no recipt, but the guy did it anyway. So we don't fool around with the system

    I told him no, no and more no, a word I love telling customers. He got mad and madder, and threw his cards at me for his gas and other stuff. He then says, and i quote "That's such a dumb rule, i'll just be giving you my money, I AM NEVER COMING BACK HERE AGAIN"
    I told him to have a good day, drive safe, etc. I kill em' with kindness.

    Flash forward 2 hours, guess who is standing at my till, head down, arms accross his chest.

    Me: "Can I help you?"

    Him: "I need a propane exchange, it's in my van"

    Me: "I know, that's $25.47 please"

    He then gave me his card and his points card. Unfortunatly, this set off anotehjr argument. I explained to him that in order to collect, you need a to meet a required fuel purchase, which is gas, or diesel. Yes, propane is a fuel, but we don't sell it as car fuel, so it dosen't qualify. Now, he is mad at me again for not being able to collect, and this is why he wished he could pay earlier with his gas. Blah blah blah. I ring him in, and go outside with him to get his new tank, and he says, and again, I quote " This was such a waste of time, i can't believe how much trouble this was just for a propane tank, I'M NEVER COMING HERE AGAIN"

    I couden't believe he would say it again! Dude, you already ate your words once to me, do you want to cram them in your mouth again?

    Just as he was leaving I added to my good-bye speech "Hope to see you soon!" Hahahaha, i'm such an ass

  • #2
    They always lie when they say "I'm never coming here again!"

    Just nice that you could actually see the lie in action!
    Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
    Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
    The Office


    • #3
      He wanted to pay for it at the same time as his gas so he'd get points on his card...that doesn't make sense...I would imagine he'd only get points from the gas purchase anyway so it would be the same number of points either way...? (correct me if I'm wrong)
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
        ...I would imagine he'd only get points from the gas purchase anyway so it would be the same number of points either way...? (correct me if I'm wrong)
        With the way our point system works, you need the "qualifying fuel purchace" which is diesel or gas, the total must be at least 20 bucks, not including tobbaco because of the stringent anti-promoting laws in Canada. So even if someone get's 5 bucks in gas and 15 in lottery, they qualify. If you get 10 in gas and a pack of smokes for 10 bucks, you get nothing. Sorry, I should have made myself more clear


        • #5
          If he had bothered to bring the stupid tank with him the first time he showed up, there would never have been an issue.

          He brought it all on himself for not being prepared.


          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            I don't know if he liked eating his own words, but at least he could barbeque them and really bring out the flavour!
            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


            • #7
              My old boss, back in my tow truck/gas station days, told one guy who pulled the "I'm never coming back." ploy "That's fine! I'll help you out. If you ever step foot on my property again, I'll call the police."
              This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.

