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I want a raincheck! (long, language)

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  • I want a raincheck! (long, language)

    Half-asleep while typing this, so forgive any confusion! bolding is key, hehe

    Bit of a background: We had a two-week special running on enlargements, 5x7 and 8x10 half price (so 49cents / $1.49 each) ending the 22nd, when our lab closed at 9.
    Thursday the 21st our printer in the lab broke down. it tryed to eat some paper and got gunk on the head. so my Dept. manager couldnt print any orders that night. The few customers we had didn't mind using the self-printing machine, or said they would head elsewhere. You can see there this is going. Onto the next night.

    Since i have plans to go out after work, i knew Loki would screw me over somehow. sure enough, i had just punched out and was getting changed when i got paged to my department (around 9.05pm when i got up there due to already running late + fighting with mesh). I recognized the woman as the one who was getting 5x7s when the machine broke. actually, i think it was her order that caused the jam. she waited about 10 min. once the machine broke and said she was going elsewhere, just delete her order and forget it since she hadn't been charged anything.

    M= Me (brackets=thinking)
    C: Supervisor
    SC = Stupid *****

    M: Hi, how can i help ya?
    SC: why is the lab closed?
    M: I'm sorry, we close at 9:00 in the lab.
    SC: well i wanted to print off some 5x7's at the sale price, since i couldnt get my prints yesterday when your machine broke.
    M: Well, i'm sorry mam, but there isnt anything i can do. ( c'mon, i just wanna go home!)
    SC: well then, i want a raincheck for the sale price! I was here for 45 min. yesterday and i never got my prints!
    M: (um, no, you were here for about 10, if i include the time you took to place your order, 20. you left for 20 min and came back, yeah, but youwern't here waiting.) I am not sure if i can do that mam, but my Dept. Manager is in on monday, maybe she can help you?
    SC: no, i want one now, i am not going to wait until monday!
    M: (aw damn) hang on a second *dials up c*

    C: yo!
    M: hey, this lady is wondering if she can get a raincheck for prints?
    C: but that's like a one-time deal. i have no idea. can't she wait and talk to Dept. manager?
    M: apperantly not.
    C: well i dunno, it isnt my department
    M: ar, fine, i'll deal with it

    back to the customer
    M: i can give you a raincheck for 10 5x7 only otherwize you will have to talk to chris on monday.
    SC: *tries to barter for more, and fails hard*
    SC: And one for 8x10s too
    M: Sorry mam, but since yesterday you were only wanting the 5x7 size, i cant write one for 8x10, you will have too see Dept. Manager on monday. *scrawls her up a quick raincheck while talking* I am sure if you had mentioned something to Dept. Manager yesterday, she would have given you a raincheck right then, but we thought you were going to Sister Store to print. *hand her raincheck*
    SC: *tucks raincheck away* Well, i did go there and print my pictures, but their quality was diffrent, so i wanted to come here instead. but you closed, so now i have to wait until tomorrow and... (at this point i tuned out her ranting)
    M: i have done all i can for you mam (and am trying hard not to rip that rincheck back out of your purse for bs-ig me)
    SC: *redundant complaining*
    M: *continually saying i will not give her more, wait for her to leave while still bitching, and then head out to rant in my car and listen to death metal*

    Now, it may not seem too bad, but i took out alot of the reduntant bitching and raised voices. I doubt this would have bugged me as much if you had...
    1) ...SAID ANYTHING about how you wanted a raincheck on Thursday, when the manager was here. and refusing to wait to talk to a manager, despite later saying you will come in and see her on monday.
    2) ...not waited until 9:00 pm, when signs are posted everywhere in the lab that this is when we close. (and that main cash is often hit by scammers who do the same thing, waiting until lab techs leave to make demands)
    3) ...not come back making these demands just because you thing that another store with identical equipment has a lesser quality. you got your pictures you just wanted a raincheck for more enlargements. Cuz, ya know $2.99 isnt cheap for an 8x10 when walmart has them at 7 bucks minimum.

    i am calling my dept. manager today to give her a heads up, and i hope i dont get in trouble for giving the dumb woman a raincheck (since i doubt i was supposed to, but i want phoning her at 9:00 at night on a friday to put up with this shit)

    after the camera scammer on wed. and trying to fix the machine on thurs, this just made a shitty end to a shitty week.
    Last edited by siead_lietrathua; 02-24-2008, 03:46 PM.

    Hobby Twitter.

  • #2
    Oooh, do tell about the scammer. Those are stories I enjoy listening to (and, believe it or not, learn something from).

    Good luck with your manager, the woman sounded frustrating.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      ok, since i dont want to start a new thread, i will put in about the camera scammer here.

      we had a woman (i'd say late 20's) buy herself a nice new olympus 210 digital camera on febuary 14.
      on the 18th we received a phonecall from a sister store warning us that the woman had tryed to return the camera there. apperantly is had been beaten to hell, so they told her no dice, to go to the store she had bought it from (us) or go straight to olympus. I talked to the manager, and she said no refund, send her to olympus since we dont do refunds on items broken by the customers stupidity.
      the 19th, the supervisers had a meeting, and they were told about this woman. everyone but one super was there, since she had to work on delivery orders. Since the lab closes an hour before the rest of the store, they wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the situation, and to not give a refund.

      now for the fun. on Wed. the 20th, the not-at-the-meeting super was on cash, so she could rip up the ad for the weekend. i was stuck late in lab, due to the week-of-fail, and probably didnt leave until 9:20 or so.

      B: super on cash
      F: Super-who-is-supervising

      the rest of this is what B told me.

      not even 5 minutes after i had left, the woman with the camera comes in, talking about how the shutter stopped working, and she wanted a refund. B popped open the box, saw everything was inside and does the return for her. a few minutes later, F comes out, sees the camera box, and asks her what's up. so B lets her know whats happening. F flips a bit and tells her about the scammer. apperantly management, despite knowing that their head cashier missed the meeting, never bothered to tell her about the SC.

      i was in the next morning with B, and she tells me what's up (amongst much "oh i f-ed up" ranting). so i go and take the camera out of the box. turns out they put the camera in the box so all the damage was hidden if you just popped the top off. the camera lense was bent to hades. the last time i saw damage that bad was when a co-workers drunken freind has dropped the camera onto the floor repeatedly. and she did it in just 4 days!!
      Insert bad photoshoop picture though it doesnt nearly show the extend of how dooomed this camera was.

      i dunno, i dont mind too much since olympus says they will take the camera back from us (though i doubt we will get the full cost back), and i got to laugh at a very anal-retentive super get pwned. the only part that creeps me out is that she must have waited until there was no lab tech in the store, and since i left late that night, she must have been waiting, outside, watching us >.>. i'm gonna have the heebies walking home from now on i tell ya that much!
      Last edited by siead_lietrathua; 02-24-2008, 03:33 PM. Reason: wrong pic. link

      Hobby Twitter.

