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So I had to report a threat tonight

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  • #31
    Quoth Rapscallion View Post
    Nah - that's when you explain that you'd better not leave any evidence of their life once you've finished with them.
    I used to tell people not to piss me off. I have 80 acres to hide bodies
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #32
      Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
      Everyone should have the learn (the hard way, if needed) not to say such things. Death threats should be treated seriously.

      You know never know how's a nutcase out there and WILL do what (s)he said.
      I used to work at a hospital in the outpatient neurology clinic (oh we had all the fun ones) There was a doctor that collected nutcases as patients. We used to tease him about it. He actually had one that was prone to outbursts...he had to be escorted by 2 armed police officers everytime he came in. He would spout of death threats if he didn't get to talk to the docotr everytime he called (heaven forbid if he was *gasp* with a patient). As a sidenote he eventually did try showing up with an unloaded gun and was arrested and got 3-5 for a laundry list of offences.


      • #33
        Quoth Tigress View Post
        I had one of the older Yu-Gi-Oh brats at the gaming store hang out tell me that he was going to punch me in the face last week. Completely unprovoked. I looked him straight in the eye and told him that I would break his arm if he swung at me.

        He primly replied that I wouldn't do that because he is a MINOR and he could have me arrested. That's when I got my Evil Grin and told him that I have a right to defend myself. And since he would be swinging first and was roughly my size, not a jury in the world would convict me.

        I generally like kids, but when some trouser stain that's old enough to know better decides that he's grown enough to make idle threats, it's time to learn that you never threaten someone that's been practicing martial arts for almost half her life, is almost old enough to be your mother and knows the local self-defense laws better than you.
        Something my Mom told me when I was young. If someone is big enough to hit you then they're big enough to be hit. A girl in my class kept punching me I was taught that you don't hit girls. The time she punched me I laid her out. I did get in trouble with the principle and my teacher but not Mom and that's what mattered.
        I've told my kids this.
        Bow down before me for I am ROOT

        Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


        • #34
          Quoth traylk View Post
          I used to work at a hospital in the outpatient neurology clinic (oh we had all the fun ones) There was a doctor that collected nutcases as patients. We used to tease him about it. He actually had one that was prone to outbursts...he had to be escorted by 2 armed police officers everytime he came in. He would spout of death threats if he didn't get to talk to the docotr everytime he called (heaven forbid if he was *gasp* with a patient). As a sidenote he eventually did try showing up with an unloaded gun and was arrested and got 3-5 for a laundry list of offences.
          Heh. One of many stories from a friend who works in a very secure 'section' house.
          One of their 'clients' wanted to learn to play guitar, their social worker decided that it'd be good as any teaching is good teaching. Unfortunately my mate then had to try and work out how this client could hold a guitar and still be held in the double arm lock that was required whenever the client met non staff members...
          Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


          • #35
            Quoth Naaman View Post
            . Unfortunately my mate then had to try and work out how this client could hold a guitar and still be held in the double arm lock that was required whenever the client met non staff members...
            Esteban perhaps?


            • #36
              Quoth Tanasi View Post
              Something my Mom told me when I was young. If someone is big enough to hit you then they're big enough to be hit. A girl in my class kept punching me I was taught that you don't hit girls. The time she punched me I laid her out. I did get in trouble with the principle and my teacher but not Mom and that's what mattered.
              I've told my kids this.
              This is a rule in my family as well. I'm a girl, but I do hit back. Hard. My brother learned the hard way when I knocked the wind out of him--he's 6'5, ~200lbs, I'm 5'7" ish and not that big. My feeling is just this: you should never hit someone unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences, which often include them taking a swing at you.
              "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

              “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


              • #37
                The whole "you can't hit a girl" thing has (mostly) vanished from my mind at this point. True, I still won't hit a girl before she hits me (and even after, most of the time) but that's because I won't hit anyone before they hit me (or after yadda yadda), not because she's a girl.
                Living on the #1 most dangerous college campus (p.s: the facts are untrue on this one*) in the USA for most of the year will change your outlook a bit.

                *Only reported crimes are counted, and as a state school all crimes must be reported whereas inner-city campuses (which own virtually no land of their own outside of their buildings) can get away with blaming the city on the high rate of crime rather than the students (e.g: Boston University's 0% crime rate, IIRC).

                EDIT: Hooray! 100 Posts! (And it only took me six months too!)
                Last edited by MMATM; 06-24-2007, 11:11 PM. Reason: A little celebration...
                "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                • #38
                  When it comes to defense I always follow my martial arts tenets, when it's okay to fight as told by Don Warrener writer of advanced Goju-Ryu.

                  1. In defense of yourself.
                  2. In defense of someone who can't defend themself.
                  3. In defense of property.
                  4. In defense of country (NO DEBATES!!!!!!)

                  Also, the instance someone strikes first is when you can fight back.
                  Last edited by ArenaBoy; 06-25-2007, 02:42 AM.
                  The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                  • #39
                    Quoth Phone Jockey View Post
                    they said they'd install it if the customer didn't try to kill anyone while they were there. WTF???

                    Okay... THAT'S a reason to contact HR and threaten to sue the company. Placing a service tech's life in peril is something that large corporations tend to FROWN UPON. Not that they care, mind you... but if you bring it to their attorney's attention, it will quickly become a non-issue. SERIOUS liability here.


                    • #40
                      Quoth myswtghst View Post
                      My feeling is just this: you should never hit someone unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences, which often include them taking a swing at you.
                      Heh. I stunned a friend of mine once. She had a fun time always hitting me because I wouldn't hit back. Until one night she decided to keep it up. Finally after the seventh hit I turned around and slugged her in the arm. Not even as hard as I could (and she didn't pull her punches much either). She just froze in place for a minute then went "YOU HIT ME!" I pointed out I did let her get 7 shots in before I retaliated...
                      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                      • #41
                        I'm a girl. If I hit a guy (in a painful, non-playful, I'm-fighting-with-you way) then I fully expect to get hit back, or at least restrained. Shoot, if I'm punching you hard enough to make bruises, you have a right to defend yourself. Just the same as if any guy were to hit me, I would give him a left hook to the jaw.
                        The report button - not just for decoration

