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Scary anti-credit app lady

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  • #16
    They started doing that at the post office a while ago. And anyway, I applied and was turned down. So it was annoying to be asked again.

    "While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?!" Sprang to mind.

    But I didn't create a fuss, just politely explained what had happened.
    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


    • #17
      Damn, that would really freak me out. Scary people need to come with a warning lable that tells people that they will explode without warning. I'm guessing that saying that she should have told you up front that she did not want a card, so please don't ask her would be asking way too much.

      They tried to get us to push the Wal-Mart card when I worked there, but most of us wouldn't do it. Of course, they never threatened to fire us for it either. They mostly did these stupid incentive things, like "if you sell x amount of cards, you get a half day off with pay." Was it worth it? Nope, I never asked a living soul.
      Last edited by GayleShy; 06-19-2007, 07:53 PM.


      • #18
        Quoth RammsteinGirl View Post
        She didn't LOOK scary or mean at all.. she looked kinda like Betty White from the Golden Girls.
        Quoth MadMike View Post
        If you had seen the movie Lake Placid, you'd know that Betty White isn't always as sweet as she looks. I believe one of her lines from that movie was, "If I had a dick, I'd tell you to suck it!" I was like when I heard those words coming from a seemingly sweet old lady.
        Mike beat me to it. I loved her in that movie! The movie itself is total camp horror, but for all that, not so bad you'd want the 90 minutes of your life back.

        Quoth blas87 View Post
        I can't imagine Betty White saying anything like that....maybe Bea Arthur. "The man is a douchebag!".....but then again, a lot of comedians did squeaky clean TV/movie comedies but really dirty standup comedies.
        Try Bob Saget. If you ever caught one of his comedy routines, you'd wonder at anyone letting him with 100 feet of any children, ever.

        I like the idea someone else posted about the comment cards. Everyone who has to push any sort of promotion at people as a rule handed down from corporate should keep a stack of comment cards at their register for people to fill out and hit corporate with every time they get annoyed.

        Eventually, with enough negative feedback coming in, they might drop the whole thing as a really annoying idea that's just pissing customers off.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #19
          Betty White, sweet and innocent? Some of us must be too young to have seen her on the Mary Tyler Moore show from the 70's, where she played Sue Ann Nivens. Just one example of many:

          Sue Ann: Mary, dear, I need your help. I'm doing a show today on single girls. The topic is, "What Turns a Man On." Now, of course, I have lots of ideas, but I thought you might have a few that I could actually say on television.
          I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


          • #20
            Quoth MadMike View Post
            If you had seen the movie Lake Placid, you'd know that Betty White isn't always as sweet as she looks. I believe one of her lines from that movie was, "If I had a dick, I'd tell you to suck it!"

            I don't like being constantly hounded about those damn cards either, but I don't take it out on the cashier. Like someone else said, they probably don't like asking anymore than we like being asked.
            Oh hell to the effing no, we don't. The store I worked at till recently has savers' cards, and while we didn't exactly get into trouble for not asking, there was the occasional SC that would realize somebody forgot to ask (it happens) and make a stink about it. Or else they'd make a stink about it if you DID ask and say you should just lower the cost of groceries instead. I always hated having to do that...I'd just say 'do you have your savers' card?' and leave it at that; if they actually asked to apply for the card, I'd get them an app, but I wouldn't push the issue (which I HATE doing and hate when it's my turn in the hot spot). Most of the regulars who shop there are familiar with the drill anyway and whip the card out so it's ready.
            ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


            • #21
              Quoth ReverendBSB View Post
              Every time I got to Best Buy they always ask me if I want to sign up for 8 free issues of a magazine. That stupid program where you get some free issues, but if you dont call up and cancel they charge an inflated years subscription to your card automatically. Its annoying to have to say no every time, but its not the end of the world or anything. That woman if just a bitch.
              When I worked at Best Buy, our managers required us to ask each customer at least 3 times if they wanted those damn magazines. I refused to ask our regular customers, since they either had them or had been asked a billion times about them. Normally, I would ask just one time and if they said no, they said no. No big loss to me, its not like I was getting any of the $12-15 Best Buy made off of each subscription that was signed up for.


              • #22
                When I go shopping with my parents and the clerks ask them to sign up, my folks simply say, "no thank you." That's all. Nothing else needs to be said. There is no excuse for yelling at the clerk like that. They're just doing their job.
                For the most part, I don't care about what everyone else is doing, or what is popular.
                -Namie Amuro (Japanese singer)


                • #23
                  Quoth MadMike View Post
                  If you had seen the movie Lake Placid, you'd know that Betty White isn't always as sweet as she looks. I believe one of her lines from that movie was, "If I had a dick, I'd tell you to suck it!" I was like when I heard those words coming from a seemingly sweet old lady.

                  Back on topic, I don't like being constantly hounded about those damn cards either, but I don't take it out on the cashier. Like someone else said, they probably don't like asking anymore than we like being asked.
                  I saw that movie, I nearly died laughing when she said that. But then I've always thought that character was closer to Betty White's real persona than anything else.
                  Total surrender
                  Your touch is so tender
                  Your skin is like water on a burning beach
                  And it brings me relief
                  "Nails in My Feet" - Crowded House


                  • #24
                    What I meant when I used the Betty White reference.. was that she LOOKS like a sweet, gentle, innocent grandma.. not that she WAS one for real.
                    My Myspace, add me!


                    • #25
                      "How about keeping a stack of customer comment cards and some extra pens by your till. People could fill them out while they are still angry about it."

                      I used to do that, actually. Did it at the Olive Garden, and also did it at Kinko's. Gave them something constructive to do with their angst other than complain to me about it.

                      And I would also hand them out if someone was gushing about how happy they were with my service, or that of any of my coworkers. Along with a free pen.


                      • #26
                        Quoth hawkchick11 View Post
                        When I worked at Best Buy, our managers required us to ask each customer at least 3 times if they wanted those damn magazines. I refused to ask our regular customers, since they either had them or had been asked a billion times about them. Normally, I would ask just one time and if they said no, they said no. No big loss to me, its not like I was getting any of the $12-15 Best Buy made off of each subscription that was signed up for.
                        This is why I hate Best Buy.

                        It's bad enough that I get hassled about subscribing to magazines I don't want to read, but to keep asking after I've politely declined is damn near abusive.

                        Best Buy is also damn aggressive about demanding ID to pay with a credit card. (I decline to show it and they get all huffy about -- "but it's for your protection" -- but in the end they yield.)

                        And then the little old lady at the door as I leave wants to see my receipt and root about in my bags. Sorry, sweetie, but I don't need Best Buy hassling me anymore.

                        Considering that I'm there to spending my money, Best Buy manages to turn shopping at one of its stores into nothing but one aggravation after another.


                        • #27
                          I won't shop at Best Buy, but I've been to a number of other places that want to see the receipt. I've never had any of those people ever do more than just glance into the bag. Most of the time, they don't even go that far.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #28
                            You probably will think this is SC-ish, but when I go to Kmart, I know they have to ask that, so when I go to the checklane, I always tease the checker by very politely saying (before they get a chance to ask), "...and no, I would not like a Sears credit card but thank you for asking." Sometimes that does get a chuckle from the checker since we probably both agree it's silly. And you know what else is silly? Both their store and mine (grocery store) make cashiers do that stupid "blue lining" thing where they stand in front of the checklane when there's no customers. As if the customers are too stupid to see that the lit up checklanes are the ones you go to.


                            • #29
                              Stand in FRONT of the checkout lane? Wouldn't that make them harder to see if you were looking for a checkout lane with a cashier in it? What is the point in that?


                              • #30
                                I used to work overnight at K-Mart in hardlines. Sometimes, I'd have to cover the front line while the regular cashier on duty was on break or at lunch. I never had to worry about asking about the Sears card. That was one benefit of working overnight. We were a skeleton crew, and there was only one, maybe two, supervisors to stand over your shoulder throughout the entire store. I could call if I had an issue requiring their attention, but was otherwise left to my work most nights. They did encourage, but not require, us to offer the Smart Plan on qualifying items. If it came up, I'd ask the customer if they were interested, but respected their first and final answer.
                                The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                                Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

