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Holiday tunes for us!

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  • Holiday tunes for us!

    Quoth AFpheonix View Post
    With the bitches and asshats and CBF ladies and buttheads galore! It's the most craptacular time...of the year!!!!!!
    Thank you, AFpheonix. You inspired me to pen this little ditty:

    Customers Suck
    (sung to the tune of "Jingle Bell Rock")

    Customers, customers, customer suck.
    Customers cry and customers lie.
    Dreaming and scheming ways to not pay
    And lying with every stupid word that they say.

    Customers, customers, customers suck.
    Customers rob and they’ll “have your job,”
    Shouting and pouting, going on a tear…
    Question them don’t you dare!

    What a bad time, it’s a sad time
    To do work in retail.
    Holiday time is the right time
    To be complaining about a one-day sale.

    Giddy-up retail slave, take all their heat
    Anything to make a buck.
    Bow and kiss ass and scrape at their feet
    That’s why customers,
    That’s why customers,
    That’s why customers suuuuuuck...

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Oh, man, I could hear this being sung with full orchestration in my head. How sick is that?

    This is brilliant!


    • #3
      So could I

      Jester, I loved it.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Awesome. I love it!!!


        • #5
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          Oh, man, I could hear this being sung with full orchestration in my head. How sick is that?

          This is brilliant!
          Me too. By Burl Ives.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            I wanna try this!

            Sucky C's (sung to the tune of "Silver Bells")

            Sucky C's, Sucky C's
            It's time to make, a tanrum scene
            Hear them plead
            "Don't ruin please Christmas Day."

            In the stores rush, all the kids rush
            To the toy section aisle
            In the air there's a wailing of brats

            People pouting, babies screaming
            Meeting scowl after scowl
            And in every aisle you will hear..

            Sucky C's, Sucky C's
            It's time to make, a tanrum scene
            Hear them plead
            "Don't ruin please Christmas Day."

            Strings of registers, and the workers
            Turning bright red and green
            As the shoppers bum rush them, with carts

            Hear your teeth crunch, see the people bunch
            Its a Black Friday Scene
            And above all the bustle you'll hear...

            Sucky C's, Sucky C's
            It's time to make, a tanrum scene
            Hear them plead
            "Don't ruin please Christmas Day."
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Irving, that is a catchie one also.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                SCs Roasting On An Open Fire...

                These are all the more funny if you imagine someone like Michael Buble singing.

                "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


                • #9
                  Don't forget The 12 Days Of Christmas!

                  (taken from )

                  On the first day of Christmas, an SC gave to me...
                  A tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the second day of Christmas, an SC gave to me...
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the third day of Christmas, an SC gave to me...
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the fourth day of Christmas, an SC gave to me...
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the fifth day of Christmas, an SC gave to me...
                  5 expired coupons
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the sixth day of Christmas, an SC gave to me...
                  6 price checks
                  5 expired coupons
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the seventh day of Christmas an SC gave to me...
                  7 declined credit cards
                  6 tired excuses
                  5 expired coupons
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the eighth day of Christmas an SC gave to me...
                  8 items overlimit
                  7 declined credit cards
                  6 tired excuses
                  5 expired coupons
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the nineth day of Christmas an SC gave to me...
                  9 stolen CDs
                  8 items overlimit
                  7 declined credit cards
                  6 tired excuses
                  5 expired coupons
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the tenth day of Christmas an SC gave to me...
                  10 ladies sobbing
                  9 stolen CDs
                  8 items overlimit
                  7 declined credit cards
                  6 tired excuses
                  5 expired coupons
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the eleventh day of Christmas an SC gave to me...
                  11 threatening lawsuits
                  10 ladies sobbing
                  9 stolen CDs
                  8 items overlimit
                  7 declined credit cards
                  6 tired excuses
                  5 expired coupons
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.

                  On the twelveth day of Christmas an SC gave to me...
                  12 dirty returns
                  11 threatening lawsuits
                  10 ladies sobbing
                  9 stolen CDs
                  8 items overlimit
                  7 declined credit cards
                  6 tired excuses
                  5 expired coupons
                  4 screaming brats
                  3 asinine questions
                  2 dodgy notes
                  And a tantrum after I asked for proper ID.
                  People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                  My DeviantArt.


                  • #10
                    You are all brilliant!

                    Now, if only someone on this board could sing (would that be you, RK?), we could record and sell the songs for download and help support the site!
                    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                    HR believes the first person in the door
                    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                    Document everything
                    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                    • #11
                      Haha - gather up all the songstresses (and song...sters?) and make a chorus!

                      Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

                      Proverbs 22:6


                      • #12
                        The Customer Suck Chorus . . . I like it. Now all we need is a little rehearsal, some studio time and a good promoter. We can make billions I tells ya, billions!

                        Great parodies everyone! Gave me the best laugh of the day. Well done!


                        • #13
                          Nice Jester, here's my version of It's the Most Craptacular Time, it's short

                          It's the most craptacular time of the year,
                          SCs come in droves and put us in fear
                          A lady wanting every toy for her boy
                          Us workers foiling some new ploy
                          An SC wanting something that is out
                          She yells at us how dare we doubt
                          It's the most craptacular time of the year
                          SCs come in droves and put us in fear!!!!
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                          • #14
                            (to the tune of "silent night")

                            Closing shift, Closing shift,
                            angry guy throws a fit.
                            Why are we sold out of Playstation 3?
                            no, we don't have a Nintendo Wii.
                            You're out of luck, it would seem,
                            bitter and angry and mean.

                            Yes we're sold out, completely sold out,
                            no it won't matter, if you scream and pout.
                            I can not magically make things appear,
                            now won't you please get the hell out of here?
                            No we don't have any more,
                            stuck in the back of our store.

                            don't cry and sob, you lazy slob,
                            annoying me while I'm on the job
                            oh how I wish that I was off you see,
                            but because you procastinate, it's here I must be.
                            alll of the good stuff is gone,
                            you shouldn't have waited so long.
                            Last edited by CrazedClerk; 12-02-2006, 04:47 AM.


                            • #15
                              Those are all great.

                              I also like the original How doth thou suck post...

                              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

