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Teenagers! Grrrr! (language and lengthy)

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  • Teenagers! Grrrr! (language and lengthy)

    Can you ever relate to those older folks who shake their fists at teenagers? I can ... and I'm not even that old ...

    Story 1

    This first set of "kids" (I call them kids because they're nowhere mature enough to carry the name of "young adult), weren't even customers BUT they were "working" in front of our store...

    My little town is having a wonderful city-wide clean-up. It's strictly voluntary. I would have joined if, well, I would have known. I'm assuming the volunteers get assigned tasks.

    There are brick planters out in front of the store I work in. The planters each have a small tree, some pretty flowers, maybe a shrub or two and a shitload of weeds. And these planters span the whole street on both sides (it's a pretty long street).

    Well ... guess who got assigned to the planters in front of the store? Teenagers. This isn't the hard-working, I'm-happy-to-be-outside-on-this-beautiful-day, it's-fun-to-volunteer type of teenager. This is the I'm-only-here-to-flirt-with-boys, talk-with-friends, I'm-here-only-because-I-want-the-bragging-rights type. One girl, who was disgustingly inappropriately dressed (think: typical girly teenager dress with overdone hair/makeup) for digging around in dirt. She was actually working - not hard, mind you - but working. Her male accompaniment was only half-assed working. He seemed more amused by plucking a weed and then throwing it at his partner. The other two teens (boy and girl) were, well, doing nothing. Unless you count the extensive sitting-on-your-ass-while-listening-to-an-iPod working. And to answer any questions, the other girl and two boys were actually, somewhat, appropriately dressed for a day of volunteering.

    After about 20 minutes of poking around in the dirt, they decided to come in the store and peruse a bit. Turn up the stereo, touch everything, etc.

    They left the planter a M-E-S-S. Picture a large weed-filled planter. Now picture about half of it with weeds and other half with just weed-debris left strewn about. Now, the weeds that did have the privilege of being pulled out of the planter completely were left on the street ... strewn about.

    Now, the volunteer thing is suppose to be for today and tomorrow ... but I'm guessing those teens won't be back ...

    And, for the record ... there were other volunteers working much further down the street on their own planters. One lady even brought a plethora of gardening tools with her, including a dustpan and broom. I was impressed by her - I'm sure her planters were beautiful. Two other females were working together on their planters as well, with not as many tools, but I could see their planters were much cleaner than they were before.

    All-in-all, I think the whole volunteer-to-help-clean-up-the-city was a cool idea. I really hope they do it again next year.


    Story 2

    Teenagers ... again. A group of three smart ass boys at that ... This group came in later on in the day. Apparently, when an electric wheelchair is in their view, it turns into the Holy Grail of all toys. This isn't any wheelchair, it's a like-new Hoverround ... Which are VERY expensive when purchased brand new.

    Now, most people can read the 8x10 white paper sign (on a dark grey seat) that reads "Please Do Not Sit in Chair, Thanks" in large black letters. The only people who can't really see this large sign are teenagers (the incompetent ones) and small children (who can't read on the first place, no biggie there - because their parents can).

    The battery is charged on the wheelchair. So, if you do plonk your hiney into and push the joystick ... it will move. But keep in mind, this is a like-new chair and we'd like to keep it that way. I'm sure a customer would also like to purchase it that way as well because it is very expensive. Now, if you're interested in purchasing it, then by all means, take it for a test drive. But if you're fully capable of moving under your own power and only want to play in it ... then stay the bloody hell off.

    Right ... back to the teens. One lad saw it, his eyes immediately lit up and he jumped in it. Despite the white sign and despite that the seat belt is buckled across the arm rests over the seat. He starting moving the thing forward. I was on my lunch and happily reading the CustomersSuck forums (this was earlier today) and munching on my sandwich when I heard the telltale beep of the wheelchair going into motion. One glance in a mirror and I saw the teenager playing in the wheelchair (it's kind of hard to describe where I sit, but just bear with me - I'm at my computer, on a raised area, above the floor).

    I lean over the side and say, (I'm really pissed off, mainly because I'm PMSing), "Dude, the chair is not a fucking toy." O.k., so I didn't say fucking, but I was screaming it in my head.

    He may have mumbled sorry and backed the chair up against the wall. But then he came back with, "I didn't see the sign."

    I rolled my eyes and replied with, "yyyyeeeaaahh, sure ...."

    They proceed to poke fun at me with the overuse of the word "dude." I'm sure they're quite used to overusing the word too.

    They move to the back of the store and find an old electric scooter. This one isn't as expensive as the wheelchair. The kid also (finally) observes that it has no sign and wants to make it known as well. Too bad the scooter isn't charged .... and he probably looked like an idiot when sitting on it too (they were out of my view, however). Thank goodness he didn't find the horn on the scooter, 'cause that thing is louder than hell.

    After that, they got bored and left the store .... all the while they're still overusing of the word "dude" (I'm not quite sure what they were getting out of that). And then, in true SC fashion they use the ol' "you just lost yourself a good customer" line (although they were joking with that too ... so I guess, technically, they were poking fun at their future selves ...). They left to go a wreak havoc on the rest of the town ....


    And, I understand that they're are some very hard-working, intelligent teenagers using this forum. This post is no way directed at you, just the idiots that you're unfortunately forced to be associated with.
    This area is left blank for a reason.

  • #2
    I feel you on the teenager thing. I'm barely out of my teens at 23 and I can't stand the runts.


    • #3
      I didn't like teenagers when I was one.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        Hey, we're all former teenagers here. Vent all you like, dear.

        Personally, I hate teenagers (And I'm only 21!) because if I acted the same way most of them currently act, my parents would skin and tan my hide! If I wasn't allowed to get away with it, they won't get away with it in my store/place of busines.
        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


        • #5
          I'm 19 and just HATE those annoying teenagers that I am associated with.

          They come into my store all the time and mess up everything and never buy anything, just in the store to cause havoc......

          Or they do buy something, and when they do, they come to my register and just smirk at me and don't answer when I say "Hi, how are you?" Many of them think they are way better than me because they don't have to work, I just wish I could tell them that I actually don't have to work either, but I'm doing it because I don't want to have to get all of my money from my parents - I don't want to be completely dependent on them.


          Sometimes I hate being a teenager...... oh well, just one more year.

          "DO NOT ENRAGE THE MIGHTY SKY DRAGON." ~ Gravekeeper


          • #6
            You could not pay me enough to be a teenager again. All my friends are seriously depressed at the thought of turning 30, and I just don't get it: my teens were terrible, twenties have steadily gotten better, I forsee nothing but good things ahead with age.

            For you teens out there who aren't real thrilled with your peers: take heart, it does get better. And they usually end up working for you in the end anyway.
            "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

            My pony dolls:


            • #7
              i hate rats
              Those teenagers-'tweens' who got nothing better to dot hat be little asses or curse or just be lazy
              i eat rats for dinner
              FEAR ME RATS!


              • #8
                Teenagers suck. Well, not all of them (I know, maybe, 2? that doesn't) and most little kids suck (Except for Ninja!Brat because he's cool and talks to me about Ninjas and used to take my poor befuddled mind of of my crap-shit customers who yelled at me before I could even CLOCK IN).

                I only experienced the obnoxious teenager-hood for about....6 months? Before I got sick of wasting the energy and just went back to being in 12-year-old mode. Hell, I'm still in that mode.
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #9
                  i'm sorry most of my kind(I'm 19) are inconsiderate assholes who get off on doing trival things like asking if you battletoads in stock at the local game store and various other asshattery tactics


                  • #10
                    Wha', you don't point and laugh at them, Cyphr?
                    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Apathy View Post
                      I didn't like teenagers when I was one.
                      Same here.

                      To be fair, though, I don't like the obnoxious ones. They all get a . I like the nice ones.
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                        They proceed to poke fun at me with the overuse of the word "dude." I'm sure they're quite used to overusing the word too.
                        Next time, just say "little boy" instead of "dude." That ought to get an interesting reaction.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Quoth Apathy View Post
                          I didn't like teenagers when I was one.
                          ditto...and I'm still 18!
                          We Pick Up the Pieces


                          • #14
                            Apologies on behalf of my fellow teens. I'm beginning to sympathize very much with older folks who give misbehaving teenagers the '1000-yard stare'.


                            • #15
                              I second the apology. I spend most of my time repressing myself from slapping the other kids at school. A lot of them are just awful.

                              In defence of my species however, my friends and I are all polite! Promise!
                              I'm busy, you're an idiot, have a nice day

                              At least I shall die as I have lived; completely surrounded by morons.

