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Bitched out because I was "lazy"

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  • Bitched out because I was "lazy"

    Please note the sneer quotes in the title

    Here's the situation. I'm just finishing up moving tables from the bookstore back to a classroom. The same classroom that they were pulled from without our knowing...but that's another rant for another day.

    Now we use the old-style library book carts (the ones too low to do anything really useful that they had in abundance back in elementary school) since they are the right hight to lift one end of the table, slid it under and roll the table to wherever we want it.

    I'm done resetting the room and I'm taking the flip chart out of it to take it and the cart back to our storage room. Now since I just happen to have said cart and it's going to the same place the flip chart is going, I figure to make this easy. I put the chart onto the cart and I roll the whole thing.

    Enter the douche bag.

    I get berated for being too lazy to carry the flip chart (like I'm normally seen doing when I'm moving one flip chart and don't have the cart handy).

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

    If this had my last day here, I think it would have been hard to resist the urge to demonstrate how the flip chart easel could be used as a sex toy...sideways.

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

  • #2
    That's not lazy, that's efficent. Sounds like a dumbass that does everything the hard way since they are too stupid to use any brain power. Using tools is what separates us from the apes.
    If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
    --Woodrow Willson


    • #3
      See, that's the moment I would have to point out to said douche bag just how efficient I was being by accomplishing TWO tasks at once (yes, folks two tasks at one time!! Stay in your seats for the next amazing act coming to you under the big top!).

      I would have delivered the message with a grin and a wink just to niggle the SC.


      • #4
        I hate when people say, "Well, can't you get up and show me?!?!" Well I would if you ask politely. When you don't you get detours
        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

        I wish porn had subtitles.


        • #5
          Work smarter, not harder!
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            It sounds like someone was having a bad day, and decided to take it out on the first poor soul they saw, namely you. Chances are that if it wasn't the flipchart, the asshat would have found something else to bitch at you about. It's too bad that some folks think they have to berate and belittle other people in order to make themselves feel better. Personally, I don't think he/she deserves the time you've put into feeling bad about this. It's their problem, not yours.


            • #7
              <sarcasm>You mean you didn't put the chart on the cart lift it up onto your back and carry it where you were intending to go, you're sooooooooo lazy I can't believe you </sarcasm>


              • #8
                I would have pointed out that "lazy" would have been your SITTING on the cart and using the flip chart as a makeshift "oar" to roll your ass to the storage area.


                • #9
                  Lazy! Ooh! That is the one word that could make me quit on the spot if it was used to describe me and came from a co-worker or manager.

                  I could go on a tirade about laziness, both in and out of the workplace, but I won't. This isn't the spot for it. But, Mongo, I think you've given me the topic for my next writing project.

                  Quoth computeraide View Post
                  I would have pointed out that "lazy" would have been your SITTING on the cart and using the flip chart as a makeshift "oar" to roll your ass to the storage area.
                  Now THAT is a funny image! OT: Reminds me of a race I had behind the high school with a classmate and our drama teacher. We used those long, steel carts that are used to hold folding chairs (kinda like this but longer and with the chairs stored horizontally) as if they were scooters and cruised across the back parking lot. It was the drama teacher's idea, and he won, but I think he'd done it before. Those things are remarkably hard to steer.
                  I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                  - Bill Watterson

                  My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                  - IPF


                  • #10
                    Once our normal walk behind electric pallet jack broke. The quickest temporary replacement we could get was one that you could ride on. It was designed to ride on, not walk with. (similar to this

                    One of our Grocery clerks was pulling the load onto the follro for the night crew to stock when a customer yells "You people are so f***ing lazy", leaves her cart and stomps off to find a manager. Sorry we are using a machine for it's intended use.

                    Sadly, we did not get to keep the new jack, the decided to "fix" the old one for the 97,587,362nd time....


                    • #11
                      What, a CUSTOMER says you're lazy for doing that? And then wants to complaing?

                      Some people have no lives.
                      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

