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Mistaken Identity, or Just That Dumb?

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  • Mistaken Identity, or Just That Dumb?

    T'were a miserable day, here in my town, all cloudy and foggy and overcast, almost London-esque. So I thought to myself, "Eric," I thought, "You've got an hour before your shift. Go find a way to cheer people up on this horridble day." So I went down to my local everything-plus-the-kitchen-sink store, and looked around for a bit, and was about to give up when I came across the most beautiful thing I've ever seen; a pen. But not just any pen. This pen was the most glorious shade of blue, and more importantly, it was a foot long and nigh two-inches thick. I gladly turned over the coin required for the purchase, and skipped off to work.

    I proceeded to hide all the pens from the front till (I know, I probably shouldn't have, but shush), and from then on, whenever someone needed to sign a credit card reciept, or write something down, I passed over my jumbogantic penfriend. Dozens of people passed through with a smile, their day brightened, until..

    Sonny. Not his name, but it suits. The /second/ I passed him the pen, he turned red and started screaming at the top of his lungs. I mean it, children were /crying/. Abashed, I attempted to offer him a normal pen, but to no avail; "I DEMAND ANOTHER SMURFING CASHIER!", declared he. Well, there was only one other employee on site at the time, and she had a massive line of her own, so I did the only thing I could do.

    "Certainly, sir! I'll just go get Dexter from the back!"

    Praying to God that it'd work and I wouldn't wind up smacked, I suspended the transaction, ducked into the back of the store, switched my pin and nametag, popped my collar, removed my necklace, threw on a pair of amber-lensed sunglasses, and put a strip of masquing tape over the name on my tag, scrawling a quick "Dexter" onto the tape.

    Posthaste, I returned to my post, not even a minute having elapsed, and took my position behind the register, greeted with "FINALLY, SOMEONE WITH SOME SENSE! Now, can I /please/ pay for this crap, sign my reciept with a normal pen, and get the SMURF out of here?"

    With a commisserating shake of my head, and a "Yeah, that <my name> is quite the character, isn't he?" I wrapped up the transaction, handed him a Bic stick, took his signature, and sent him on his way. Before he finished leaving, though, I called out "Sonny!" "Yeah, what?" With a deft flick, I pulled off the glasses with my left hand, and tore the tape off my tag with my right.

    "I'm quite the character, aren't I? *wink wink* Bye now!"

    For the record, I am totally amazed it actually /worked/. I mean, my hair is pink, green, and three shades of orange. What are the /chances/ of two cashiers like that, I ask you? Ah, well. The other customers enjoyed it!

  • #2
    Duh! As a cashier you are not human, you have no noticeable features, and you are a generic cog without personality.

    It is not like his highness was paying attention to you as a person, you were but an inconvenient lump, and Dexter was a convenient one.
    "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
    James from Pokémon.


    • #3
      really? he couldn't tell the difference? that's just...

      did you at least throw on a fake sounding British accent? that would have thrown him. and honestly, a guy THAT dense probably didn't realize who you were once you revealed yourself either.

      oh, and where did you find that amazing pen?


      • #4
        Quoth JamesTheWolf View Post
        really? he couldn't tell the difference? that's just...

        did you at least throw on a fake sounding British accent? that would have thrown him. and honestly, a guy THAT dense probably didn't realize who you were once you revealed yourself either.

        oh, and where did you find that amazing pen?
        :P I /always/ use fake-sounding accents, it makes people smile. Hence, Dexter had to have /no/ accent whatsoever!

        And as for the pen, I got it on clearance at my Liquidation World, who apparently got it from a chain of dollar stores going out of business somewhere in the west coast US. I asked them 'cos I wanted more. A pink one at least.


        • #5
          Ok, I must be missing something but he is getting upset over a pen?


          • #6
            Hopefully soon I can work on my twin routine again.

            That's always fun.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              *gives herself a concussion laughing like a maniac while rolling on the floor*
              "Hi, this is Silver. How may I lose my self respect in order to cater to your over- inflated ego today?" --- Silverrb


              • #8
                Quoth JamesTheWolf View Post
                oh, and where did you find that amazing pen?
                Check out this thread
                Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                • #9
                  haha that was amazing! I cannot believe he actually fell for made my day, let me tell ya!

                  I'm curious gave yourself the identity of "eric" in the background story, then reverted to the formless <my name> when wishing the customer a fine evening. Was that intentional or a bit of an oversight there?

                  Irregardless I still loved the tale...great job there!
                  Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


                  • #10
                    He probably let his own mind wonder and mistook the pen for a personal massager... or he himself HAD used a pen like that as his own wonder-reach-wand of joy and flipped.

                    I have a friend who cannot use high-lighter brand high lighters. She cought her boyfriend using those for self gratification. -cough-
                    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                    • #11
                      Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
                      Ok, I must be missing something but he is getting upset over a pen?
                      Um, what website is this again? SCs don't need a reason to flip out over something trivial.

                      Quoth karath View Post
                      I still say that's not a word!
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #12
                        Quoth karath View Post
                        haha that was amazing! I cannot believe he actually fell for made my day, let me tell ya!

                        I'm curious gave yourself the identity of "eric" in the background story, then reverted to the formless <my name> when wishing the customer a fine evening. Was that intentional or a bit of an oversight there?

                        Irregardless I still loved the tale...great job there!
                        Merp xP I suppose that's what I get for not bothering to sleep :P Oh well. I'm sure none of you are going to turn up at my doorstep.

