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Well, I did ask for it...

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  • Well, I did ask for it...

    I while back I mentioned to one of my managers that I wouldn't mind woking up front every once in a while. It's a break from being in the kitchen, plus it improves my value as an employee.

    So this week I worked a few counter shifts, and let me tell you, we have some rude little buggers in this here town.

    First there was the guy who had his cell phone glued to his ear. Not only that, but he couldn't stand still. He comes in, goes up to the counter where I am waiting at the registers, and barks his order at me. He paces around a little, grabs a soda out of the cooler, slams it on the counter, paces some more. Somewhere around here, a sweet little old lady comes up to the counter. Cell Phone Dude comes back up, gets his total, and tosses some money at me,and then walks off. I get his change, he's no where near me. Usually I tell customers their order number as I hand back their change, but I decided that he could just look on his receipt, and if he didn't, oh well. Since he's nowhere near me, I put his change of to the side, noting to the old lady, "Well, if he wants his change he can come get it." *note that the change was on the customer side of the counter, where he could clearly see it, not hidden away* She places her order, being sweet and perfectly nice. CPD enters and exits the restaurant several times, always ranting away on his cell phone and ignoring everyone. His order gets made, I call the number, and he stalks up, grab the bag, and leaves. The great thing was that an hour later, his female counterpart came in and did the same. exact. thing. I decided that I'm going to demand a sign saying that if you are on your cell phone, you're too busy to order food, kthxbai.

    Then today, a group of soccar kids/parents come in. Oh boy. The first group was polite, at least, but as more came in, the more intitled they got. What bothered me the most was the way they talked to me. Asking questions earned me a roll of the eyes and a exasperated answer. I'm really sorry, people, but I have a feeling that if I gave you a large instead of a small, or packed it to go when yu wned to eat here would make you even more angry. Also, they ALL complained about the price. All I heard was "OMGWTFBBQ! That much for a PIZZA?". Whoops, I guess we shouldn't make them so tasty, then. I'm sure then we could charge less.

    Remember that first group that I noted, saying that they were polite? I was WRONG. I glance over at their table. Their gone, but thier trash isn't. Not only is their trash still there, but they hadn't bothered to take the pepper flacks back to the condement area, or the crayons and toys they had taken back to the counter. I was the only person up front then, so I had to wait until all the customers had been served to start cleaning it. So it sat for a good fifteen minutes looking nasty. The kicker is that the trash was right on the way to the door. Would've been a piece of cake to take care of it.

    Then there was a group of teen boys and one older guy, none of which had much money. They debate about what to get, asking me how much this is. Oh, and that? Well, what about this? FYI, there's a menu RIGHT BEHIND ME. Those numbers? We call those prices. So they get a pizza. Then one kid comes up agian. He wants some fries. Then another kid. He would like a cookie. Rinse and reapet.

    Add to this the fact that the POS system gets lag like WHOA, so while I'm waiting for it to catch up to itself, the customers are all "*sigh* Did you get that?". Nope, I'm just sitting here, staring at the computer, NOT getting that. I thought you;d get mad if I asked you to say that agian, so I kept quiet about it. Yeah, I got it.
    Last edited by Meganjo23; 06-29-2008, 03:07 AM. Reason: clarification, yo.

  • #2
    Would've been a piece of cake to take care of it.
    But it's even easier to just leave it on the table...

    (dare I say it? OK! Easy as (pizza) pie!! )
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

