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sucky sunglass customer and SD (LONG)

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  • sucky sunglass customer and SD (LONG)

    ok, today was actually pretty busy for a Tuesday (meaning there were a few people that came in vs next to none :P) I work at a silver jewelry store, but we also sell cheap watches and sunglasses. so 4 people come in (2 don't say anything so forget them, from the others 1 is Sucky wife, other Sucky Husband , sw and sh, still with me?) so here goes (oh, and this isnt word for word)

    SW *rattles something off in spanish*
    me: "Im sorry i don't speak spanish" (im hispanic, in texas, so this is a daily occurrence, no biggie)
    SW: *looking insulted* WELL, i was wondering which pair of glasses would look best with my husbands facial features.

    NOTE: we sell 8 dollar glasses, this is not some fancy place, i can tell you what chain looks best with what pendant, i don't know anything about sunglasses.

    Me: "im sorry ma'am im afraid i can't help you with that, im a little better with picking womens glasses but i don't know much about the mens"
    SW *looks pissed*
    Me: *tries to look busy*

    so they run off to the other end of the store to look at more sunglasses and start taking pictures of each other wearing them because apparently our mirrors arnt good enough or something. oh, and we are running a buy 2 get one free special.

    half an hour later
    SH: i found 2 pairs i like, but i want another pair exactly like this one *hands me ugly pair with yellow lenses* and i figured you would know where to find them.
    Me: I can try *looks*
    Me: Im sorry sir but the only other pair i can find like this have blue lenses, but the frames are exactly the same"
    SH: well, i don't like them, i want yellow ones, do you have any in the back
    Me: Maybe, im not sure, we have lots of mixed up sunglasses in boxes, but i can't look there right now.
    SH: well, can you look for me?
    Me: no sorry, It would take an hour of digging around, and i don't think we have any of that style left, i believe these are the last 2
    SH: well, how about if i buy these blue ones, you go look in the back and find yellow ones and i'll come back in 2 weeks and exchange them?
    Me: *stares*
    SH: well?
    Me: um... i don't think we have any more left, and i can't guarantee that whoever is here when you come back would be willing to try to find them.
    SH: NO you go find them and i will exchange them.
    Me: *sigh*
    SW: come on, lets just go, just pick a pair
    Me: *mentally thanks SW*.

    finally after me trying to dissuade him a few more times he agrees and picks a different pair and leaves.

    *Sigh* anyway, now for SD, Sucky Daughter (she was sucky and technicaly a customer, though she wasnt sucky twards me)

    Mom= the poor lady who puts up with this brat
    SD= think 13 blonde spoiled brat
    Sis=her sister

    Mom (by herself): yes i would like a pair of stud earrings for my daughter
    Me: sure, what size?
    Mom: *picks 5mm round CZ studs and pays for them*
    Me:here is your receipt, thank you^^
    SD: *comes barging in* what did you buy me?
    Mom: a pair of earrings, see?
    sis: you didnt buy me anything?
    SD: im not wearing those! they are too small!
    Sis: oh, if you don't want them i will take them
    Mom: ok, then pick out another pair...
    SD: *Picks out a pair of 6mm square CZ studs*
    Mom: *pays*
    SD: *puts them on* NOOO Im not wearing these! they look stupid! they are TOO BIG
    Me: *trying not to run my head into a wall*
    SD: give me back those other ones!
    Sis: NO! you didnt want them! now they are mine!
    Mom: you said you wanted those
    SD: they look smaller on the holder! they are way too big! here, buy me another pair, you can't wear these big ones mom!
    Mom: i don't want those earrings
    SD: FINE we can give them to our friend,
    Sis:yeah! she likes earrings like this!
    Momk, go pick a smaller pair
    SD: *picks out 5mm circles the EXACT same ones her mom picked*
    SD:*grabs money out of her mom's purse to pay me*
    Me: *raises eyebrow and looks at mom before running it through to make sure its OK*

    so yeah, the poor lady ended up buying 3 pairs of earrings because her little poopsikin doesn't know what she wants. she proceeded to clean them with alcohol so the girls could put them in, this was made much more difficult since SD wouldn't stop trying to grab them away and put them in. all i can say is im greatful none of this was blamed on or taken out on me. *sigh* i almost feel sorry for the mom but then i realize it was her who raised them to be spoiled brats so i guess shes getting her just desserts.

  • #2
    I'll be one of the first to say that if that was my little girl, she would have been going home with nothing.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      Quoth Apathy View Post
      I'll be one of the first to say that if that was my little girl, she would have been going home with nothing.
      Oh, I don't know. I would have given her a wonderful sense of impending doom to play with until she got home.
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #4
        Quoth Geek King View Post
        Oh, I don't know. I would have given her a wonderful sense of impending doom to play with until she got home.
        Impending doom and worry what the punishment was going to be.. What a bratling
        "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


        • #5
          Quoth calulu View Post
          ...and worry what the punishment was going to be
          What do you think the Impending Doom is? I have excellent skills in implied threats thanks to childhood.
          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
          Hoc spatio locantur.


          • #6
            I would have been knocked unconscious for even THINKING of going into my mom's purse for money. What she did took a lot of nerve.


            • #7
              The first couple set off all kinds of warning bells in my head. Were you working alone, or in a spot where a coworker couldn't see your side of the store? Anyone that keeps pestering me to look in the backroom for something that they've been told is not there just smacks of wanting the sales person distracted, particularly when it's just an $8 pair of sunglasses. They might have been on the up and up, but... yeah. I used to work at a jewelry kiosk, that happened to me, I'm afraid.
              "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

              "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


              • #8
                Quoth Snowbird View Post
                Were you working alone, or in a spot where a coworker couldn't see your side of the store? Anyone that keeps pestering me to look in the back room for something that they've been told is not there just smacks of wanting the sales person distracted, particularly when it's just an $8 pair of sunglasses.
                yeah thats one of the reason i didn't want to go look. because of the bad economy no one is buying anything so they cut our hours to a minimum and everyone works alone now. I wanted to tell the guy flat out no, but i was afraid if i did so he would go complain to the mall office about me being rude and since my boss's boss doesn't have a spine i probably would have lost my job. (that would have been the 2nd complaint against me, first one was something about not helping someone, the person who complained got a $25 gift certificate to our store. i don't think she ever used it because we never give those out so it was defiantly noticeable and she probably didn't want the glares my co-workers would have given her.) luckily my direct boss has a tiny bit of a spine, not much, but if he won't stand for someone abusing us.


                • #9
                  so yeah, the poor lady ended up buying 3 pairs of earrings because her little poopsikin doesn't know what she wants. she proceeded to clean them with alcohol so the girls could put them in, this was made much more difficult since SD wouldn't stop trying to grab them away and put them in. all i can say is im greatful none of this was blamed on or taken out on me. *sigh* i almost feel sorry for the mom but then i realize it was her who raised them to be spoiled brats so i guess shes getting her just desserts.
                  Well, it could be the dad who spoiled them. My dad had me a bit spoiled. I was always the baby. Also, for the 6mm studs, would you have traded them for a 5mm so they didn't need to give it to the friend? Personally I might have kept my mouth closed so SD wouldn't yell at me for butting in.
                  Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                  Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                  I wish porn had subtitles.


                  • #10
                    I've had to delete a few posts that have ventured into the subject of corporal punishment of children. These kinds of comments can turn a friendly discussion into a heated debate.

                    If anyone else has comments of this sort, please feel free to post them over at Fratching.

                    Thanks guys.

                    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                    • #11
                      Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                      Well, it could be the dad who spoiled them. My dad had me a bit spoiled. I was always the baby. Also, for the 6mm studs, would you have traded them for a 5mm so they didn't need to give it to the friend? Personally I might have kept my mouth closed so SD wouldn't yell at me for butting in.
                      I failed to mention why they needed the earrings in the first place, her daughter apparently was having an allergic reaction to her fake earrings she was wearing, apparently the caused her holes to bleed so her mom was looking for silver ones. I was really glad they didn't ask to exchange them because i wouldn't do it since the 6mm had been stuck in her bloody ears. And im not sure if it was the mom that spoiled them, but she seemed very used to it and didn't bat an eye at her daughters whining.

