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My first thread! Be gentle... (warning, long)

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  • My first thread! Be gentle... (warning, long)

    Hi guys
    Little bit of back ground on me, and some of the SC's I've had.
    I used to work in a bingo hall, on the floor, selling pull tabs.
    We had some pretty cool rules that made sure the customers were treated with respect. One of those rules was that we weren't allowed to serve somebody if they called us over rudely.
    A couple examples of rudeness: "Psst! Psst! I want $50 worth!"; "Hey! You! Come over here!" etc. etc.
    There was one woman that my friend N and I decided to call "Ms. Poofy-Bangs" (incase you were wondering, she had poofy bangs )
    This woman learned my name quickly, which was cool. N, however, was apparently too hard of a name to remember. She would ALWAYS call her over by going "Psst! Girl!" I honestly think she was doing it to be intentionally rude. N ended up wearing a great big name tag with her name on it, and politely remind Ms. Poofy-Bangs of her name EVERY TIME she went to serve her.
    Other than her, we had pretty cool customers.
    There was one regular who knew all the inner workings of the bingo hall. She knew that it's customary to tip the person who brings your money on a big win. She also knew that we had to split these tips.
    On one game, she won $5000. I was put in charge of bringing her money to her. This meant I had to wait for the money to be counted out by the ladies in the money room, then I had to count the money to make sure it was the correct amount. After that, I had to find a security guard to bring me out onto the floor, then recount the money again in front of the customer.
    After knowing all this, and me doing all this, this woman didn't tip!
    I was pretty peeved, but went about my night anyway.
    I was working again the next night, and the woman who'd won the night before called me over. She handed me a $20 bill and said, "That's for you. Don't tell anybody, I don't want you to have to share it."
    And here I was expecting the worst. I did, of course, share it with my coworkers, because I'm oh-so-nice like that.

    Ok, enough for now. Maybe I'll regale you with tales of working in a cigarette store tomorrow.

  • #2
    Ah, that wasn't long...keep reading the boards, and you'll find out what long is!!

    Oh, and to the gang!
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Whenever someone uses the phrase 'be gentle with me' I keep wanting to pull out the lube.

      Anyway, welcome and let's hope for better customers.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        "Be gentle," eh? You sure got a purty mouf, boy...
        You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


        • #5
          Quoth CiggyStoreClerk View Post
          There was one woman that my friend N and I decided to call "Ms. Poofy-Bangs" (incase you were wondering, she had poofy bangs )
          Just for the record folks, this isn't me. I don't have big hair. Poofy is my generic name for all fuzzy cats, especially my white one Lilya, the Poofy_Puff.
          I was not hired to respond to those voices.

