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Something Smells Stupid.

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  • Something Smells Stupid.

    Couple of fun bits from last night.

    Something Smells Stupid
    These two really loud college-age guys come in, and by loud I mean I'm pretty sure my eardrums were WTF'ing each other because I could clearly hear every word they were saying from all the way across the store, and I could even hear them when I went into the backroom with the door shut. Which, to each their own, whatever, until they began the conversation about teabagging with other customers and children present.

    Me: Can you kill vocal cords?
    LM1: Loudmouth 1, apparently is an expert on teabagging
    LM2: Learned about teabagging today

    Me: Heey, guys, you mind keeping it down a little with the inappropriate conversation, we have kids in here.
    LM1: ...
    LM2: Yeah, okay!

    Five minutes later, I'm ringing them up.

    LM1: What'd you buy man HAHA WHAT THE SHIT!
    Me: Hey man, language, please. (When angry behemoth mother comes and yells at me, well, I do have your address in the system. But then I realized how stupid these two really were when this conversation came up after asking for his discount card.)
    LM1: Yeh uh, about that..
    LM2: Tell her. Tell her what happened to it!
    LM1: I..I cooked it in the oven with my wallet.
    Me: And why would you do that?
    LM1: I accidently let my wallet go through the wash, then I decided to dry it by putting it in the oven. I only left it in there for an hour, then I realized something smelled funny!
    LM2: His wallet was made of duct tape, too.

    The ESRB is Just Kidding
    Probably a bad parent: This God of War is rated M, do you think my six year old could play it?

    (M for: blood and gore, intense violence, nudity, sexual themse, strong language.)

    Me: No.

    I am here for your convenience.
    AH: asshat

    AH: (over the phone) Hey, I have some games here I wanna trade in, can you tell me how much I can get for them?
    Me: Sure, give me the names of a couple of your newer titles since you'll get the most for those, I can't really tell you the value of all your games but I'll be happy to do a couple.
    AH: Okay, I have...

    He then proceeded to rattle off about twenty titles, yeah, because I'm totally willing to tie up my register to look that crap up for twenty minutes when your lazy ass can just bring them in.

    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    Quoth marty View Post
    The ESRB is Just Kidding
    Probably a bad parent: This God of War is rated M, do you think my six year old could play it?

    (M for: blood and gore, intense violence, nudity, sexual themse, strong language.)

    Me: No.
    Oohhh...nothing gets me on my faster than idiot parents that can't figure out the game ratings.

    M is Mature you dim-witted parental unit! Just because you think your little "angel" is smarter and better than the other 6 yr olds doesn't mean he can handle the content. Do you let your child watch R rated movies too?



    • #3
      Quoth marty View Post
      The ESRB is Just Kidding
      Probably a bad parent: This God of War is rated M, do you think my six year old could play it?

      (M for: blood and gore, intense violence, nudity, sexual themse, strong language.)
      The dragon I 'adopted' as a surrogate father, got me a gift card to WalMart for Christmas one year, and I went and spent most of it on God of War, cause, well, I was curious... I showed him the label and asked if it was okay, he said yeah. Got it back to his apartment, and started playing it, and his roommate (female) started watching while I played the bed minigame, and suddenly said, "You really should pay more attention to what your daughter is playing..."
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth Tireana Dorcha View Post
        Do you let your child watch R rated movies too?
        While ratings are definitely there for a reason (and no WAY should a 6 year old be playing that violent a game)..I will admit, when I was growing up, I watched whatever my parents watched on tv (because we only had one tv). Which meant that on Sunday afternoons I could be found sitting on the living room floor watching 'Magnum Force' with my dad. I learned all kinds of new words, but I would've gotten a smack if I'd ever tried to use them.
        "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

        Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
        Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


        • #5
          Quoth Tireana Dorcha View Post
          Do you let your child watch R rated movies too?
          To be fair, some kids do mature faster than others. I agree with OP that 6 is probably way too young for God of War.

          But, on the other hand, when I was 8 years old my dad added a note to his video rental account that I could rent any movie I wanted, regardless of rating. There were a couple members of the staff who would refuse to rent R movies to an 8 year old, but most of them were cool with my dad's OK. If they refused, he'd just come back with me when he got out of work and get the movie anyway.


          • #6
            Quoth marty View Post
            The ESRB is Just Kidding
            Probably a bad parent: This God of War is rated M, do you think my six year old could play it?

            (M for: blood and gore, intense violence, nudity, sexual themse, strong language.)

            Me: No.
            Well, I give point to the parent on asking a member of the staff about the video game--how often do we hear a story on here about a CSR mentioning to a parent that this game (or movie or CD) may be inappropriate for your child, only to have the parent storm back within 24 hours demanding a refund and an apology?

            Hopefully with a parent like that, the 6-year-old won't grow up to be as braindead as those college guys.
            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


            • #7
              Quoth marty View Post
              Something Smells Someone IS Stupid
              LM1: I accidently let my wallet go through the wash, then I decided to dry it by putting it in the oven.
              I just had to alter your title.

              Quoth marty View Post
              The ESRB is Just Kidding
              Probably a bad parent: This God of War is rated M, do you think my six year old could play it?
              These are the same people who take their kids to a hard "R" rated movie and then wonder why they have nightmares for a month and won't stop cursing and grabbing themselves. Idiots.

              Quoth marty View Post
              He then proceeded to rattle off about twenty titles.

              I'll bet he gets pissed that he has to wait around if and when he ever gets his lazy ass out of the recliner to bring them in too.

              You have my deepest sympathy.
              This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


              • #8
                Quoth marty View Post
                LM1: I accidently let my wallet go through the wash, then I decided to dry it by putting it in the oven. I only left it in there for an hour, then I realized something smelled funny!
                LM2: His wallet was made of duct tape, too.
                Uh oh, another possible relative of my ex He once decided it would be a good idea to "multitask" by talking to me on his cell phone in the shower, then when the inevitable happened stuck the whole thing in the microwave to dry it (needless to say, that was a monumental cascade of fail).

                *braces self for inevitable warning on duct-tape wallet kits "Do not place in oven"*
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  Quoth Juwl View Post
                  The dragon I 'adopted' as a surrogate father, got me a gift card to WalMart for Christmas one year, and I went and spent most of it on God of War, cause, well, I was curious... I showed him the label and asked if it was okay, he said yeah. Got it back to his apartment, and started playing it, and his roommate (female) started watching while I played the bed minigame, and suddenly said, "You really should pay more attention to what your daughter is playing..."
                  The bed minigame was popular at my house too -- I live with two boys; in their early 20s.... yeah....
                  Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                  Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                  Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                  • #10
                    Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                    The bed minigame was popular at my house too -- I live with two boys; in their early 20s.... yeah....
                    ohh god i can just imagine how long that was played.... and how many of the noises weren't from the game


                    • #11
                      Magnum Force is good for kids.
                      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                      • #12
                        Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                        Well, I give point to the parent on asking a member of the staff about the video game--how often do we hear a story on here about a CSR mentioning to a parent that this game (or movie or CD) may be inappropriate for your child, only to have the parent storm back within 24 hours demanding a refund and an apology?
                        It hasn't happened to me lately, but you'd be surprised.
                        Would you like a Stummies?


                        • #13
                          Quoth marty View Post
                          It hasn't happened to me lately, but you'd be surprised.
                          Exactly. I don't work in a video store, but if I did, I'd rather answer one stupid question now instead of facing the fury of a pissed-off parent.
                          I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                          Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Juwl View Post
                            The dragon I 'adopted' as a surrogate father, got me a gift card to WalMart for Christmas one year, and I went and spent most of it on God of War, cause, well, I was curious... I showed him the label and asked if it was okay, he said yeah. Got it back to his apartment, and started playing it, and his roommate (female) started watching while I played the bed minigame, and suddenly said, "You really should pay more attention to what your daughter is playing..."
                            Not having checked it out... please explain?
                            When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

