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Wherein I am threatened for not breaking the law (Long)

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  • Wherein I am threatened for not breaking the law (Long)

    So this happened about a year and a half ago. At the time, I was working at the gas station on the base. For the story to make sense, I'm going to have to explain some stuff first.

    I'm in Europe right now. The gas off-base is horrifyingly expensive (at the time of the story, it was around $8 a gallon). However, on base, gas is sold at the average price in America. Our gas, however, is rationed based on the type of car (horsepower and size of engine and whatnot). Most people get 400 liters, which is plenty. Also, you have to prove that you are, in fact, authorized to purchase on base. This prevents the German government from losing money.

    You can also buy gas coupons. You buy, say 100 liters worth of coupons at the American price. You use those to pay at participating gas stations throughout the country. The station sends those coupons in to get the money at their full price. Sale of these coupons is very heavily regulated. You can only buy them at the base you are stationed at, or another base within that country. You cannot go to a base in another European country to buy your coupons.

    Now. The suckiness.

    I was working (as a cashier) with a spineless meek little supervisor. She was in back doing paperwork.
    Cue the sucky customer.

    MDW: Major D***Wad
    Spineless Supervisor

    MDW: *Enters store. He's the only customer.* I need to buy some super coupons. 200 liters. (They are sold based on type of gas).
    Me: Sure, I just need to see your ID and registration please.
    MDW: *Hands me ID and registration from the Netherlands. Oh joy. One of these*
    Me: I'm sorry sir, I can't sell you these coupons. You have to buy them at your home-base.
    MDW: WHAT?? Do you know who I AM??
    Me: *Looking at ID* Um, Major *** ***?
    That's RIGHT! Now sell me those coupons!
    Me: I'm sorry sir, but you aren't authorized to buy them here. According to AFI whatchamacallit (military regulation), gas coupons must be purchased at your home base or another base within that country.
    MDW: I am MAJOR *** ***! And I am in CHARGE of *some group I've never heard of* at *base in the Netherlands*!!
    Me: ...
    MDW: This is f***ing RIDICULOUS! I always buy my coupons here!
    Me: Well sir, I am not allowed to make this transaction. There's nothing more I can say.
    MDW: YOU'RE WRONG!! I want you to show me, in writing where this regulation is!!
    Me: SS, I need you for a minute.
    SS: *Slinks out of the office, I know she's heard everything*
    Me: Will you please get me a copy of AFI whatchamacallit?
    MDW: And hurry the f*** up!
    SS: *disappears into office*
    MDW: F***ing ridiculous! They don't even sell regular gas coupons in the Netherlands? How the f*** am I supposed to get them anywhere else?
    Me: You asked me for super coupons, so that argument isn't even valid.

    I should mention, throughout this entire discussion, MDW was yelling at me and leaning across the counter in a threatening way. Pretty damn scary actually, to little 120 lb female me. But at that point, he got even angrier. He was flat out screaming now, spittle flying from his mouth, face red as a fire truck, fist raised and shaking. He started threatening me, my physical safety and my job, all the time reminding me how important he was at his base. At some point another customer had entered the store, but at that point she disappeared. MDW started demanding a manager (SS was still in the office being useless).

    I called my manager, explained the situation, and put MDW on the phone. MDW proceeded to scream at my manager, threatening me to him. Next thing I knew, 2 Security Forces officers (military cops) walked through the door and told MDW to put down the phone.

    Me: Sir, I've been standing in front of you this entire time. The only time I touched the phone was to call my manager for you. When do you suppose I called them?

    Then the SF intervened and took the guy outside to talk. I told my manager that the SF were here and that I'd call him when it was all over and fill him in, then hung up. One officer took a statement from me. Apparently that other customer had called because she was so concerned. They got here quick because we're not even a 5 minute walk from their station. He was escorted to the SF station and I never saw him again (even though he swore to me that he'd be back to "deal with me"). I filed an official complaint, but I doubt anything was ever done. My manager tried to blame the whole thing on me, saying I handled it badly. I wanted to know why the f*** my supervisor hid in the office the whole time. What good is she if she's not going to deal with anything?? I quit that job soon after.
    Last edited by Belari; 10-26-2008, 04:19 PM. Reason: Forgot to add bolding and italicizing for clarity

  • #2
    Wow, what a berk.

    I know that the military takes a dim view on officers behaving badly as they're supposed to set a good example to the lower ranks.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      wow... that guy puts a new meening to "major pain in the ass"
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Yeah.. There is a breed of officers that are CONVINCED that their feces is without odious content. Unforthunately, most of them are too far up in the ranks to "have a happy accident"...


        • #5
          What a fucking loser. He should be reminded he's not in America anymore and Europeans have different ways of dealing with people like him if word got out about it to the community.


          • #6
            Wow. Assholes shouldn't have that kind of power.
            Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

            Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

            Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


            • #7
              it doesn't matter what your manager says... if the base police feel he was out of line then he was out of line

              either that or next time have the manager break the law for you and get in trouble for it.

              and it sounds like he needed to be reminded that he's working in *service* to the country and that service does not entitle him to be a bully to everyone he runs into.

              And it might not be noticed at your store but... if the MPs get involved, yes his command will know about it and most likely he'll get some bad marks in his record. (and enough of those bad marks and it'll end his career)


              • #8

                I'm an Army brat who remembers those gas coupons from Italy and Germany.

                Kind of surprised he'd be such an a-hole about your not selling him coupons. He's got to know the regs. He can't just order someone to ignore the regs. Army doesn't work that way.

                My guess is, once the MPs got involved, he screwed his Army career. Paperwork gets generated that his CO will see. Meaning it will likely be reflected on his next fitness report.


                • #9
                  AF(RES) officer chiming in. Don't worry 'bout the joker. If the SF's were called, then it was forwarded to his CO and he will get an Article 15 (if not a full 134,) which will guaren-damn-tee that he will retire as a short colonel at most. In the Army, Article 15's are handed out so often that it's almost a black mark not having one. For the Air Force though, for enlistedmen it can be a career-killer and for officers you may never be promoted again. Hell, I knew a guy who had been deep-dipped for captain, bounced a check, it got reported AFTER he made good on it. Still got hit with an Article 15, was removed from the promotable list, half pay for six months, and ended up getting seperated from service 18 months later as a 1LT.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Jack Doe View Post
                    AF(RES) officer
                    Air Force Reserve?
                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                    • #11
                      Quoth crazylegs View Post
                      Air Force Reserve?
                      Got it in one.


                      • #12
                        He should at least get an Article 15 for acting like that.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jack Doe View Post
                          AF(RES) officer chiming in. Don't worry 'bout the joker. If the SF's were called, then it was forwarded to his CO and he will get an Article 15 (if not a full 134,) which will guaren-damn-tee that he will retire as a short colonel at most. In the Army, Article 15's are handed out so often that it's almost a black mark not having one. For the Air Force though, for enlistedmen it can be a career-killer and for officers you may never be promoted again. Hell, I knew a guy who had been deep-dipped for captain, bounced a check, it got reported AFTER he made good on it. Still got hit with an Article 15, was removed from the promotable list, half pay for six months, and ended up getting seperated from service 18 months later as a 1LT.
                          Yikes, well thanks. You just put a smile on my face The guy was the worst kind of EW, so it's nice to know that I had a hand in knocking him down a few pegs


                          • #14
                            Wow, Frank Burns became a real hardass! Musta been the sober realization that he was the worst after all.
                            Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.

