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I have no control over the prices!

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  • I have no control over the prices!

    Had a lady come through my line today, thirty, maybe forty spools of ribbon. I start ringing them up. Third one I scan rings up for $.99.
    L: "Wait, aren't these all four for a dollar?"
    RJ: "Uh... FES S?"
    S: "I'm pretty sure that's only the 'Spool O' Ribbon' ribbon, but call M to make sure."
    RJ: "K. *calls M over to check the prices, he wanders off, and comes back*"
    M: "It's only the one type of ribbon, 'Spool O' Ribbon'."
    L: "But, all these were right under the sign!"
    The sign that says, "Spool O' Ribbon, 4 for $1"?
    M: "I'm sorry, but these other brands aren't on sale."
    L: "I didn't read all that!"
    I'm not surprised.
    M: *shrugs*
    L: "This is bad customer service!"
    RJ: *ker-blink* Since when does pricing have to do with customer service? "I'm sorry, but these other brands aren't on sale."
    blah blah blah.

    Someone else later had me do a price check on some random item, and when I told her the price, she got angry. "But the Orange Apron craft store has them cheaper than you."
    RJ: "I'm sorry. Did you still want to buy it here?"
    "Yes, I need it."
    Thus, why we can charge more
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    GRRRR.......pricing. With some people, if I really had control over prices they would have to take out a second mortgage by the time I was done with them.
    I know nothing and I can prove it!


    • #3
      I work in a fastfood restraunt. People complain to me that the prices for a cup of coffee is cheaper in Tulsa (100 miles or so away). I've always wanted to tell them that if they want to drive a couple of hours to save $.05 go right ahead. Or maybe say " I bet the customers complain less there too"


      • #4
        At my store yesterday, one woman came through my lane with her son and had purchased a box of clementines. There's a sign above the display with the price @ $7.99 clearly marked, but she insisted that they were $4.99. I looked on the box for a price sticker with that price and didn't see one, so she went back and grabbed several with 4.99 stickers. Her teenaged son seemed very frustrated with her, especially when I pointed out the sign above them. I called the head manager to ask him what I should do, since I was leaning towards not giving her the lower price. He gave it to her at the lower price which doesn't shock me a bit since he gives into the customers all the time.


        • #5
          I enjoy it when customers try the but its cheaper card. One pull it in my favorite mom and pop video store. Owner was "Buy it There then..." Course after he left we looked online and it was the USED price that cheaper..


          • #6
            Quoth anyanka2 View Post
            At my store yesterday, one woman came through my lane with her son and had purchased a box of clementines. There's a sign above the display with the price @ $7.99 clearly marked, but she insisted that they were $4.99. I looked on the box for a price sticker with that price and didn't see one, so she went back and grabbed several with 4.99 stickers. Her teenaged son seemed very frustrated with her, especially when I pointed out the sign above them. I called the head manager to ask him what I should do, since I was leaning towards not giving her the lower price. He gave it to her at the lower price which doesn't shock me a bit since he gives into the customers all the time.
            Technically, it is good customer service to honor the lowest marked price on an item unless it's a huge difference. i.e. a $1000 TV marked at $100. All the grocery stores in my area will honor the lowest price on a mispriced item. The person you should complain about is the co-irker who couldn't be bothered to correct the price stickers to match the sign.


            • #7

              I love it when people shriek and curse at me over the price of airline tickets, particularly the fees involved when they want to change a non refundable ticket.

              I had a customer a few years ago who was a total pain in the ass, but I was the only one he'd deal with because everyone else cowered to him and I was the only one who called him on his BS.

              One day he began to rant and bitch about how Delta kept raising their fares, particularly after my city became a large hub city for Delta. I listened for a few minutes and finally said "Doug, if I had any control over these prices, that would mean I'd be a big shot at Delta and sitting in a corner office overlooking the city. What I would *not* be having to do is sit and listen to you complain about it."

              There was brief silence that followed, then hoots of laughter.

              The next day I had a huge vase of flowers delivered from him with a thank you note.
              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


              • #8
                I get SCs like that all the time, we do pre-sales tech support and can tell people the list price (or suggested retail) of an item.

                Me: The list price on that item is $4,495
                SC: But Amazon has it for $400 why is there such a price difference
                Me: Are you sure that is for a new appliance or is that used
                SC: It’s new it says New {insert model number} $400 list price $700
                Me: sir that model is not the same model you just ask me about that is 2 models lower and we have a list price of $545
                SC: But I want the first one I asked you about
                Me: The list price on the first one is $4,495
                SC: Why is it so much more?
                Me: because it can do {insert laundry list of stuff the larger model can do} and the other model can not.
                SC: Now I am confused I am just going to talk to Amazon I think they know more then you
                Me: Well sorry I couldn't help you.

                *Note I work for the manufacturer who is going to know more


                • #9
                  Quoth princess4life View Post
                  SC: Now I am confused I am just going to talk to Amazon I think they know more then you
                  Cheaper=Knows more.

                  I have been told that about AutoZone, CSK auto parts, Napa, etc.

                  That's right, the indies know more than the dealer.
                  I know nothing and I can prove it!


                  • #10
                    This reminds me of the group of woman who came up to me a few weeks ago with one of our larger dog beds. There were a few small holes on one side of it. They wanted me to give them a discount on it. I told them there was no way I could authorize a discount because one I was not on a register (we were out on the floor as far from the registers as possible) and two even if I were on one I was not a manger and did not have the power to do so. I proceeded to tell them that it was very doubtful that any manger would give a discount on the bed.

                    They weren't too happy. They went on about how it was the last bed of that size yadda yadda yadda. I again told them there was nothing I could and left. I found out later on that a few minutes before they had tried the same thing with the associate in Pets and that the dog bed they had was far from the last one on the shelves.
                    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry

