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You can use the store phone, NOT my cell!

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  • You can use the store phone, NOT my cell!

    A woman with a little boy asked me if she could use the store phone. No problem. I walk her over to it, get an outside line, ask her the number and dial it for her (to ensure no long distance calls). All is well.

    A very short time later I go on my 15 minute break. I usually sit outside on my breaks so I can get out of the store for a bit. A number of employees take their smoke break on some benches right by the door. When entering or exiting our store, these employees would be the first you see. I sat on a small ledge about 20 feet away from the store entrance on the complete opposite side than where the benches and smokers are located. I was basically hidden behind the carts we keep in the cart corral outside. I hope that makes sense. Usually no one bothers me there.

    I needed to call my mom, so broke out the cell phone and was chatting away. I vaguely hear someone talking but don't see them. Not unusual though, it's usually someone getting a cart from this end rather than the end directly by store entrance. The voice I hear is just white noise and I pay no attention. Then I hear "Snobby ass bitch can't talk to me?".

    Well, now I'm very curious. So I turn my head and spot the woman I let use the store phone roughly 6 or 7 feet away standing there staring at me. I wonder who she is talking to as I don't spot anyone else around. Our conversation is as follows,

    SC: Can I use your phone? I been asking you!
    Me: (confused) I'm using my phone right now.
    SC: Can I use it? I need to call a cab.
    Me: I'm on my phone and I need to use it. The store will let you use the phone again.

    Her side of the conversation after that was mostly name calling with a few "I'll kick your ass" lines thrown in. I went back to my phone conversation. I was getting really pissed. Then I hear again how I'm a snobby ass bitch for not letting her use my phone. I turn to her and say "How can I let you use my phone when I'm using it? You can use the store phone!"

    She then tells her son to c'mon, they will find another phone to use since (insert mild racial slur) won't let them use her phone to call the cab. They walk off in the opposite direction of my store. I felt bad for the little kid actually. He never muttered a sound the whole time and just looked used to this kind of thing.

    1: I don't let strangers use my phone unless they appear to be in a state of emergency.

    1A: The last time I let a stranger use my phone, they asked me to stop touching my (at the time) 5 year old son's shoulder as it "bothered" them. I said no and they walked away. They almost left with my phone until I said loudly "I Need my phone back if you're leaving!". I assumed they were trying to steal it and that was the end of my phone lending days.

    2. The store phone wasn't that far away. The customer service phone is right inside the entrance of the store.

    3. She already knew she could use the store phone as I was the one who let her use the store phone a short time ago.

    4. Why would I let someone use my phone who just insulted me?

    5. Why didn't she ask or go to any number of the employees who were outside smoking on the other side? Certainly possible I just didn't see her do this, but I asked a few people I knew sitting outside and they said no one asked them to use their cell phones. So she came looking for me?

    Seriously, what the hell?
    "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
    George Carlin

  • #2
    Quoth Whyme View Post
    4. Why would I let someone use my phone who just insulted me?
    She sounds like one weird freak all right. Get your own phone hag!!
    It's been a long, long, long, long time...


    • #3
      What a complete idiot and bitch.
      Seriously? I mean, come on, lady. Does she think she's entitled to use anyone's phone for any reason any time?
      I don't let people use my phone. I don't trust anybody for anything. I'd really take it as rude if a stranger asked to use my phone, unless they were recently missing a limb or something.

      What a good Mom she is. "Now remember little Johnny, other people's possessions are yours to use if you need them. And don't feel like you have to be nice when asking, either.

      Here's a good candidate to be fired out of a cannon and into the sun.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        I'm so sorry to hear about that. What an entitlement whore idiot.

        I think if I was in your situation as soon as I was threatened with physical harm I would have gotten store security involved. She needed a hard lesson on personal property versus store property. Yes, you let her use the store phone this does not give her any right to think she can use your personal phone as well. She got off too easy. I hope her son learns right from someone else.


        • #5
          My only question is: Can I use your phone, Whyme?


          • #6
            I would be suspicious of this situation. She knew she could use the store phone, but wanted yours. I would never let someone use it - who knows what they are calling for....
            "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


            • #7
              Quoth Angry_Hippie View Post
              I'm so sorry to hear about that. What an entitlement whore idiot.

              I think if I was in your situation as soon as I was threatened with physical harm I would have gotten store security involved. She needed a hard lesson on personal property versus store property. Yes, you let her use the store phone this does not give her any right to think she can use your personal phone as well. She got off too easy. I hope her son learns right from someone else.
              Sorry, our nationwide corporate chain whose owners are billonaires can't afford store security.

              We had one useless LP. He read magazines, he chatted, he broke undercover role to help customers and cashiers, he even found time to make out with one of our new cashiers in the frozen section. He did quite a bit, except catch shoplifters.

              Last Friday he was transferred to a different store. He can't understand why . The big Smiley face corporation, in its infinite wisdom, has decided we don't need a LP officer or any kind of security. My theory, and just my theory mind you, is if the LP guy had actually taken time to CATCH the thieves walking out the front door with a cart load of groceries or the ones who run behind the CS desk, grab cigs and run, then maybe corporate would see we need quite a few LPs.

              I'm used to the entitlement whores, but wanting my phone and threatening me for it was a new one.
              "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
              George Carlin


              • #8
                Poor Whyme

                I just have no words for her calling you names....

                Ugh, reminds me of a time I was pushing a shopping cart behind this woman who was on her cell phone. Earlier I passed her by as she waited behind some people, and she told the person on the phone how people don't know how to move. she had her 8-10 year old son in the basket (the part where you put the food, not the seat).

                Anyway, I pass her by when she stops to get some sodas and since I'm the only person in the aisle I hear her say to her phone-friend "someone was going to hit me with her basket" with this attitude. I wasn't really close to her, so I don't know what she was thinking. But she kept on going on about how some people have no patients. I turn to her and say "You're crazy" and she says, "Yeah, I am crazy." Wow, what an accomplishment. I tell her she was full of shit.

                I really never get these entitlement whores. I just don't know how anyone can be so hateful.

                Honestly, this story is making me mad. How could someone go up to a stranger and not only curse-out the stranger but act like she's entitled to used the stranger's property.
                Last edited by depechemodefan; 04-30-2008, 01:17 AM.
                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                I wish porn had subtitles.


                • #9
                  My cell phone is that. It is MINE. My family and friends can use it. And if you are a stranger and it is an emergency, then you can use it. But I dial 911 for you.
                  Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                  San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                  • #10
                    This happened to a co worker of mine:

                    Some guy comes into the place claiming he was stranded, run out of gas and asked to use our phone. My co worker lets him use his cell. The guy calls someone and proceeds to hold a casual conversation. No mention of being stranded or out of gas just chatting with someone on the other end. It was about forty five seconds of this that my co worker said "dude, gimme back my phone!"

                    I don't like your attitude!
                    Yeah? Well you're not EATING my attitude!


                    • #11
                      SC: "name calling etc...."

                      reply: "and you think name calling will work? get your own phone."


                      • #12
                        I don't let ANYONE use my phone. Those minutes cost. Don't like it? Go call someone who cares on someone else's phone.

                        Insulting me that I won't let you use my phone while I'm in the middle of a conversation? HAHAHAHA bitch I wouldn't even HEAR you I have the phone up to my only working ear!!!

                        If I did happen to hear you threaten me? You and your kid better be able to run faster than me. I will knock you down and hold you till the cops can come and arrest you for menacing.


                        • #13
                          My phone doesn't leave my hot little hands. It's MY phone, it's MY phone bill, and it's MY sensitive information stored on said phone. No you can't have it, no you can't touch it, NO.

                          If you're having an emergency, I'll happily make the call for you. Need 911? I'll do that. Need a cab? I'll do that. But I am not handing you my phone. I might as well just be giving you my wallet.

                          If it's someone I know and trust, that's different, of course. But with something small and easily stealable like that? Nuh uh, not handing it to a stranger.

                          That's if they're NICE. If they're snobby, insulting jerks...

                          Well, I work security. It's within my job purvue to kick them the hell off the property for being like that.
                          Check out my webcomic!


                          • #14
                            The amount of people that just expect me to hand them my phone in the bar is ridiculous.

                            We don't let anyone use the bar phone unless it is an emergancy, we don't even let them use it for taxis, mainly because most of them are drunk and don't bother getting into the cabs when they turn up, which means we are blacklisted. There's a payphone outside, they can use that.

                            One SC was having a fight with her boyfriend over the phone, and ran out of credit. She walked up to me and said "Give me your phone!" Uh...fuck off bitch.


                            • #15
                              geh, she's rude, interrrupts you and insults you and still expects a 'favor?'

                              get bent, stupid wench; i pay the bills for this phone and am not obligated to let you use it.

                              keep bothering me and you'll get more than just a brushoff...
                              look! it's ghengis khan!
                              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

