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A journey into Stupid

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  • A journey into Stupid

    Yesterday was idiot day. Balls to the walls idiocy. Here:

    M: moron. Different moronic conversations seperated by space.

    M: (on the phone) Hey, can you guys tell me if you have Resident Evil 4 for the PS2?
    Me: Hold on one second, let me check.
    M: Okay, thanks for your help! -click-

    M: -holding up a case with a gigantic $39.99 promotional sticker on the front- How much is this?

    M: -pointing to the label and reading the price silently to herself before she looks at me- How much is that?

    (Noting here that our store is located across the parking lot from Walmart, and that you have to pass the Walmart and all its signs to get to our store)
    M: Can you tell me how to get to Walmart?

    M: -pointing to our sign that says, "Wiis now in stock!"- So do you guys have Wiis in stock?

    AND the kicker, the one that made me want to just give myself a lobotomy:

    M: So I read online that you can't steal cars in the new grand theft auto, is that true?
    Me: No man, someone was probably just trying to mess with people.
    M: Well I don't believe you, I get all of my info off the net.
    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    Quoth marty View Post
    M: So I read online that you can't steal cars in the new grand theft auto, is that true?
    Me: No man, someone was probably just trying to mess with people.
    M: Well I don't believe you, I get all of my info off the net.
    He also gets his relationship advice from
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      Question: Is it possible for brain cells to commit mass suicide in order to avoid the pain that they have been assaulted with?
      "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

      Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


      • #4
        Quoth marty View Post
        M: So I read online that you can't steal cars in the new grand theft auto, is that true?
        Me: No man, someone was probably just trying to mess with people.
        M: Well I don't believe you, I get all of my info off the net.
        The truth is out there, somewhere... but just not there where that customer looked

        What is it with teh Internet being the source of all truth and wisdom nowadays?


        • #5
          Quoth LoneWolf View Post
          The truth is out there, somewhere... but just not there where that customer looked

          What is it with teh Internet being the source of all truth and wisdom nowadays?
          But I read it on Wikipedia . . . that means it's true.
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #6
            Quoth Trayol View Post
            Question: Is it possible for brain cells to commit mass suicide in order to avoid the pain that they have been assaulted with?
            I think so, because I feel a whole hell of a lot dumber than I did a day ago.
            Would you like a Stummies?


            • #7
              Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
              But I read it on Wikipedia . . . that means it's true.
              Of course it does.

              intarwebs > real people who know better
              Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



              • #8
                Apathy, is your comic strip based on a store that begins with an M, by any chance? Because my uniform definitely consists of a red polo, khakis, and a nametag with my name/store name/I Can Help!, and the managers definitely wear blue shirts.

                To the OP: I can't believe someone actually thought that the next GTA wouldn't involve car theft...


                • #9
                  Quoth Trayol View Post
                  Question: Is it possible for brain cells to commit mass suicide in order to avoid the pain that they have been assaulted with?
                  Yes. Yes it is.

                  Read some of GK's and Phone Jockey's posts.

                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Question: Is it possible for brain cells to commit mass suicide in order to avoid the pain that they have been assaulted with?
                    while it is possible, as becky points out, we don't want this to happen, simply because we'd possess their level of intelligence.

                    i prefer to keep my brain as intact as possible; helps me to cope better.
                    look! it's ghengis khan!
                    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                    • #11
                      Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                      But I read it on Wikipedia . . . that means it's true.
                      [Dr. Cox] So, rather than do chemotherapy you've decided you want to cure your cancer by eating raw onions because you read it on Wikipedia? [/Dr Cox]


                      • #12
                        Quoth Trayol View Post
                        Question: Is it possible for brain cells to commit mass suicide in order to avoid the pain that they have been assaulted with?
                        I truely believe that stupidity is contageous and intelligence is not. I keep telling my supervisor that we need to start getting hazzard pay due to the amount of stupidity we deal with. No luck so far.

