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Ninjas in the Heartland

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  • Ninjas in the Heartland

    So this SC was not my customer, but I happened to be at the Customer Service Desk when it happened and was just floored by the sheer stupidity of this guy.

    BG: Our store has a cutlery shop where we sell everything from your basic pocket knife to those giant 'movie' swords from all the LOTR and Ninja movies. They're for DISPLAY!

    Me: My braincells hurt from this one
    SDW: My poor service desk co-worker
    Ninja: Undercover midwest ninja (24 years old, bad skin, very out of shape, no hope for a date with a real girl EVER)
    AM: My poor Assistant Manager

    Me: **just minding my own business checking computer stock levels**
    Ninja: 'Uhhh, yeah. I want to return this sword. It doesn't work.'
    SDW: 'Okay, do you have your receipt?'
    Me: **slowly turns around at the mention of a 'sword not working' to watch the fun**
    Ninja: Hands over receipt.
    SDW: 'And what, exactly, is wrong with the item?'
    Ninja: 'I tried using it and it got all scratched and bent'
    SDW: 'What do you mean you used it? You used it on somebody?'
    Ninja: 'Nawww, my buddies and I were practicing with one of their wooden swords and this stupid thing got scratched and bent with only a few strikes.'

    This might be a good time to add that this was a display katana sword. As in, you spend another 49.99 and get a cheesy decorated 'faux wood' display stand to show off your sword and impress your friends (who will also probably never have a date with anything more substantial than a sock)

    SDW: 'Ummm... just a minute, I'm going to need a manager.'
    ...couple minutes pass as AM is paged
    AM: 'Hello, sir. I understand you have a problem with your item' **slides katana out of wooden sheath and it is bent and scratched to crap** 'What did you do to it?!?!'
    Ninja: 'I was just practicing with friends. They have those Wooden swords and we were just practicing and after a couple of hits, it got all bent up.'
    AM: 'Hooo-kay. Sir, do you realize that this sword is for display only?'
    Ninja: 'The guy upstairs said we could use it'
    Me: **wherein I lose all ability to stifle my laughter knowing full well that NO associate upstairs would EVER recommend actually using it, period, and turn back to the computer**
    AM: 'Okay, sir. I'll go ahead and return it for you this time, but know that our swords are not for use, they are for display only, should you decide to get any more.'
    Ninja: 'Alright. I can get a real one off the internet for cheaper anyway.'
    Me: **runs to back room and starts crying with laughter at this idjit**
    Last edited by MiddleofNowhere; 07-15-2008, 03:14 PM. Reason: misspelling
    Just to cut off any helpful suggestions: This woman was not blind, nor disabled. She was just a bitch. - Boozy

  • #2
    Quoth MiddleofNowhere View Post
    Ninja: 'Alright. I can a real one off the internet for cheaper anyway.'
    Me: **runs to back room and starts crying with laughter at this idjit**
    I wish him all the luck he deserves with that.
    The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


    • #3
      despite the fact that he was an idiot using a display only sword for practice...

      i like to collect swords like that and i can get dates all i want, tyvm.

      (in fact, has a fiance)


      • #4
        Apologies to CorDarei (and any other sword collectors)!

        My comments were related to a strange subset of folks who come in and drool over the swords, usually accompanied by comments of how many aliens they could kill with it!

        I meant no offense!
        Just to cut off any helpful suggestions: This woman was not blind, nor disabled. She was just a bitch. - Boozy


        • #5
          hehe. just wanted to make sure

          tho i much prefer spears <_< .. >_> .. <_< .. ^_^

          yah, i'm glad i don't get to see that subset of people very often. tho one of the short swords i got is very sharp and could cut someone.


          • #6
            A *major* idiot with a real sword..... yeah I'll be watching the news for him. Cripes, my 13 year old, who has sais from his dojo in his room, has more sense.

            "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


            • #7
              My house is filled with swords/daggers/sharp things. Lord help any burglar that ever comes in. They better have a gun and be out of arm's reach.

              Also, I don't know what I'm going to do with it all when we have a kid running around. Let them skewer themselves once and learn a valuable lesson, I guess.
              Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



              • #8
                It's medieval weaponry for me. I have daggers, swords, mace, an axe, a suit of armor and just to mix it up... two of these.

                My kids never had a problem with them. In fact when my son was 4 and my daughter 1 he worried so much about the swords on the walls and his little sister that we took them down for a time for his peace of mind. Now they're 10 and 13 and they know damn well they don't touch a thing unless we allow it and that all hell will break loose if they let a friend touch anything.

                "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                • #9
                  Cheaper for a real one... I don't think so

                  Quoth MiddleofNowhere View Post
                  Ninja: 'Alright. I can get a real one off the internet for cheaper anyway.'
                  Me: **runs to back room and starts crying with laughter at this idjit**
                  The cheapest I have ever seen a weapons grade katana was $10,500 and that was for a pretty basic sword. If you wanted something that looked reasonably nice it was $25,000 as the starting price with the sky as the limit.

                  Good luck with that internet sword.
                  "The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents."
                  - Nathaniel Borenstein


                  • #10
                    Quoth Darkmage View Post
                    The cheapest I have ever seen a weapons grade katana was $10,500 and that was for a pretty basic sword. If you wanted something that looked reasonably nice it was $25,000 as the starting price with the sky as the limit.

                    Good luck with that internet sword.
                    Dunno about that, here's where I like shopping . Whilst they're not sharps, they're meant for re-enactment, they do use them in full contact tourneys (some videos on the site) that and for collecting they're much more unusual than the Japanese swords.
                    Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                    • #11
                      We have broken more than our fair share of those out in the field. That cheap steel snaps faster than Paris Hilton in jail.

                      Let me see he was probably fighting a friend with a boken,, he probably blocked with the side el-cheapo sword and got it bent. Being that the sword was made of cheap shiny steel and not decent steel he could not bend it back for fear of snapping the blade. He could have done more damage with the sheath and it probably would have been more durable.

                      He should take look into the Society for Creative Anacronism, Kendo, or Fencing. All of them would teach him what a real sword looked like, and how to use one properly. Also... these clubs always are in need of newbs to beat on.

                      If you want a real good laugh tell him to buy one of those $100 light sabers. Yea... He could defend his friends wooden swords with the power of the force. :rofl:
                      Last edited by MTNLaurelPoacher; 07-15-2008, 05:41 PM.
                      "Wow, that has to be the best genital analogy EVER. "


                      • #12
                        Cold Steel sells &quot;real&quot; swords

                        Quoth Darkmage View Post
                        The cheapest I have ever seen a weapons grade katana was $10,500 and that was for a pretty basic sword. If you wanted something that looked reasonably nice it was $25,000 as the starting price with the sky as the limit.


                        They are not antique Samurai swords, but functional modern weapons. Prices in the $750.00 range and up. They also make various other style swords and bladed weapons.

                        Doesn't make this customer any less of a mall ninja, but the real thing is available, and it is possible to find experts that will train you.


                        • #13
                          Soo..err... anyone know where I can get a good quality Jian that isn't a friggin' crap ass Green Destiny replica?


                          • #14
                            Quoth MTNLaurelPoacher View Post

                            Let me see he was probably fighting a friend with a boken,, he probably blocked with the side el-cheapo sword and got it bent. Being that the sword was made of cheap shiny steel and not decent steel he could not bend it back for fear of snapping the blade. He could have done more damage with the sheath and it probably would have been more durable.

                            He should take look into the Society for Creative Anacronism, Kendo, or Fencing. All of them would teach him what a real sword looked like, and how to use one properly. Also... these clubs always are in need of newbs to beat on.

                            I'm a member of the SCA... and I can say with absolute certainty that that dumbass who thought a cheap display sword would work, would get his ass MULCHED, even with the Heavies going easy on him. And they would. Heck, the KIDS of the Heavies would mulch him. My roommate is a Heavy. I can barely pick up his armour bag and I'm a strong girl. Not to mention that I have no idea how to swing a sword without injuring myself Brandish, yes, swing no. Send him my way. Edmonton's Heavy Fighter Central!
                            "FUCK NO I DON'T WANT YOUR FREAKY ALIEN MOTHERSHIP ORANGES. " - Cookiesaur

                            Munkie's NaNo WC: 9648


                            • #15
                              Quoth ASM826 View Post

                              They are not antique Samurai swords, but functional modern weapons. Prices in the $750.00 range and up. They also make various other style swords and bladed weapons.

                              Doesn't make this customer any less of a mall ninja, but the real thing is available, and it is possible to find experts that will train you.
                              Ooooh, nice!

                              I, personally, was going to recommend Hanwei. They do everything from display pieces to $3200 L6-steel blades that are weapons, not reproductions.
                              Last edited by JustADude; 07-16-2008, 01:18 AM.
                              ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi

