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  • Coupons...

    So tonight starts off like any other night. I go to work and step in the door fully prepared to be irritated out of my mind by assinine questions from managers who don't know how to do their job, co-workers who don't care if they do their job, and customers who complete the cycle of turning a night at a combined KFC and Taco Bell Drive Thru window into my own personal 7th level of Hell.

    Over the course of the night a total of about 4 people come through who all want this 8 piece special that KFC has going on with a coupon making the price for the meal $13.79 instead of $17.99 (we're proud of our chicken at this store.)

    Now that's not a big deal, if a person has the common sense to order food the way that they should. But the first one that stands out in memory who had the coupon forgets to mention that they had the coupon. Somewhere in the 15 second drive from the little box that my voice comes out of and the actual window where I get to see what idiot I just had the "pleasure" of speaking to, (which amazingly takes some people up to 5 minutes to complete, when we aren't busy XD,) they realize that they have a coupon which they intended on using. This means that when they finally finish crossing the mini-sahara desert and arrive at the lucious window oasis which they then pollute the air of with the heat from outside (as well as multiple noxious odors, some of which I'm sure should have a surgeon general's warning floating in the middle of them,) i have to hunt down a manager. Now this is sometimes an incredible game of cat and mouse in which i can search the entire store twice and never catch sight of my prey until i get back to where i started. Thankfully we had three managers in the store this time and I immediately spotted one of them. I then have to get a little magical green card to swipe in the register multiple times as I delete the order so that I can ring the exact thing up again only cheaper.

    Again, this happens. It's no big deal. I understand. I have a bad memory too.

    So three orders down the line another person does the exact same thing.

    And I repeat the procees.

    20 minutes later a third person comes through and orders yet another 8 piece meal and forgets to mention the coupon. As they arrive at the window I begin to recieve the looks of death that let me know someone isn't happy about something. They begin to question me about why their food is so expensive when they ordered the special. And I ask "What special did you want? Because I can assure you, if you ordered any special it would be on my screen and rung up right."

    Im then verbally assaulted and told that they did order the special and they produce the mystical $13.79 coupon (which im tired of seeing by this point.)

    So I once again find a manager. This time it's a little harder than the first two, as the good managers have left by this point and all I have to work with now is the manager who has to ask me how to punch the inventory into the computer and what to do when anything at all goes wrong in the store beyond her limited capacity for understanding.

    And then later on a person comes through with yet another Satan Special for $13.79. But this one is a little more intelligent and tells me they have the coupon as they place the order. Or at least thats what I thought. As well as the special they also ask for a few things from Taco Hell. And upon arrival at the window I begin being hammered again with the stare of 1000 daggers. They then proceed to complain about the price and why it's so expensive when they ordered the special. So I begin to think that maybe I missed one. Maybe i forgot to hit the coupon button and rang up a regular 8 piece.

    So I look at the screen and immediately begin to smile.

    Plain as day, next to the 8 piece it says $13.79.

    And below it are the prices for the things from Taco Bell and the extra sides from KFC.

    I then begin to make myself feel better about the whole night as I don my worst smart-ass attitude and begin telling them each item on the order, the price, and the tax added on, finishing up with a grand total of the exact same number which I told them was the price to start with. I attempt to use my tone of voice to convey the thought of "it costs this much money because you ordered $13.79 worth of extra items, MA'AM!"

    And I giggle to myself as they realize that they just don't know how to count, pay for their meal and drive away.

    Sometimes, just sometimes, there is a silver lining on the storm clouds.

  • #2
    If I have a coupon, I go inside. I know that I will forget about it, if I went in the drive Thru
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      Archamedes, have you been reading a lot of GK... because you are getting his sense of sarcasm and hatred towards humanity...
      I LIKE IT
      your post is almost poetic, so all I'll add is
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Dude. I didn't know you had it so bad last night. We seriously need to co-write a book about the crazy things that happen at KFC/Taco Bell.


        • #5
          If the food is so damn expensive, why are they there? Maybe they should drive their fat asses to a grocery store to buy some bologna and bread.
          Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


          • #6
            Gah, I hate people who don't tell you about coupons at the beginning of an order, not that I ever really delt with them. I mostly have to deal with my mother and father who I have to always remind that we're using a coupon for our meal and to tell the poor fastfood slave first thing instead of up at the window.
            Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


            • #7

              This has nothing to do with drive through. But is a KFC Coupon question. How come, EVERY time I print a coupon of the KFC web site, the people at the local restaurant don't know how to handle it? They always ask a manager who punches in a magic code and the coupon works.

              Not a sucky situation, but I always know it will take a couple extra minutes to process. It has gotten to the point where I tell the counter person to page the manager because by the time I am through, we will need them.
              If ultimately you let the people that fuck you over decide your attitude then they won.


              • #8
                Ah, the evil coupon.

                I used to work at a pizza place (and FYI if you don't have a coupon for pizza you are getting ripped off.) Anyway, many times, every day, I'd ring up some joker who wouldn't produce the coupon until after the transaction was in the register. Of course you get into the habit of asking for them and that takes care of most of it, but sure enough there are dolts out there who will answer right to your face, "No coupon" who will have an epiphany 10 seconds later as one magically appears in their pocket.

                The only cool thing about the evil coupon is it's inherent ability to enable embezzelment. Customer w/o coupon buys his stuff at full price, leaves, you ring up the over-charge with a coupon and pocket the difference. Just an exercise in feasability, I swear....
                Hmm...more zombies than usual...


                • #9
                  Ha ha ha, I'm such a jerk about coupons, and I didn't even realize!

                  Normally when the coupon is something like "Make this specific meal cheaper," I tell people as I order, but if I'm in some sort of restaurant setting, or a setting where the coupon is "$5 off yo' order no matter what" then I provide it at the end.

                  This always makes me feel like James Bond.

                  Nice Workers: Your total comes to $15.76
                  Me: NOT TODAY! I have... a COUPON (Pa-shwing!)
                  Nice Workers: My eyes! Augh! I have been defeated by your discount!
                  Me: ah-HA!
                  Nice Workers: Glorious! Now it is only $10.45. You are the victor!


                  Victory: Player 1

                  I dunno, that's always the feeling I get. Maybe (apparently) I should knock it off.
                  If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Eben56 View Post

                    This has nothing to do with drive through. But is a KFC Coupon question. How come, EVERY time I print a coupon of the KFC web site, the people at the local restaurant don't know how to handle it? They always ask a manager who punches in a magic code and the coupon works.

                    Not a sucky situation, but I always know it will take a couple extra minutes to process. It has gotten to the point where I tell the counter person to page the manager because by the time I am through, we will need them.
                    Sounds like it's a coupon that isnt in the system. We get that a lot with the web site coupons. We only have certain specials saved in the computer at a given time. And in order to actually alter the price of a regular menu item you need a managers password. The much faster, as well as easier method is to get a manager's card (or already have it in your pocket, as is often the case with me,) which you then swipe through the register and use to bypass the password completely by simply taking a dollar off until the price is right. Or, there is the other option which is even faster, which is to simply think of something which is the same price as the item on the coupon and ring that up instead. As you ring it up you tell the person packing the order for you what it really is rather than what the screen says and then it's just a done deal.

                    I speculate that the coupon isn't in the system because the store is a franchise rather than corporate. Pretty sure the corporate stores are on point about their specials. But it's not the resposibility of The KFC Corporation to inform every company which pays them a licensing fee to use the KFC name and products (although if the coupons HAVE to be honored I think that it should be.)

                    Hope I helped. Next time you go through, ask if they are franchise or corporate. No wait. Don't do that. The person working the window probably won't know the answer. They would have to go get a manager. And to be honest, I can think of at least one of our managers at the store I work at who couldn't answer that question if asked.

                    Anyway, hope I helped a little. And once again, this is all just what it sounds like to me.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Balgram View Post
                      Ha ha ha, I'm such a jerk about coupons, and I didn't even realize!

                      Normally when the coupon is something like "Make this specific meal cheaper," I tell people as I order, but if I'm in some sort of restaurant setting, or a setting where the coupon is "$5 off yo' order no matter what" then I provide it at the end.

                      This always makes me feel like James Bond.

                      Nice Workers: Your total comes to $15.76
                      Me: NOT TODAY! I have... a COUPON (Pa-shwing!)
                      Nice Workers: My eyes! Augh! I have been defeated by your discount!
                      Me: ah-HA!
                      Nice Workers: Glorious! Now it is only $10.45. You are the victor!


                      Victory: Player 1

                      I dunno, that's always the feeling I get. Maybe (apparently) I should knock it off.
                      Dude, you would soooooooo piss me off if you did that to me. I'd be up here ranting about you for sure.

                      I don't even want to think about the things i would say to you.

